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This page shows features currently planned for the Fall 2023 release. Features are subject to change between now and the final release dates. Users will be able to access these features, depending on their permissions and purchased applications, once their business unit has been updated.
The online help continues to reflect the previous version of the product being used by most customers.
How to Use This Page
Customer Request | The feature was developed by customer request. |
UI Change | The feature introduces major user interface (UI) changes. |
Availability | When you can expect to see the feature in your environment.
Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the Contact Center apps you use.
Improvements to Omnichannel Session Handling Experience
Two updates will improve the Omnichannel Session Handling (OSH) experience:
Your current Contact Handling Method setting will automatically switch to the corresponding new setting. This will allow you to continue using your current single-channel handling or omnichannel handling experience without interruption.
These changes will be reflected in the online help. References to OSH will change to dynamic delivery.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
AgentID Property Removed from Agent Assist Studio Action
The AgentId property in the Agent Assist Studio action will be removed from the Properties list. The field will be hidden and the script will automatically populate it with the appropriate variable name. This change will reduce confusion over which variable to use.
This update is described in more detail in the Studio section of this page.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Trunk Group Specification for Manual Outbound ACD Skills
You will be able to select which trunk group a manual outbound ACD skill should use to deliver its call traffic. This will enable you to make the calling number visible to improve answer rates.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in late November or early December 2023.
Standard and Dynamic Address Book Support
Agent for Service Cloud Voice will support standard and dynamic address books in Contact Center. Using these address books will allow agents to access contact information within Agent for Service Cloud Voice.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
WatchRTC SDK Integration
When Integrated Softphone and Voice Quality Metrics are enabled for your business unit, you will be able to use the WatchRTC SDK in Agent for Service Cloud Voice. Using the WatchRTC SDK will give you an overview of WebRTC health for your organization.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Outcomes Added
Agents will be able to use the Outcomes section to apply dispositions and tags to their voice interactions.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Voicemail Playback
Voicemail recordings and transcripts will be routable to agents. In the channel settings in Contact Center, you will be able to configure voicemail recordings and transcripts to be routed using a queue or an Omni-Channel flow. This will allow agents to follow up with contacts as needed.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Screen Pop to Flow
You will be able to configure screen pops for agents using Agent for Service Cloud Voice. Screen pops will be configured in the Contact Center ACD Skills page. This will help the agents have access to information they can use to have a successful voice interaction.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Permission Checks for POST /skills
Permission checks will be applied to older versions of the ACD skill creation API, POST /skills. This will bring versions 7, 9-13, and 18 up to current security standards. If you create ACD skills with this API, ensure that the security profile of the Contact Center user making the API calls has the Skills Create permission. The more recent versions, 19, 24, 27, and 28, already have permission checks.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
New Agent Queue Counter APIs
Two new APIs will let you get extensive information on the contacts in an agent's personal queue. For example, you will be able to get the media type, skill, and campaign the contact routed through. A personal queue is separate from a skill queue and exists for contacts routed directly to an agent. This occurs any time an agent is requested by agentID rather than by skill, such as during a transfer.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Record Greetings Directly from App
Currently, users initiate a phone call to a selected phone number to record Unavailable, Out of Office, and After Hours greetings. In this release, users will be able to record greeting prompts directly within the app by launching an in-app recorder. Users can record Unavailable, Out of Office, and After Hours greetings directly within the browser and then play back the messages. This change will simplify the process of recording greetings and capturing voicemails.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Updated CXone Attendant User Page Layout
All voicemail-related settings will be consolidated under one area of Contact Center. A new Voicemail Management section will be introduced on both the Business Unit > CXone Attendant tab and the Users > CXone Attendant tab. This update will make it easier for users to identify and access CXone Attendant Plus (voicemail only) features, saving time and effort in configuration.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Export Schedules via API
You will be able to export agent schedules using an API as an alternative to exporting using CSV files.
For more details about this feature, select the API filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Schedule Recurring Meetings
You will be able to save time and effort when scheduling recurring meetings with employees. The recurrence will be daily or weekly.
This feature will be available for users with the WFM Advanced license.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
User Interface Enhancements in Schedule Manager
The display and user experience of the Schedule Manager will be improved with faster performance.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Time-Range Bulk Editing
Managers will be able to bulk edit forecasted data based on time ranges in addition to bulk editing full days.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Auto-Approval of Trades
The system will automatically approve or decline trades based on the defined configuration. This will reduce the manual burden on the manager and provide immediate visibility of the trade request to the agents.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
True-to-Interval Analytics
Currently, data is collected at the end of interactions. In this release, WFM will use true-to-interval (TTI) analytics to collect data throughout the lifespan of the interaction. There will be two measurements: one for the start of the interaction called Handled, and one for the ongoing interaction called Active.
As a result of using TTI:
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle, in November 2023.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Apply Search Filters to Workspaces
Currently, you can create a saved search and view it on the Search page. In this release, you will be able to apply search filter results and saved searches to your workspaces. This will help you see the data you are looking for more quickly without needing to use workspace or widget filters.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Improvement to Brazilian Portuguese and German Transcripts
A new transformer technology will be used to improve the accuracy of transcripts for Brazilian Portuguese and German. This will make transcripts easier to read and understand.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Hide Agent State Timer
Currently, any agent using MAX can see how long other agents have been in their current state. In this release, you will be able to use the Hide Agent State Timer permission to hide the agent state timer from users with the affected security profile. This will allow flexibility to configure the business unit as needed for your organization.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Updated Error Message
Currently, agents receive an "Agent - Crash" message when they have been in an unavailable state for longer than the Agent Timeout (Min) configuration. In this release, the error message will be updated to say "Agent - Timeout". This will make the error reason clearer.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Security Enhancement
InnerHTML will be replaced with innerText in the MAX code base. InnerText is safer and will reduce the risk of unauthorized code execution within MAX.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Require Manual Agent Accept
When this setting is enabled on an inbound ACD skill, agents who are on an active voice connection in MAX will have to manually click Accept or Reject for any incoming contacts. This will allow agents to have complete control over when or if they accept an incoming contact.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Improvements in Microsoft Teams Directory Sync and Presence Sync
Two updates will be made to improve Microsoft Teams Directory Sync and Presence Sync:
These features will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Support for More Agent States in RingCentral Presence Sync
Currently, only agents who are in the In a Call state are marked as Unavailable in RingCentral Presence Sync. In this release, the following states will also be marked as Unavailable:
With this improvement, contacts won't be routed to agents who are in these states.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Availability of Adapters on FedRamp Moderate Regions
Adapters will be available in FedRamp moderate regions. This will allow Adapters to be accessible to more users.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Zoom Adapters
Zoom Adapters will let you integrate Zoom with Directory Sync and Presence Sync.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Ability to Add Templates and Variables to Proactive WhatsApp
You will be able to include templates and variables when sending messages to contacts on Proactive WhatsApp. This enhancement will increase the business value for WhatsApp and allow organizations to share personalized messages to their users.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Create SMS and Email Templates in Arabic
You will be able to create SMS and email templates in Arabic, supporting both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR) text in email and SMS messages. This enhancement will offer greater language flexibility, allowing you to utilize outbound digital channels in regions where Arabic is spoken.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Ability to Create State Do Not Call Holidays in ACD
You will be able to create do not call (DNC) holidays in the ACD. This feature will allow you to set specific curfews to avoid calls to certain regions on state holidays. This will address compliance issues where many states have statutes prohibiting such calls on declared holidays.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
CDR Disposition Expanded Report
The CDR Disposition Expanded report will show information about the interactions that occurred in your system, including the contact, agent, skill, campaign, team, time, and disposition. In addition to all of the columns from the CDR Plus Disposition report, it will also show:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Agent State Log Expanded Report
The Agent State Log Expanded report will show the states each agent was in for the time period you select. In addition to the columns from the Agent State Log report, it will also show:
This report will let you see agents' states in one view.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
All Callbacks Expanded Report
The All Callbacks Expanded report will show all scheduled callbacks and commitments for the time period you select. In addition to the columns from the All Callbacks report, it will also show:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Amelia Updating to Version 5.7.x
SmartAssist will be updated to support Amelia version 5.7.x.
This update will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Set Global Trace Location Option in Debug Menu
The Set Global Trace Location option in the Debug menu in Studio will be removed.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
SmartAssist Updating to Amelia Version 5.7.x
SmartAssist will be updated to support Amelia version 5.7.x.
This update will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Support for IBM Watson Voice and Text Virtual Agents
You will be able to use IBM Watson voice and text virtual agents with Contact Center. IBM voice virtual agents will require a SIP backchannel implementation and will not be able to be set up through Virtual Agent Hub. Text virtual agents will be able to be set up through Virtual Agent Hub.This will expand the options of virtual agent providers you can use in your contact center.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Support for Omilia Voice Virtual Agents
You will be able to use Omilia voice virtual agents with Contact Center. These virtual agents will require a SIP backchannel implementation and will not be able to be set up through Virtual Agent Hub. This will expand the options of virtual agent providers you can use in your contact center.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
These features are adjustments to those previously announced.
To see the following features in detail, go to feature section.
Workforce Management
True-to-Interval Analytics
Set Global Trace Location Option in Debug Menu
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
This cumulative update introduces the following feature:
This page has been updated to show the products and features in the December 2023 Minor release of Contact Center. Features are subject to change between now and final deployment.
Learn about the regional and FedRAMP availability of the Contact Center apps you use.
See the Agent for Salesforce release history for a list of previous versions.
WatchRTC SDK Integration
The WatchRTC SDK has been integrated with Agent for Salesforce. It provides an overview of WebRTC health for your organization. It automatically collects application and user data for you to analyze. Integrated Softphone and Voice Quality Metrics must be enabled in your system before you can use it. You can access WatchRTC reports and features through a separate URL. For more information, reach out to your Contact Center Account Representative.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Real-Time Sentiment Analysis
Service Cloud Voice now supports real-time sentiment analysis of call conversations. Agents and supervisors can now view turn-by-turn sentiment. They also have access to call recordings from previous conversations.
This feature will allow supervisors to do the following:
This feature is only available for Salesforce organizations in North America.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Frontline Agent Client for Kustomer
You can embed the Frontline Agent Client (FAC) into the Kustomer CRM. This lets agents handle conversations from one screen all within the CRM. FAC is powered by Contact Center infrastructure and integrates with the functionality of Kustomer. For example, new interactions automatically create conversations in Kustomer. FAC for Kustomer supports the following features:
Contact Frontline Support for more information on improving your system security with this service.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
API Signature Service
The API signature service is an API that lets you enhance your security with the following features:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Credit Card Payments miniApp
Omilia can securely take credit card payments with a new embedded miniApp. This allows contacts to make payments in your Omilia VoiceBot IVR without waiting to speak with an agent. The miniApp is an add-on for Omilia VoiceBots, which helps avoid a complex setup process. For example, it handles all requirements to be compliant with PCI security standards. Contact Omilia Support for more information on processing payments with this miniApp.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in January 2024.
Added Survey Substatuses
Two new substatuses help you monitor IVR engagement. They can help you determine why contacts didn't take a survey they agreed to take while waiting in a call queue.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Undo and Redo Buttons in Text Editors
In text editors throughout Feedback Management, undo and redo buttons are now available. These allow you to undo your most recent action in the text editor and to redo an action you just undid.
This feature isn't available on the Web Intercept page.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Speech-to-Text Language Improvements
For organizations using Elevate AI for Speech-to-Text (STT) transcriptions for survey comments, transcriptions are now available for Japanese.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Updated Academy Page
In the last release, the new VOC Basics course information was added to replace the Net Promoter Masterclass: Program Leadership Masterclass course. On 10 December, the Academy page will reflect this. Click the new container to navigate to the course in Dojo.
In addition, the following obsolete courses have been removed:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Improved Security for Direct Data Access
Previously, you could only use a username and password to log in to Direct Data Access. In this release, Direct Data Access supports a new authentication method. You can use an access key and a secret key for your login credentials. Eventually, you will only use these keys instead of a username and password. This enhances security and helps protect your information.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
The Release Adjustments section describes the changes, removals, and additions made in the feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement for the December 2023 Minor release.
This section describes product changes that were included in the initial coming soon announcement and have since been removed from this release. These will not be part of the December 2023 Minor release but may be part of a future release.
Agent for Service Cloud Voice
Noise Cancellation
Currently, background noise lowers the call quality between agent and contact. In this release, a noise block library will be integrated. This will improve voice quality by eliminating environment noise from both agent and contact.
This section notes product changes that have been added to this release since the initial coming soon announcement. To see the following features in detail, select the product in the filter on the right.
DEVone Integrations
Feedback Management
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.