Engage Voice | Configuring basic campaign settings

Once you’ve created an outbound campaign, the first section you’ll encounter via the General tab in your campaign’s configuration panel is Campaign Settings. This section contains some basic but important campaign configuration settings. Let’s review each setting now.
  • Active: This setting allows you to choose whether you wish to activate your campaign. Options:
    • No, Inactive: Select this option to deactivate your campaign. When a campaign is inactive, the system will not allow any dialing activity on that campaign
    • Yes, Active: Select this option to activate (i.e., permit dialing on) your campaign
    • Agent Callbacks Only: Select this option to have the system only dial previously scheduled callback numbers while keeping the rest of the campaign inactive
  • Country: This field represents the country to which you are dialing. If you have questions about or need to alter this field, contact your CSM for more information
  • Name: Choose a name for your campaign (this is a required field)
  • Description: Use this field to save any additional identifying information for your campaign
  • Campaign Priority: This setting allows you to select a priority for your campaign. If you have several campaigns using the same dial group, use this setting to select a higher priority for the current campaign. Please note that the system dials more leads for higher priority campaigns than for lower priority campaigns. Options go from Priority 1 — Average to Priority 5 — High

Helpful hint!

Unless you enable absolute campaign priority via the predictive dialer, the system will not necessarily dial your higher priority campaigns first. It will instead give a weighted preference to your higher priority campaigns so you can expect a higher ratio of leads dialed in a higher priority campaign than a lower priority one.
  • Start Date: Choose a start date for your campaign. Use the datepicker at far right to select from a calendar of dates (this is a required field)
  • End Date: Choose an end date for your campaign. Use the datepicker at far right to select from a calendar of dates (this is a required field)
Please note that your Start Date and End Date fields affect whether or not the leads in this campaign will be dialed. If agents are dialing outside of the date range specified here, then none of the leads in this campaign will be automatically dialed (in Predictive mode) or fetchable (in Preview mode), even if the campaign is still technically active.
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