Desktop & web

Changing the displayed content in RingCentral Rooms

Last updated on November 24, 2021

Table of contents

You can change what content is displayed for the participants on the TV screen(s). Additional options are available when using either a single monitor or dual monitor setup.
  1. On the controller, tap Views.
  2. Tap your preferred content view to be displayed on the monitor:
  • Active speaker: Displays the participant who is actively speaking. In a single-display room, the active speaker will be shown in a thumbnail during screen sharing. You can resize and move the thumbnail to the desired position. In a dual-display room, the most recent 2 active participants will be shown on the screens.
  • Gallery: Displays the participants in a grid. The one actively speaking will be highlighted with a green halo frame. This is the default view when there are more than one video participants joined.
  • Content only: Available when there is screen sharing. In a single display, the thumbnail will not be displayed so that you can view the full content. In dual displays, you can view the content on both screens.
Content view options

Single monitor setup

When the screen is being shared, the content with a thumbnail of the active speaker is displayed by default, and the Views button will be disabled in the main screen. When the screen is not being shared, the Gallery view is displayed by default.

To hide the thumbnail of the active speaker, tap Views, select Active speaker, then tap Disable thumbnail to hide the active speaker thumbnail.
Disable thumbnail

Dual monitor setup

When the screen is being shared, one display will show the content, and you can switch the view on the other display between the three options.
When the screen is not being shared, one display will show the active speaker, and you can switch the view on the other display between Active speaker and Gallery.
For Android hosts, you can swap the content of the monitors by tapping Swap.
Switch the view on the other display
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