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Release Notes > Engage Voice > August 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Voice | August 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Voice.
Publish Date: For the month of August, 2022
What's New
This is the August Release Note summary. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Voice products as we get closer to the roll out date. 
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.
This is the August Release Note summary. 
The following features were released during August 2022.
  • Engage Analytics - New destinations for scheduled Historical Reports, New Attribute, Improved report & Dashboard Updates
  • Admin - Improve Special/Velocity ANI managemnet


Engage Voice Analytics Update
'Scheduled Reports' has been renamed Prebuilt Reports and is in maintenance mode, and there will be no further development and bug fixes.
How will this affect customers?
We have replaced Legacy Reporting (Scheduled Reports or Prebuilt Reports) with our next-generation Advanced Engage Analytics (Historical Analytics: Historical reports and Historical dashboards).
Legacy Reporting uses an outdated, session-based logical data model, whereas Advanced Engage Analytics uses a modern, segment-based logical data model.
  • Access to Legacy Reporting has been disabled since October 22, 2021. 
  • Customers with access to Legacy Reporting will need to be migrated to Historical Reporting as-soon-as-possible (ASAP)
  • New customers will only have Real-time Dashboards and Historical Reporting (Historical reports and Historical dashboards). 
Additional resources
Engage Analytics - New destinations for scheduled Historical Reports, New Attribute, Improved report & Dashboard Updates
New destinations
We added new destinations for scheduled Historical Reports and updated our billing dashboards. Previously, we supported Email and FTP as the only destinations. Now, we’ve added S3 bucket and SFTP
  • S3 bucket: Sends reports to your AWS cloud storage resource.
  • Secure file transfer (SFTP): Uses SSH (Secure Shell) File Transfer Protocol to send reports to your computer or server.
New Destinations
New attributes released
We added two new attributes that help better track agent states and interaction durations.
Agent First Login Time: First login time of an agent on a particular day.
Actual Interaction End Time: Timestamp when an interaction has ended. 
Improved report
We replaced the Final Segment attribute with the Agent Team attribute in the Interaction Details report, improving the report’s value and readability.
Billing dashboards updates
We’ve hidden individual phone numbers in the Usage Details and Usage Details by Day reports of the Billing Period Overview and Billing Period Account Usage dashboards for security and compliance.
We also added grouping by account numbers (DNIS) and contact’s country codes (destination):
  • Previously, we reported the customer numbers that were called. We changed this, so we now report RingCentral’s number used to place the call. 
  • For contacts or customers, we introduced country code reporting. This means country code values used for call ratings are now presented in reports. If the country code is not included in our existing rating calculation, we give it a value of “N/A”. For historical data prior to the introduction of the country code reporting, we give it a value of “-”.
Admin - Improve Special/Velocity ANI Management
We have improved our Special and Velocity Automatic number identification (ANI) management. This enhancement separates the Velocity ANI Exception, and Special ANI features, so they no longer share a management tab and enable support for a more significant number of these ANIs. In addition, you can upload them in bulk from a CSV file with a more intuitive UI to manage large lists of these ANIs. Click here for more details on Special ANI and Velocity ANI
Special and Velocity Automatic number identification
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