Engage Voice | Configuring agent settings
on a campaign

You can configure campaign-specific settings for agents, including script assignment and disposition settings, via the General tab in your campaign’s configuration panel. Scroll down to the Agent Settings section and refer to the setting explanations below to set your preferences.

Configuring agent campaign settings

Let’s go over the different agent settings available to you at the campaign level.
  • Disable Dispositions, Agent Notes and Lead Details: Check this box to prevent dispositions, agent notes, and lead detail fields from appearing within the agent interface for this campaign. You should check this setting in situations where you will already be providing these options within an integrated script or an external application
  • Integrated Script: Use the dropdown menu to select a script for this campaign. This script will be presented to all agents dialing on this campaign. You can build new scripts via the Script Designer sliding tray setting under Agent Tools
  • Ext. Survey URL: Enter a URL here if you wish the system to pop an external application (e.g., a website) when an agent is connected to a call. Click the dropdown menu beside the URL to reveal a number of tokens, or hashtagged data tags that come from system-generated/collected phone, lead, and campaign information. Click on one or more tags if you wish to append them to the URL you entered above. This setting can be useful if you wish to pop a window that gives agents access to a lead’s file via your CRM, for example. You can enter your CRM’s web address in the provided field, then choose #EXTERN_ID# from the tag list that appears. This will append the lead’s external ID (that corresponds to your CRM identifier) to the end of the URL. When the system goes to pop that URL, it will take agents to the page referenced by that or those tags

Helpful hint!

It is possible to have both an external application pop and an integrated script on the same campaign. If you wish to pop a website within the agent interface, add ‘parent:’ in front of the URL. When you use the ‘parent:’ option, only the external application URL you entered will pop; the system will ignore the campaign’s integrated script.

The external application URL must allow iFrames in order to work (you can use a site like this to check) — and it must use secure encryption (that is, https instead of http). You can use a site like the following to test for iFrame permissions: https://bit.ly/2okBu2k
  • Allow Lead Updates: Use this setting to indicate whether agents can update lead information in real time. Options: No - Agents cannot update lead data, Yes - Agents can update all lead data, and Yes - Agents can update lead data but not phone numbers
  • Allow Lead Inserts: Check this box if you wish to allow agents to manually insert leads into this campaign
  • Show List Name: Check this box if you wish to allow agents to see the name of the lead list that appears with their call information
  • Show Lead Info: Check this box if you wish to allow agents to see lead information when they connect with leads on this campaign. Lead info consists of any data that was uploaded with the lead, or any information that has been added or edited for the lead since that time
  • Hangup on Disp: Check this box to ensure that the system will hang up the agent’s call once the agent submits a disposition for it. This setting can be useful when you wish to ensure that a call is dispositioned only when the agent is ready to end the call, rather than at any other time during the call
  • Show Lead Pass: Check this box to allow agents to see how many passes the current lead has accrued 
  • Enable Global PhoneBook: Check this box to allow agents to access the global phone book via this campaign
  • Post Call Agent State: Choose the state you would like to place agents in once they finish a call. Options in this dropdown menu will populate according to the agent states you configure via the Agent States configuration panel option within the Accounts tray setting
  • Disposition Alert Timer (sec.): This setting allows you to choose a time (in seconds) after which agents will receive a reminder to disposition their call. The timer starts when a call ends
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