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Release Notes

RingCentral Meetings Desktop App | June 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Meetings Desktop App.
Release Date: 6/12/2020
What's New
  • App will respect Admin-managed settings for scheduling meetings
  • Supports a setting to put external participants into Waiting Room automatically 
  • Ability to stop a participant’s sharing
  • Option to disable chat during a meeting
  • Show a video preview before joining a video-on meeting
  • Virtual Background without a Green Screen (must meet hardware requirements)
  • Share multiple pages on a whiteboard
  • Consenting to being recorded confirmation
  • Fully minimize toolbar when Screen sharing
  • Rename a meeting which is hosted with Personal Meeting ID (PMI)
  • Delegated users can now filter upcoming meetings by the host in the “Upcoming Meetings” list
  • Show an indicator that a participant is annotating
  • Breakout Rooms enhancements:
  • 1. Set a timer for Breakout Rooms
  • 2. Ability to force participants into Breakout Rooms
  • 3. Ability to disable returning to the Main Session
  • 4. Support Closed Captioning in Breakout Rooms
  • App will respect Admin-managed settings for scheduling meetings
  • Supports a setting to put external participants into Waiting Room automatically 
  • Ability to stop a participant’s sharing
  • Option to disable chat during a meeting
  • Show a video preview before joining a video-on meeting
  • Share multiple pages on a whiteboard
  • Virtual Background without a Green Screen (must meet hardware requirements)
  • Consenting to being recorded confirmation
  • Fully minimize toolbar when Screen sharing
  • Rename a meeting which is hosted with Personal Meeting ID (PMI)
  • Delegated users can now filter upcoming meetings by the host in the “Upcoming Meetings” list
  • Show an indicator that a participant is annotating
  • Breakout Rooms enhancements:
  • 1. Set a timer for Breakout Rooms 
  • 2. Ability to force participants into Breakout Rooms
  • 3. Ability to disable returning to the Main Session
  • 4. Support Closed Captioning in Breakout Rooms
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