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Release Notes > Microsoft Teams - Direct Routing
Release Notes

RingCentral for Microsoft Teams - Direct Routing

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral for Microsoft Teams - Direct Routing.
Version 24.4
Release date: December 16, 2024
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Updated voicemail settings: Admins can indicate if users should receive voicemail in the Microsoft Teams or RingCentral app from the user’s device settings in the Admin Portal.
  • Dial plan normalization rule: An updated dial plan rule to help resolve conference call issues. 
  • Support for Microsoft 365 Government (G)  and Frontline (F) license types
  • Customized presence sync: Admins can select the call behavior for users who are offline in Microsoft Teams to help resolve call queue and voicemail issues.
Version 24.3
Release date: September 20, 2024
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Support of Global RingEX: Admins can set up  Direct Routing for users on Global RingEX accounts,  increasing the reach of this solution worldwide. 
  • Reduced permission scope: The Microsoft permission scope required to set up Direct Routing for an account has been reduced
  • Support for Limited Extensions: Direct Routing can be set up on Limited Extensions in the Admin Portal. Admins can also use the migration tool to move the Limited Extensions from CloudPBX 1.0 to Direct Routing 2.0.
  • User presence will be displayed correctly for Call Queues and NICE inContact MaxAgent (Controlled Availability) by updating the Call Queue number type to Voice-only. 
  • Improvements to the Call Queues and voicemail features when a user is in an offline  Microsoft Teams Call Queue
Version 24.1
Release date: March 4, 2024
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Direct routing (DR) 2.0 setup support for Microsoft PIM-enabled admins
  • Alternate form of authentication using Azure Active Directory instead of OAuth
  • Migration tool in direct routing to upload user list in a pre-defined format
  • Failed error state messages improved by adding more details on the issue and how to resolve it  
Bug fixes
  • Fixed an error where customers in the UK encountered call forwarding issues in Teams by adding +44 to their SBC
Version 23.4
Release date: December 10, 2023
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Supports customers in APAC regions (EU, US, APAC)
  • Supports many RC Admin Portal connections to a single Azure AD environment
  • Update to allow downgraded Azure AD permissions at the Account level (connecting and disconnecting users)
  • Revision of communication logic between JWL and MTP, to enable faster deployments
  • Persistent Gateway refactor
Version 23.3.2
Release date: September 17, 2023
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Migration Tool - allows current Cloud PBX customers to migrate to the new native Direct Routing
  • Added Audit Logging for Migration types
  • Supports Embedded App in Companion mode for Direct Routing customers
  • Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 23.2 (GA)
Release date: June 11, 2023
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Enabled Teams end users using single RingCentral Digital License
  • Small bug fixes and enhancements
Version 23.1.2
Release date: March 17, 2023
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Nomadic 911 - send emergency calls through RingCentral using Teams location settings
  • Sync History updates between RC and Teams
Version 23.1
Release date: March 9, 2023
What's new

Introduced the following features:

  • Admin Portal Interface for Connecting/Disconnecting MS Teams enabled end users
  • Initial User Provisioning in RingCentral Admin Portal (asynchronous, PowerShell)
  • Sync Connection Logging with success and error metrics
  • Single/Multiple/Bulk Enablement of RC - Teams end users
  • Audit Logging - installation, connection and disconnection requests
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