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Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Voice | July 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Voice.
VERSION 21.3.1
Release Date: 7/9/2021
What's New
This is the 21.3.1 July Release Notes. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Voice products as we get closer to the roll out date.
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.
This is the 21.3.1 July Release Note. 
The following features are being released as part of the 21.3.1 July Release. 
  • Outbound Dashboard Improvement to display lead status by US States
  • Engineering Improvements: The 21.3.1 July Release includes various improvements, including bug fixes and performance of Engage Voice software.
Reminder: RingCentral Office Integration with Engage Voice Platform is available for all customers. 
All customers are encouraged to start creating a RingCentral Office account with Engage Voice to benefit from continued feature improvements within the RingCentral Office Integration to Engage Voice. Refer to the 20.2.1 Release Notes for reference
New features will continue to be enabled for accounts integrated with RC Office.
Interested? Send an email to [email protected] and ask to be enabled with RingCentral Office.
  • Show lead status “By US States”
In the current Real Time Outbound Dashboards, users can view a Lead Status pop-out window that outlines the dialable status of all leads broken out “By Timezone.”
With this enhancement, the user can select to view  leads segmented “By US States” in addition to the “By Timezone”. 
Note that not all leads are assigned a state. An example of a lead without a state would be one with a toll free number. When a state is not identified, the system will label it with "NA" instead of the state abbreviation. Any leads with the state "NA" should be included in a row labeled "Other" with their dialable statuses. 
  • Enhanced dashboard view
Enhanced dashboard view
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