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Release Notes > Engage Voice > February 2021
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Voice | February 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Voice.
VERSION 21.1.2
Release Date: 2/15/2021
What's New
These are the 21.1.2 February Release Notes. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Voice products as we get closer to the roll out date.
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.
This is the 21.1.2 February Release Note. 
The following features are being released as part of the 21.1.2 February Release using the URLs listed below. 
  • New Agent Recording URL
  • Last Agent Routing
  • New Billing Analytics
  • Engineering Improvements: The 21.1.2 February Release includes various improvements, including bug fixes and performance of Engage Voice software.
Reminder: RingCentral Office Integration with Engage Voice Platform is available for all customers. 
All customers are encouraged to start using the simplified URL -- engage.ringcentral.com -- to benefit from continued feature improvements within the RingCentral Office Integration to Engage Voice. Refer to the 20.2.1 Release Notes for reference
New features will continue to be enabled for accounts integrated with RC Office.
Interested? Send an email to [email protected] and ask to be enabled with RingCentral Office.

What's New?

  • New Agent Recording URL
 A new, shorter token has been introduced for web services, making it easier for customers to configure campaigns with stereo recording enabled. This is an addition to the API, there will be no impact for customers already using the recording API.
  • Last Agent Routing
Enable Last Agent Routing so that the call will be routed to the last agent who worked with this caller for better continuity and customer experience.
Last Agent Routing screenshot
  • New Billing Analytics
For users who need access to detailed billing information, we have a new billing dashboard available with the following data. Please reach out to your Engage Voice admin to get access.
1 - Billing Period Summary: This section provides the billing period summary for the selected billing period(s) on the main account level:
  • Information about the package used in a particular billing period. 
  • List, and quantity of prepaid package’s licenses.
  • List, and, in case of a closed billing period, quantity of postpaid licenses.
Billing Period Summary screenshot
Prepaid Summary
Prepaid Summary screenshot
Postpaid Summary
Postpaid Summary screenshot
2 - Usage Summary: This section provides the usage summary aggregated on main account level, or sliced by account where applicable. You can click on the values in the table to view the daily usage summary.
Usage Summary by Day screenshot
3 - Usage Details: This section provides usage details sliced by DNIS for applicable categories. You can click on the values in the table to view the daily usage details.
Usage Details by Day screenshot

Bug Fixes

  • Engineering Improvements
  • The 21.1.2 Release includes various improvements, including bug fixes and performance of Engage Voice software. 
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