Engage Digital | Twitter channel settings

Last updated on October 26, 2021

Table of contents

To retrieve the information needed to configure the Twitter channel connection settings, you should access the Twitter account for your organization. Under Get your OAuth token & OAuth token secret in the platform’s Twitter channel connection settings, click Continue with Twitter. In the page that opens, click Authorize Application. A setup page opens with the values for OAuth Token, OAuth Token Secret, and the Twitter ID. 

Optionally, you can access this data through the Twitter API here.

Twitter channel connection settings

  • OAuth token: The access token of the Twitter account. To get the token, click the Continue with Twitter button then sign in with the Twitter account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the access token into the OAuth Token field.
  • OAuth token secret: The secondary access key of the Twitter account. To get the token secret, click the Continue with Twitter button then sign in with the Twitter account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the token secret into the OAuth Token secret field.
  • Get your OAuth token & OAuth token secret: Click the Continue with Twitter button then sign in with the Twitter account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens to grant the platform access to the Twitter account’s data. The page also contains the OAuth Token and the OAuth token secret of the Twitter account.
  • Whitelisted usernames: The list of whitelisted Twitter accounts. The platform creates a new thread for each message imported from whitelisted Twitter accounts. This makes each message more visible to agents. This feature is useful if your brand has additional Twitter accounts that are not connected to the platform.
  • Synchronize DMs: Check this box to allow the platform to import direct messages sent to the Twitter account.
  • Synchronize mentions: Check this box to allow the platform to import public messages that include @mentions to the Twitter account.
  • Disable public replies from this account: Check this box to disable the public reply button. This forces replies to received messages to be sent as private messages.
  • Manage identity assignment manually: Check this box to prevent the platform from automatically assigning the default identity for the channel to agents responding to customers. When this option is enabled, an agent must have a Twitter identity to reply to customer messages from this channel.

Twitter advanced settings

You will need to configure these settings only if you are going to connect your company’s Twitter app.

Follow-me messages settings

If agents try to send a private message to Twitter users that block direct messages or who are not following the brand, you can send an automated public message asking the customer to follow your account. The private message will be sent automatically when the user follows the brand.
  • Language: The language of the follow-me message.
  • Created from: The source of the follow-me message.
    • Survey: Indicates that the message originated from a survey.
    • Interface: Indicates that the message originated from sources other than surveys.
  • Message: The follow-me message itself.
Click the Add plus button to configure additional follow-me messages.
To set up your general settings, click here.
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