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Release Notes > Webinar > July 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Webinar | July 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Webinar.
VERSION 23.3.10
Release Date: 07/31/2023
What's New
  • Simple Webinar Setup: Novice users can easily organize and run webinars best suited to their needs without training. Using an on-screen guide, they can identify the right webinar for their needs (internal-facing General Webinar ideal for employee town-halls, external-facing Marketing Webinar ideal for lead generation), and then let the system intelligently select default settings for those events. Power users can save time and effort by duplicating an existing webinar with a single click.  Doing so automatically transfers settings from the original session to the newly created one, eliminating the possibilities of errors, while also enabling users to create rinse-and-repeat sessions.
  • Live stream Webinar to YouTube: With just a few clicks, webinar organizers can configure their webinar to live stream to their corporate YouTube channel. This enables them to educate and inform their audiences where they already are: on social media. Additionally, this capability enables webinar organizers to dramatically expand the number of individuals who view the webinar. For example, a webinar organizer who has a 500-attendee license can now reach tens of thousands of viewers on YouTube at no additional cost.
  • Host Webinars lasting up to 12 Hours: Webinar organizers can now host events that last up to 12 hours, up from 8 hours previously. Furthermore, this 12 hour duration only applies to the live broadcast of the session where attendees join, enabling organizers to also host a separate prep-session for their team lasting an additional 12 hours prior to the live broadcast (for an overall session duration of 24 hours). When taken in their entirety, these improvements make it simple for webinar organizers to prepare for and run all-day sessions such as Product Launches, Customer Meetups, etc.
  • Quality and Usability Improvements: Over 30 fit-and-finish and reliability enhancements.
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