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Release Notes > Engage Voice > December 2021
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Voice | December 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Voice.
VERSION 21.4.3
Release Date: December 06, 2021
What's New
This is the 21.4.3 November Release Notes. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Voice products as we get closer to the roll out date. 
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.
This is the 21.4.3 Release Notes.
The following features are being released as part of the 21.4.3 Release.
  • Default setting change for “Save Input for Reporting” option in the IVR Studio GET Input properties 
  • Dialpad Display Changes into the Agent Interface 
  • Engineering Improvements: The 21.4.3 November Release includes various improvements, including bug fixes and performance of Engage Voice software.
Reminder Notice: End of support of Internet Explorer 11 for Engage Voice Analytics
As mentioned previously, Microsoft has ended the support for the Internet Explorer 11 browser in August, 2021. To ensure optimal user experience, we are initiating the deprecation of the use of Internet Explorer and recommend a switch to a supported browser. By November 19, 2021, use of IE11 will no longer be supported.
  • Default setting change for “Save Input for Reporting” option in the IVR Studio GET Input properties
Within the “Get Input” Properties, the default setting of the “Save Input for Reporting" option will now be unchecked (Fig 1). This is to avoid situations where confidential information may unintentionally get captured and stored in reports.
Default setting for “Save Input For Reporting’
Fig 1. Default setting for “Save Input For Reporting’ is now unchecked
  • Dialpad Display Changes in the Agent Interface
We are modernizing parts of our Agent interface to match current usability standards by removing the on-screen dial pad from the initial screen for a more intuitive design. (See Fig 1 Before vs After). This change lends to a quicker and more efficient use of the user’s physical keyboard to enter numbers versus having to mouseover and clicking on numbers on the screen (See Fig 2). In the event where Dual Tone multi-frequency (DTMF) or ‘touch tones’ are required, the dialpad will be easily revealed with a click on an icon (See Fig 3).  Fig 4 shows an animation of the new manual dialing flow.
This visual improvement of the Agent interface provides focus on key elements and paves the way for future enhancements in the agent desktop in upcoming releases.
Before and After
Fig 1. Before (Left) vs After (Right)
Request a call
Fig 2. Entering a number and pressing “Request a call” or enter/return to dial
Touch tones
Fig 3. Touch tones are still available when required
New manual dialing flow
Fig 4. Animation of the new manual dialing flow
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q: Will I still be able to dial DTMF tones?
A: Yes, you can open ‘a drawer’ or a dial pad and enter DTMF tones after a call has started. The Agent interface will remember the last position so you can decide if you want to keep the dial pad revealed or hidden.
Q: Will this change Touch Tone Accept (TTA) support?
A: No, this will not change TTA support. Engage Voice Agents using TTA will still be able to pick up calls with a DTMF signal.
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