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Desktop & web

Using the live transcription feature in the RingCentral
Video desktop app 

Last updated on October 22, 2021

Table of contents

Live transcription is the process by which speech or audio is converted into a written text document. This feature is available on the RingCentral desktop and mobile app.
With the live transcription feature, you can:
Note: Only hosts or moderators can start or pause the live transcription. Participants will not see the live transcription until the host or moderator starts it.

Starting a live transcription

  1. While in a meeting, tap the More button, then Start transcription.
More icon
  1. Once the live transcription starts, it will appear on the right of the meeting screen. A red note icon will appear at top right if a live transcription is in progress.
Live transcription window

Pausing and starting a live transcription

  1. Click the Pause icon at top right of the transcript window to pause the transcription. 
  2. To resume transcription, click Start.
Pause transcription
Start transcription button

Searching for keywords in a live transcription

To search for a specific conversation, type in the keyword in the search bar.
Search keyword on live transcription

Downloading a live transcription as a text file

To download the live transcription, click the download button at the right.
Download live transcription button

Viewing and hiding a live transcription

You can hide the live transcription at any time by clicking the More button and then Hide transcript or simply click “x” on the Transcript window in the upper right corner. To resume viewing, click the More button and then View transcript.
Hide transcription button
Live transcription more view
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