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Upgrading RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Video

Last updated on February 14, 2023

Table of contents

If you currently use RingCentral Meetings, we’ll be upgrading your account to RingCentral Video.

Admin tasks

Complete the required steps so that users don’t lose their scheduled video meetings in the transition.

Before transferring to RingCentral Video

Download cloud meeting recordings

The RingCentral app replaces the standalone RingCentral Meetings app. To make sure your users save any recorded meetings they’d like to keep, instruct them to log in to their RingCentral online account to download the desired recordings
Note: Once the transition to RingCentral Video is complete, you won't be able to access your previous cloud meeting recordings.

Moving your users’ previously scheduled meetings to RingCentral Video

Downloading and running the Calendar Migration Tool

The Calendar Migration Tool lets admins bulk-update scheduled RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Video invitations for all users.
Direct download links for the Calendar Migration Tool:
More information about the Calendar Migration Tool:
  • If the URL for a meeting changes, the calendar migration tool may not update the invitation.
  • For meeting invitations reported in the audit log as “failed to update,” inform the meeting owner to update the invitation to RingCentral Video manually. 
  • After you upgrade your entire account to RingCentral Video, the admin should rerun the RingCentral calendar migration tool to catch any outstanding meetings that still have RingCentral Meetings dial-in information.

Switching your video service in the RingCentral app

To complete your migration from RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Video, make sure you are using RingCentral Video as your video service in the RingCentral app.

User tasks

Before transferring to RingCentral Video

Download cloud meeting recordings

The RingCentral app replaces the standalone RingCentral Meetings app. To make sure you save any recorded meetings you’d like to keep, log in to your RingCentral online account and download the desired recordings.

After upgrading to RingCentral Video

Move your scheduled recurring meetings to RingCentral Video

To ensure you don’t lose important meetings, you’ll need to update them to include the new RingCentral Video dial-in phone numbers and meeting IDs.

Switch your video service in the RingCentral app

Getting started with RingCentral Video

Read these articles to get the most out of RingCentral Video.
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