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Release Notes > Microsoft Teams - Direct Routing
Release Notes

RingCentral for Microsoft Teams - Direct Routing

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral for Microsoft Teams - Direct Routing.
Version 24.1
Release Date: 4 March 2024
New Features
  • Introduced the following features:
    • Direct routing (DR) 2.0 setup support for Microsoft PIM-enabled admins
    • Alternate form of authentication using Azure Active Directory instead of OAuth
    • Migration tool in direct routing to upload user list in a pre-defined format
  • Failed error state messages improved by adding more details on the issue and how to resolve it  
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an error where customers in the UK encountered call forwarding issues in Teams by adding +44 to their SBC
Version 23.4
Release Date: 10 December 2023
New Features
  • Introduced the following features:
    • Supports customers in APAC regions (EU, US, APAC)
    • Supports many RC Admin Portal connections to a single Azure AD environment
    • Update to allow downgraded Azure AD permissions at the Account level (connecting and disconnecting users)
    • Revision of communication logic between JWL and MTP, to enable faster deployments
    • Persistent Gateway refactor
Version 23.3.2
Release Date: 17 September 2023
New Features
  • Introduced the following features:
    • Migration Tool - allows current Cloud PBX customers to migrate to the new native Direct Routing
    • Added Audit Logging for Migration types
    • Supports Embedded App in Companion mode for Direct Routing customers
    • Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 23.2 (GA)
Release Date: 11 June 2023
New Features
  • Introduced the following features:
    • Enabled Teams end users using single RingCentral Digital License
    • Small bug fixes and enhancements
Version 23.1.2
Release Date: 17 March 2023
New Features
  • Introduced the following features:
    • Nomadic 911 - send emergency calls through RingCentral using Teams location settings
    • Sync History updates between RC and Teams
Version 23.1
Release Date: 9 March 2023
New Features
  • Introduced the following features:
    • Admin Portal Interface for Connecting/Disconnecting MS Teams enabled end users
    • Initial User Provisioning in RingCentral Admin Portal (asynchronous, PowerShell)
    • Sync Connection Logging with success and error metrics
    • Single/Multiple/Bulk Enablement of RC - Teams end users
    • Audit Logging - installation, connection and disconnection requests
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