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This page shows features currently planned for the Fall 2023 release. Features are subject to change between now and the final release dates. Users will be able to access these features, depending on their permissions and purchased applications, once their tenant has been updated.
The online help continues to reflect the previous version of the product being used by most customers.
How to Use This Page
Customer Request | The feature was developed by customer request. |
UI Change | The feature introduces major user interface (UI) changes. |
Availability | When you can expect to see the feature in your environment.
Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the Contact Center apps you use.
Links Removed from Digital First Omnichannel Navigation
The following changes will be made to gradually remove links to features and capabilities no longer accessible in the Digital First Omnichannel portal. You will still be able to access and manage these functions directly in Contact Center or the developer portal.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
End of Support for ScreenAgent 2.x
From the end of 2023, ScreenAgent versions lower than 3.0.x will no longer be supported. You will need to upgrade all users to ScreenAgent version 3.0.x. You can use the current installation guide for instructions and there are no additional costs.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Set Global Trace Location Option in Studio Debug Menu
The Set Global Trace Location option in the Debug menu in Studio will be removed.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Improvements to Omnichannel Session Handling Experience
Two updates will improve the Omnichannel Session Handling (OSH) experience:
Your current Contact Handling Method setting will automatically switch to the corresponding new setting. This will allow you to continue using your current single-channel handling or omnichannel handling experience without interruption.
These changes will be reflected in the online help. References to OSH will change to dynamic delivery.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Hours of Operation and Workflow Data View Types Added in Admin
Two view types will be added to Admin that will impact ACD. These views will limit the visibility of hours of operation and workflow data records to users. For more details about this feature, select the Admin filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Trunk Group Specification for Manual Outbound ACD Skills
You will be able to select which trunk group a manual outbound ACD skill should use to deliver its call traffic. This will enable you to make the calling number visible to improve answer rates.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Hierarchy Updates
Hierarchies will receive the following updates:
To use hierarchy data in these applications, you will have to set one of your hierarchies as your primary hierarchy. You can only have one primary hierarchy. Setting a primary hierarchy is permanent. Once set, you will not be able to change it back to a non-primary hierarchy. Only the primary hierarchy can send data to these applications. Using hierarchies to filter data will allow you to create reports tailored to your organizational structure.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Hours of Operation and Workflow Data View Types Added
Role-based access control (RBAC) will be expanded to include two new view types:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Overall View Permission for CXone Supervisor
A new permission, Overall View, will be added under Supervisor > General Permission. When enabled, the overall display mode will be available on the Live Monitoring page. With this new display mode, supervisors will be able to see all the agents in the contact center.
For more details about this feature, select the CXone Supervisor filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
MAX Hide Agent State Timer Permission
Currently, any agent using MAX can see how long other agents have been in their current state. In this release, you will be able to use the Hide Agent State Timer permission to hide the agent state timer from users with the affected role. This will allow flexibility to configure the tenant as needed for your organization.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in late November or early December 2023.
Standard and Dynamic Address Book Support
Agent for Service Cloud Voice will support standard and dynamic address books in Contact Center. Using these address books will allow agents to access contact information within Agent for Service Cloud Voice.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
WatchRTC SDK Integration
When Integrated Softphone and Voice Quality Metrics are enabled for your business unit, you will be able to use the WatchRTC SDK in Agent for Service Cloud Voice. Using the WatchRTC SDK will give you an overview of WebRTC health for your organization.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Outcomes Added
Agents will be able to use the Outcomes section to apply dispositions and tags to their voice interactions.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Voicemail Playback
Voicemail recordings and transcripts will be routable to agents. In the channel settings in Contact Center, you will be able to configure voicemail recordings and transcripts to be routed using a queue or an Omni-Channel flow. This will allow agents to follow up with contacts as needed.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Screen Pop to Flow
You will be able to configure screen pops for agents using Agent for Service Cloud Voice. Screen pops will be configured in the Contact Center ACD Skills page. This will help the agents have access to information they can use to have a successful voice interaction.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Permission Checks for POST /skills
Permission checks will be applied to older versions of the ACD skill creation API, POST /skills. This will bring versions 7, 9-13, and 18 up to current security standards. If you create ACD skills with this API, ensure that the security profile of the Contact Center user making the API calls has the Skills Create permission. The more recent versions, 19, 24, 27, and 28, already have permission checks.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
New Agent Queue Counter APIs
Two new APIs will let you get extensive information on the contacts in an agent's personal queue. For example, you will be able to get the media type, skill, and campaign the contact routed through. A personal queue is separate from a skill queue and exists for contacts routed directly to an agent. This occurs any time an agent is requested by agentID rather than by skill, such as during a transfer.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
WFM Export Schedules API
You will be able to export Workforce Management agent schedules using a new API. This will be an alternative to exporting schedules using CSV files. The developer portal will also have a new WFM category for this API's documentation.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Custom Scripting
There will be a new section in Bot Builder where you will be able to write custom JavaScript to enhance and customize your bot's behavior. The scripts you write will allow your bot to do more during conversations, such as:
You will be able to add your scripts to bot skills and publish them on the Skill Store. You will also be able to discover scripts that others have published in their skills.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Skill Store Updates
The following features will be available for the Skill Store:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
UI and UX Improvements
The following user experience improvements will be made for existing features and functionality:
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Azure Storage
New customers will be able to choose between storing their files in AWS or Azure. Once you have chosen a storage method, you will not be able to switch from one method to the other. This means that if your existing organization is already using Cloud Storage Services, you will not be able to switch from AWS storage to Azure storage.
Azure storage will let you store, access, and play back your physical files. The information and metadata related to those files will be stored in AWS. Life cycle management rules for Azure storage will allow you to delete stored files from active storage after a certain number of days. Azure storage will not support archiving, file retrieval, custom storage, long-term storage rules, Secure External Access (SEA), or multi-region storage.
This feature will only be available in the United States.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
New Name and Location in Contact Center
Cloud Transcription Service will be called Turn by Turn Transcription. Additionally, its location in Contact Center will change. Currently, you can find it on the Other > Integrations > Transcription Profile page. In this release, it will be located on the Other > Integrations > Transcription Hub > Turn by Turn page.
Transcription Hub is a product that will be released as a part of the Fall 2023 release. It will be part of a controlled release program.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in December 2023.
Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience
If you've integrated a CRM with CXone Agent, you will notice these updates:
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
IEX WFM Schedules
If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents will see their IEX WFM schedule in the Schedule space in CXone Agent. They will not be able to edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Queue Counts for Voicemails and Work Items
Currently, the Queue space in CXone Agent only shows queue counts for calls. In this release, it will also show queue counts for voicemails and work items.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Skill Assignments Page
The Skill Assignments page in Settings will show agents a list of the skills assigned to them and their proficiencies in those skills. It will be useful for troubleshooting and understanding contact routing.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Enhancements to Digital Interaction Search
When agents search for digital interactions, they will be able to:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Tooltip Timestamps for Digital Messages
Currently, CXone Agent displays relative timestamps that show when digital messages were sent, such as 5 minutes ago. In this release, agents will be able to hover over a digital message to see a tooltip with the exact date and time the message was sent. The tooltip will appear in this format: M/DD/YY HH:MM:SS. This applies to chats, emails, SMS, social messages, social platform interactions, and WhatsApp messages.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Personal Connection Preview Dialing
Personal Connection (PC) preview and predictive dialing will be enabled for CXone Agent. This will allow for automated outbound calls. Agents will be able to accept, requeue, reschedule, and snooze PC calls. They will also have the option to assign a disposition to the call before it begins.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
HTML for Screen Pops
Currently, screen pops can only be configured for CXone Agent using URLs. In this release, you will be able to use custom HTML to create screen pops. This will be done using:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
UI and UX Improvements
These improvements will be made to the CXone Agent user interface:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in December 2023.
Support for Pega
CXone Agent Embedded will support an embedded experience with Pega. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience
If you've integrated a CRM with CXone Agent Embedded, you will notice these updates:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
IEX WFM Schedules
If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents will see their IEX WFM schedule in the Schedule space in CXone Agent Embedded. They will not be able to edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent Embedded.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Queue Counts for Voicemails and Work Items
Currently, the Queue space in CXone Agent Embedded only shows queue counts for calls. In this release, it will also show queue counts for voicemails and work items.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Skill Assignments Page
The Skill Assignments page in Settings will show agents a list of the skills assigned to them and their proficiencies in those skills. It will be useful for troubleshooting and understanding contact routing.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Enhancements to Digital Interaction Search
When agents search for digital interactions, they will be able to:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Tooltip Timestamps for Digital Messages
Currently, CXone Agent Embedded displays relative timestamps that show when digital messages were sent, such as 5 minutes ago. In this release, agents will be able to hover over a digital message to see a tooltip with the exact date and time the message was sent. The tooltip will appear in this format: M/DD/YY HH:MM:SS. This applies to chats, emails, SMS, social messages, social platform interactions, and WhatsApp messages.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Personal Connection Preview Dialing
Personal Connection (PC) preview and predictive dialing will be enabled for CXone Agent Embedded. This will allow for automated outbound calls. Agents will be able to accept, requeue, reschedule, and snooze PC calls. They will also have the option to assign a disposition to the call before it begins.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
HTML for Screen Pops
Currently, screen pops can only be configured for CXone Agent Embedded using URLs. In this release, you will be able to use custom HTML to create screen pops. This will be done using:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
UI and UX Improvements
These improvements will be made to the CXone Agent Embedded user interface:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Branding Profile
CXone Agent Embedded will use the design configured in the Branding Profile in Tenant Management. For more details about this feature, select the Partner Applications filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in December 2023.
Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience
If you've integrated a CRM with CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams, you will notice these updates:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
IEX WFM Schedules
If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents will see their IEX WFM schedule in the Schedule space in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. They will not be able to edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Queue Counts for Voicemails and Work Items
Currently, the Queue space in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams only shows queue counts for calls. In this release, it will also show queue counts for voicemails and work items.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Skill Assignments Page
The Skill Assignments page in Settings will show agents a list of the skills assigned to them and their proficiencies in those skills. It will be useful for troubleshooting and understanding contact routing.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Enhancements to Digital Interaction Search
When agents search for digital interactions, they will be able to:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Tooltip Timestamps for Digital Messages
Currently, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams displays relative timestamps that show when digital messages were sent, such as 5 minutes ago. In this release, agents will be able to hover over a digital message to see a tooltip with the exact date and time the message was sent. The tooltip will appear in this format: M/DD/YY HH:MM:SS. This applies to chats, emails, SMS, social messages, social platform interactions, and WhatsApp messages.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Personal Connection Preview Dialing
Personal Connection (PC) preview and predictive dialing will be enabled for CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. This will allow for automated outbound calls. Agents will be able to accept, requeue, reschedule, and snooze PC calls. They will also have the option to assign a disposition to the call before it begins.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
HTML for Screen Pops
Currently, screen pops can only be configured for CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams using URLs. In this release, you will be able to use custom HTML to create screen pops. This will be done using:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
UI and UX Improvements
These improvements will be made to the CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams user interface:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams
CXone Agent Embedded will use the design configured in the Branding Profile in Tenant Management. For more details about this feature, select the Partner Applications filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in December 2023.
Integration with Pega
CXone Agent Integrated will support integration with Pega. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience
If you've integrated a CRM with CXone Agent Integrated, you will notice these updates:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
IEX WFM Schedules
If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents will see their IEX WFM schedule in the Schedule space in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. They will not be able to edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Queue Counts for Voicemails and Work Items
Currently, the Queue space in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams only shows queue counts for calls. In this release, it will also show queue counts for voicemails and work items.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Skill Assignments Page
The Skill Assignments page in Settings will show agents a list of the skills assigned to them and their proficiencies in those skills. It will be useful for troubleshooting and understanding contact routing.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Enhancements to Digital Interaction Search
When agents search for digital interactions, they will be able to:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Tooltip Timestamps for Digital Messages
Currently, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams displays relative timestamps that show when digital messages were sent, such as 5 minutes ago. In this release, agents will be able to hover over a digital message to see a tooltip with the exact date and time the message was sent. The tooltip will appear in this format: M/DD/YY HH:MM:SS. This applies to chats, emails, SMS, social messages, social platform interactions, and WhatsApp messages.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Personal Connection Preview Dialing
Personal Connection (PC) preview and predictive dialing will be enabled for CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. This will allow for automated outbound calls. Agents will be able to accept, requeue, reschedule, and snooze PC calls. They will also have the option to assign a disposition to the call before it begins.
HTML for Screen Pops
Currently, screen pops can only be configured for CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams using URLs. In this release, you will be able to use custom HTML to create screen pops. This will be done using:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
UI and UX Improvements
These improvements will be made to the CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams user interface:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Branding Profile
CXone Agent Integrated will use the design configured in the Branding Profile in Tenant Management. For more details about this feature, select the Partner Applications filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Record Greetings Directly from App
Currently, users initiate a phone call to a selected phone number to record Unavailable, Out of Office, and After Hours greetings. In this release, users will be able to record greeting prompts directly within the app by launching an in-app recorder. Users can record Unavailable, Out of Office, and After Hours greetings directly within the browser and then play back the messages. This change will simplify the process of recording greetings and capturing voicemails.
The current Contact ID column is not searchable in Interactions. It will be replaced by the Master Contact column that will be searchable.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On deploy |
Updated CXone Attendant User Page Layout
All voicemail-related settings will be consolidated under one area of Contact Center. A new Voicemail Management section will be introduced on both the Business Unit > CXone Attendant tab and the Users > CXone Attendant tab. This update will make it easier for users to identify and access CXone Attendant Plus (voicemail only) features, saving time and effort in configuration.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Branding Enhancements
You will be able to maintain multiple brandings that you can assign to different templates. Also, you will be able to use the new Set Guide Branding job when creating engagement rules. You will use it to dynamically set the branding for Guide.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Engagement Rule Enhancements
The following enhancements will be made for defining engagement rules:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Transparent Button Backgrounds
When defining a button, you will be able to set the background of the button to be transparent. The transparent background will override the color set in branding.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Audit Trail for Play and Pause
Currently, there is no audit trail for play and pause actions when you play back a recording. In this release, there will be an audit trail for these actions. This helps to provide additional supervision for supervisors when reviewing recordings.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
OS Login Support for ScreenAgent
Currently, ScreenAgent only supports logging in with Contact Center credentials to Contact Center client software, such as, MAX, Agent for Salesforce, and so on. This limits screen recording to Contact Center ACD telephony. In this release, ScreenAgent, version 3.0.x, will support OS Login credentials, which will allow screen recording on advanced configurations, such as CXone Open, multi-session environments, and more.
End of Support for ScreenAgent 2.x
From the end of 2023, ScreenAgent versions lower than 3.0.x will no longer be supported. You will need to upgrade all users to ScreenAgent version 3.0.x. You can use the current installation guide for instructions and there are no additional costs.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Multi-Session Support for ScreenAgent
Currently, screen recording is not supported in multi-session environments. In this release, screen recording will be supported in multi-session environments and will be able to record the screen of each agent separately. Users will need to log in with OS Login credentials.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Overall Display Mode
The Live monitoring page will have two display modes: Focused view and Overall view.
The existing view of filtered display of selected agents will be called Focused view. This view is intended for conventional supervisors who need detailed and real-time information about a specific group of agents and contacts. This view will have advanced filtering options and will continue to show all supervisor actions as shown currently.
The new Overall view display mode will show all the agents in the contact center. This view is intended for administrators or managerial supervisors who need a high-level view of their agents across the contact center. Supervisors will be able to perform only basic supervisor actions in this view.
To see the overall view, you must have the permission enabled: Supervisor > General Permission > Overall View: On.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Export Schedules via API
You will be able to export agent schedules using an API as an alternative to exporting using CSV files.
For more details about this feature, select the API filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ |
Availability | On toggle |
Schedule Recurring Meetings
You will be able to save time and effort when scheduling recurring meetings with employees. The recurrence will be daily or weekly.
This feature will be available for users with the WFM Advanced license.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
User Interface Enhancements in Schedule Manager
The display and user experience of the Schedule Manager will be improved with faster performance.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Time-Range Bulk Editing
Managers will be able to bulk edit forecasted data based on time ranges in addition to bulk editing full days.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Auto-Approval of Trades
The system will automatically approve or decline trades based on the defined configuration. This will reduce the manual burden on the manager and provide immediate visibility of the trade request to the agents.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
My Zone– Interval Level Self-Service for Extra Hours
This feature will be available for users with an advanced license.
Agents will be able to see interval-level extra hours opportunities on their schedules in My Zone. Based on the net staffing levels during the intervals, the extra hours will:
This feature will give agents schedule flexibility. Additionally, it will provide transparency while meeting business staffing needs.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
My Zone– Weekly Schedule View
Agents will have a weekly view of their schedule for better visibility. The weekly view will allow easy updates to the status and progress of each request. All the daily view functionality, except self-service, will also be available on the weekly view.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Mobile – Interval Level Self-Service for Time-Off
This feature will be available to users with an Advanced license.
Agents will be able to see interval-level time-off opportunities on their schedules in My Zone.
Two types of time-off slots are available based on the staffing conditions during the interval:
This will give agents more schedule flexibility while meeting business staffing needs.
This feature will be available later in October for mobile release 3.4.1.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Mobile – Enhanced Full Day and Partial Day Trades
Agents will be able to request both partial and full day trade on the mobile app. Managers will have one place to configure the trades, and agents will have the same user experience regardless of where their trade request is submitted.
The new trade configurations from WFM will be used for this functionality.
This feature will be available later in October for mobile release 3.4.1.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Support for Digital Channels (DFO)
WFM will be able to forecast and manage all digital channels (such as Facebook or WhatsApp messages) supported by the Contact Center platform. You will be able to see and configure them on the WEM Skills page.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle, in November 2023
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
True-to-Interval Analytics
Currently, data is collected at the end of interactions. In this release, WFM will use true-to-interval (TTI) analytics to collect data throughout the lifespan of the interaction. There will be two measurements: one for the start of the interaction called Handled, and one for the ongoing interaction called Active.
As a result of using TTI:
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle, in November 2023
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
International Codes
SMS short codes will be added for the United Kingdom.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Textel Conversations
Textel Conversations is an online texting dashboard where users can do two-way messaging, blast messaging, and access compliance tools. Users without a Contact Center license will also be able to access the tool. This will let people within your business who are not contact center agents to use the messaging tool.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Integration with Salesforce Flow Builder
Integrating your Contact Center Textel experience with Salesforce Flow Builder will let you use your Salesforce data to do the following:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Text Bots
New Studio actions will be available in Studio for use in digital scripts. They will allow you to:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Expanded Capability for Delete Author's Name of a Message WFA Job
Currently, the Delete Author's Name of a Message job in Workflow Automation (WFA) only redacts the value of the user's name. In this release, the job will also redact email addresses and social media handles. This job will work with case-based triggers and continue to require the use of a scheduler.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Bring Your Own Channel Authentication Server URL
You will be able to configure a URL for Bring Your Own Channel (BYOC) authentication that is separate from your middleware URL. This will enhance security for your BYOC integration. If you do not provide this additional URL, the middleware URL will be used instead.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Digital Scripting Enhancements
Digital scripts will receive some enhancements.
For more details about this feature, select the Studio filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Real-Time Translations
DFO will allow you to integrate RWS Language Weaver for automatic language translation. This will allow agents using MAX to send and receive translated messages in real time. You will need to purchase the language pairs from RWS that you want agents to be able to use. Then you will be able to enable automated language translations on the Points of Contact Digital page.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Chat Translations Renamed to Chat UI Localization
Chat messaging and live chat channels allow you to add language variants in addition to those supported for default translation. Currently, this option appears as Translations for your chat channels. In this release, it will be renamed to Chat UI Localization.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Removal of Links to Features Outside of DFO
The following UI updates will be made to gradually remove links to features and capabilities no longer accessible in the Digital First Omnichannel portal. You will still be able to access and manage these functions directly in Contact Center or the developer portal.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Contact Center Email Spam Filtering
You will be able to create spam tags for inbound emails. If AWS SES suspects the email is spam, it will be flagged and the tag will be applied. You will be able to apply the spam tag to specific routing queues to route those messages away from agents. You will be able to configure each Contact Center email channel with its own spam tag in the channel settings.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Migration to Cloud API for WhatsApp
Starting in the Summer 2023 release, DFO no longer uses a third-party integration service for WhatsApp. DFO connects directly to the Meta Cloud API. This migration process is ongoing in this release.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
DFO Chat Close Button
Currently, the button to end a chat is under the chat settings drop-down. In this release, you will be able to use a JavaScript API call to display an X in the main window instead. This button will provide a simpler experience for users to end their chat session.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
DFO Chat Typing Preview
Agents will be able to see messages from the contact before they are sent. This will allow agents to prepare their responses and reply faster. This feature will be turned off by default. You will be able to turn it on in the settings for each individual chat channel.
This feature is not compliant with PCI or HIPAA.
Automatic translation will not work with this feature turned on.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
DFO Chat Performance Enhancements with Chatbot Responses
In DFO Chat, responses from a chatbot will be sent within a few seconds after receiving the contact's message. This will decrease the loading times of the chat window for the user interacting with the bot.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Sentiment Focus Metric Added
You will be able to use Sentiment as your Enlighten AI Focus Metric. This will help you further customize your routing strategy.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Focus Metric Weighting
In ACD skill settings, you will be able to control how Enlighten AI Routing distributes routes by considering agent workload. You will be able to use the Enlighten AI Focus Metric drop-down and select the focus metric and the weight. Enlighten AI Routing will balance predicted KPI values with agent workload metrics, such as idle time. This will allow you to quickly customize how Enlighten AI Routing works for your organization. These will be the weighting options:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Apply Search Filters to Workspaces
Currently, you can create a saved search and view it on the Search page. In this release, you will be able to apply search filter results and saved searches to your workspaces. This will help you see the data you are looking for more quickly without needing to use workspace or widget filters.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Improvement to Brazilian Portuguese and German Transcripts
A new transformer technology will be used to improve the accuracy of transcripts for Brazilian Portuguese and German. This will make transcripts easier to read and understand.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Enlighten Features Available for IA Advanced
Currently, to use Enlighten AI metrics in IA, you must have IA Premium and Enlighten use cases. In this release, Enlighten-enabled features will be included with the IA Advanced package. If you already have IA Advanced or IA Premium, this update won't affect you.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Support for Open Recording
IA will be able to process calls from open recording. This means IA can analyze interactions even if you don't use the Contact Center ACD in your contact center. MCR open recording will support Avaya ACD. This update will not include historical data prior to this release.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Search and Filter by Group
You will be able to search interactions by group name and group ID, and you will be able to filter by group name. A new column will be available in the Interactions search results to display the groups associated with agents in an interaction.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Filter by Hold Count and Hold Time
You will be able to filter Interactions search results by a segment's hold count and hold time. New columns will be available in the search results to display the hold count and hold time associated with a segment.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Tag Interaction by Group
In the comment of an interaction, you will be able to tag by group name as well as by individual users.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Improved Recording Alert Descriptions
Recording alerts will provide more information about recording errors. For example, if there is a recording alert because there is no connection to the media server, there can be multiple reasons. The error description for the recording alert will provide more detailed information.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Hide Agent State Timer
Currently, any agent using MAX can see how long other agents have been in their current state. In this release, you will be able to use the Hide Agent State Timer permission to hide the agent state timer from users with the affected role. This will allow flexibility to configure the tenant as needed for your organization.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Updated Error Message
Currently, agents receive an "Agent - Crash" message when they have been in an unavailable state for longer than the Agent Timeout (Min) configuration. In this release, the error message will be updated to say "Agent - Timeout". This will make the error reason clearer.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Security Enhancement
InnerHTML will be replaced with innerText in the MAX code base. InnerText is safer and will reduce the risk of unauthorized code execution within MAX.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Require Manual Agent Accept
When this setting is enabled on an inbound ACD skill, agents who are on an active voice connection in MAX will have to manually click Accept or Reject for any incoming contacts. This will allow agents to have complete control over when or if they accept an incoming contact.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Interval Level Self-Service for Extra Hours
This feature will be available for users with an advanced license.
Agents will be able to see interval-level extra hours opportunities on their schedules in My Zone. Based on the net staffing levels during the intervals, the extra hours will:
This feature will give agents schedule flexibility. Additionally, it will provide transparency while meeting business staffing needs.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Weekly Schedule View
Agents will have a weekly view of their schedule for better visibility. The weekly view will allow easy updates to the status and progress of each request. All the daily view functionality, except self-service, will also be available on the weekly view.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Improvements in Microsoft Teams Directory Sync and Presence Sync
Two updates will be made to improve Microsoft Teams Directory Sync and Presence Sync:
These features will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On deploy |
Support for More Agent States in RingCentral Presence Sync
Currently, only agents who are in the In a Call state are marked as Unavailable in RingCentral Presence Sync. In this release, the following states will also be marked as Unavailable:
With this improvement, contacts won't be routed to agents who are in these states.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On deploy |
Availability of Adapters on FedRamp Moderate Regions
Adapters will be available in FedRamp moderate regions. This will allow Adapters to be accessible to more users.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Zoom Adapters
Zoom Adapters will let you integrate Zoom with Directory Sync and Presence Sync.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Branding Profile Support for the CXone Agent Suite
CXone Agent, CXone Agent Embedded, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams, and CXone Agent Integrated will use the design configured in the Branding Profile in Tenant Management. They will display the Branding Profile's logo instead of the CXone logo.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Separate Dashboards Permissions
Currently, the Dashboards permission in Tenant Management is enabled for all tenants and is not editable. In this release, it will be replaced by two new permissions: Legacy Dashboard and ACD UH Widgets. Tenant Management administrators will be able to disable the Legacy Dashboard permission to hide Reporting > Dashboards from users.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Ability to Add Templates and Variables to Proactive WhatsApp
You will be able to include templates and variables when sending messages to contacts on Proactive WhatsApp. This enhancement will increase the business value for WhatsApp and allow organizations to share personalized messages to their users.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On toggle |
Create SMS and Email Templates in Arabic
You will be able to create SMS and email templates in Arabic, supporting both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR) text in email and SMS messages. This enhancement will offer greater language flexibility, allowing you to utilize outbound digital channels in regions where Arabic is spoken.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Ability to Create State Do Not Call Holidays in ACD
You will be able to create do not call (DNC) holidays in the ACD. This feature will allow you to set specific curfews to avoid calls to certain regions on state holidays. This will address compliance issues where many states have statutes prohibiting such calls on declared holidays.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ |
Availability | On deploy |
Custom Team Assignment to Evaluator
A Quality Plan creator will be able to customize the teams that an evaluator will receive interactions from. The teams an evaluator has access to must be assigned in the Administration section.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Supervisor Initiates Evaluation Appeal
A Quality Form Administrator will be able to set an evaluation appeal in the form template. An Agent or Supervisor with the necessary permission will be able to initiate an appeal.
Anyone with the required permission to appeal will be able to act as the Supervisor. They will also have access to the agent's evaluations.
You will be able to change the appeal workflow in Settings, when creating a new form template.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Active Form Edits and Versions
Currently, editing an active form automatically updates the version number.
In this release, the Form Administrator will be able to make cosmetic changes to an active form without the version number changing. By default, the new Save form without updating version will be enabled.
Cosmetic changes will include:
Reports will remain unaffected by cosmetic changes.
To apply non-cosmetic changes, the Save form without updating version setting must be disabled.
Non-cosmetic changes include:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Evaluation Form Custom Headers
The new feature will allow form builders to create up to five custom header text boxes for a form.This will let you include evaluation interaction data. Agents will be able to view the header and header values in their evaluations.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Support for Side by Side (OCR+3rd Party ACD)
Quality Management will support Interactions from the Avaya ACD. This support will be dependent on the recording license being configured for CXone, supporting Avaya ACD.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Japanese Included in Multi-Language Options
When building custom categories in QMA, Japanese will be included.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Challenge Updated to Appeal
All instances of the terms Challenge or Challenged will be updated to Appeal or Appealed.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
BI Report Enhancements
For more details about this feature, select the Admin filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Additional Search Capabilities for Ad-Hoc Evaluations
Users will be able to search by the Organizational Unit or OU and by Group. This feature provides users with additional search capabilities when locating a Line of Business or Group when evaluating agents.
For more details about this feature, select the Admin filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Next Generation for Coaching
Users will have access to their original coaching packages and plans in a read-only format, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the new Coaching platform. A "What's New" pop-up will be provided to support users in understanding the updates and changes in the platform.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Quality Management BI Report Enhancements
These reports will display a column for Hierarchy:
For more details about this feature, select the Admin filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
CDR Disposition Expanded Report
The CDR Disposition Expanded report will show information about the interactions that occurred in your system, including the contact, agent, skill, campaign, team, time, and disposition. In addition to all of the columns from the CDR Plus Disposition report, it will also show:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ |
Availability | On deploy |
Agent State Log Expanded Report
The Agent State Log Expanded report will show the states each agent was in for the time period you select. In addition to the columns from the Agent State Log report, it will also show:
This report will let you see agents' states in one view.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ |
Availability | On deploy |
All Callbacks Expanded Report
The All Callbacks Expanded report will show all scheduled callbacks and commitments for the time period you select. In addition to the columns from the All Callbacks report, it will also show:
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ |
Availability | On deploy |
Hide Dashboards
Tenant Management administrators will be able to disable the new Legacy Dashboard permission in Tenant Management to hide Reporting > Dashboards from users.
For more details about this feature, select the Partner Applications filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Amelia Updating to Version 5.7.x
SmartAssist will be updated to support Amelia version 5.7.x.
This update will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ |
Availability | On toggle |
New Action: Estimated Wait Time (Digital)
The Estimated Wait Time (Digital) action will allow you to provide Digital First Omnichannel contacts an estimate of how long it may take for an agent to respond to their request. This action will be available to use with the digital script media type. Digital First Omnichannel is required to use this action.
This action will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
DFO Chat Delivery Override
You will be able to override the delivery of DFO chat messages using custom Studio scripting. Using this option will require assistance from Contact Center Professional Services.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Set Global Trace Location Option in Debug Menu
The Set Global Trace Location option in the Debug menu in Studio will be removed.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
SmartAssist Updating to Amelia Version 5.7.x
SmartAssist will be updated to support Amelia version 5.7.x.
This update will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ |
Availability | On toggle |
Support for IBM Watson Voice and Text Virtual Agents
You will be able to use IBM Watson voice and text virtual agents with Contact Center. IBM voice virtual agents will require a SIP backchannel implementation and will not be able to be set up through Virtual Agent Hub. Text virtual agents will be able to be set up through Virtual Agent Hub.This will expand the options of virtual agent providers you can use in your contact center.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Support for Omilia Voice Virtual Agents
You will be able to use Omilia voice virtual agents with Contact Center. These virtual agents will require a SIP backchannel implementation and will not be able to be set up through Virtual Agent Hub. This will expand the options of virtual agent providers you can use in your contact center.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
These features are adjustments to those previously announced.
DFO Chat Delivery Override
It was previously announced that you will be able to override the delivery of DFO chat messages. This feature will require assistance from Contact Center Professional Services.
Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page. These features will not be part of the Fall 2023 release but may be part of a future release.
NLU Intent Evaluation Report
You will be able to run evaluation reports to see several metrics for each intent. These metrics will include count, precision, any warnings about the training data for that intent, and more.
Guide Analytics Enhancements
There will be enhancements to the experience of Guide reports, including new widgets and metrics.
Digital Reporting Enhancements
There will be enhancements to the experience of digital reports, including new widgets and metrics.
Support for LinkedIn Tags and Mentions
A case will be created any time someone tags or mentions your brand on LinkedIn.
This feature will be available later in the Fall 2023 release cycle.
Search and Filter by Hierarchy
You will be able to filter Interactions search results by organizational units and teams in the primary hierarchy. A new column will be available in the search results to display the organizational units associated with agents in an interaction.
To see the following features in detail, go to feature section.
Cloud Transcription
New Name and Location in Contact Center
Workforce Management
Set Global Trace Location Option in Debug Menu
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
This cumulative update introduces the Keypad in Conference Call Controls feature in CXone Agent, CXone Agent Embedded, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams, and CXone Agent Integrated.
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
This cumulative update introduces the following feature:
This page has been updated to show the products and features in the December 2023 Minor release of Contact Center. Features are subject to change between now and final deployment.
Learn about the regional and FedRAMP availability of the Contact Center apps you use.
To see these features, clear your cache and cookies in your browser.
CXone Agent Progressive Web App
CXone Agent is available as a progressive web app. This app is browser-based, but can display notifications to the agent directly on their computer or mobile device. It can also run in the background.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Load Previous Digital Messages
Agents can load older messages from the contact. This includes messages from past interactions with other agents. This applies to:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Performance Report
The Performance report is available inside CXone Agent. It shows agents the number of inbound, outbound, and total interactions they handled for a selected time period. It has the same features and functionality as the Performance report in MAX.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Contact History Loading
When the agent first opens the Contact History space, it shows a limited number of interactions. As the agent scrolls, it shows more interactions. This decreases the amount of time Contact History takes to load when opened.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Unified Design for Contact History, Queue, and Search
Previously, the Contact History, Queue, and Search spaces each had their own unique layout. In this release, the layout of Contact History and Queue has been changed to match the layout of Search. All three spaces display information in a table. This simplifies the user experience.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Integrations Menu Item Renamed to Automation and AI
The Integrations menu item in Contact Center has been renamed to Automation and AI. This is where you can find Agent Assist Hub. It's located in the Others section of the menu that appears when you click the app selector.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
To see these features, clear your cache and cookies in your browser.
Load Previous Digital Messages
Agents can load older messages from the contact. This includes messages from past interactions with other agents. This applies to:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Performance Report
The Performance report is available inside CXone Agent Embedded. It shows agents the number of inbound, outbound, and total interactions they handled for a selected time period. It has the same features and functionality as the Performance report in MAX.
Contact History Loading
When the agent first opens the Contact History space, it shows a limited number of interactions. As the agent scrolls, it shows more interactions. This decreases the amount of time Contact History takes to load when opened.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Unified Design for Contact History, Queue, and Search
Previously, the Contact History, Queue, and Search spaces each had their own unique layout. In this release, the layout of Contact History and Queue has been changed to match the layout of Search. All three spaces display information in a table. This simplifies the user experience.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams supports two new languages: German and French.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Load Previous Digital Messages
Agents can load older messages from the contact. This includes messages from past interactions with other agents. This applies to:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Performance Report
The Performance report is available inside CXone Agent. It shows agents the number of inbound, outbound, and total interactions they handled for a selected time period. It has the same features and functionality as the Performance report in MAX.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Contact History Loading
When the agent first opens the Contact History space, it shows a limited number of interactions. As the agent scrolls, it shows more interactions. This decreases the amount of time Contact History takes to load when opened.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Unified Design for Contact History, Queue, and Search
Previously, the Contact History, Queue, and Search spaces each had their own unique layout. In this release, the layout of Contact History and Queue has been changed to match the layout of Search. All three spaces display information in a table. This simplifies the user experience.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
See the Agent for Salesforce release history for a list of previous versions.
WatchRTC SDK Integration
The WatchRTC SDK has been integrated with Agent for Salesforce. It provides an overview of WebRTC health for your organization. It automatically collects application and user data for you to analyze. Integrated Softphone and Voice Quality Metrics must be enabled in your system before you can use it. You can access WatchRTC reports and features through a separate URL. For more information, reach out to your Contact Center Account Representative.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Real-Time Sentiment Analysis
Service Cloud Voice now supports real-time sentiment analysis of call conversations. Agents and supervisors can now view turn-by-turn sentiment. They also have access to call recordings from previous conversations.
This feature allows supervisors to do the following:
This feature is only available for Salesforce organizations in North America.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
To see these features, clear your cache and cookies in your browser.
Load Previous Digital Messages
Agents can load older messages from the contact. This includes messages from past interactions with other agents. This applies to:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Performance Report
The Performance report is available inside CXone Agent Integrated. It shows agents the number of inbound, outbound, and total interactions they handled for a selected time period. It has the same features and functionality as the Performance report in MAX.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Contact History Loading
When the agent first opens the Contact History space, it shows a limited number of interactions. As the agent scrolls, it shows more interactions. This decreases the amount of time Contact History takes to load when opened.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
Unified Design for Contact History, Queue, and Search
Previously, the Contact History, Queue, and Search spaces each had their own unique layout. In this release, the layout of Contact History and Queue has been changed to match the layout of Search. All three spaces display information in a table. This simplifies the user experience.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Integrations Menu Item Renamed to Automation and AI
The Integrations menu item in Contact Center has been renamed to Automation and AI. This is where you can find Cloud TTS. This section is located under Others in the menu that appears when you click the app selector.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Cloud TTS Menu Option Renamed
The menu option to launch Cloud TTS has been renamed to Cloud TTS Hub. Previously, this menu option was found in the Integrations section in Contact Center. In this release, it is found in the Automation and AI section.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Frontline Agent Client for Kustomer
You can embed the Frontline Agent Client (FAC) into the Kustomer CRM. This lets agents handle conversations from one screen all within the CRM. FAC is powered by Contact Center infrastructure and integrates with the functionality of Kustomer. For example, new interactions automatically create conversations in Kustomer. FAC for Kustomer supports the following features:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
API Signature Service
The API signature service is an API that lets you enhance your security with the following features:
Contact Frontline Support for more information on improving your system security with this service.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
Credit Card Payments miniApp
Omilia can securely take credit card payments with a new embedded miniApp. This allows contacts to make payments in your Omilia VoiceBot IVR without waiting to speak with an agent. The miniApp is an add-on for Omilia VoiceBots, which helps avoid a complex setup process. For example, it handles all requirements to be compliant with PCI security standards. Contact Omilia Support for more information on processing payments with this miniApp.
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
DFO Chat Feedback Management Survey Variables
A new Feedback Management survey variable is available for DFO chat.
For more details about this feature, select the Feedback Management filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Feedback Management Surveys Embedded in DFO Chat
Contacts can complete post-interaction web surveys in an iFrame in the DFO chat window.
For more details about this feature, select the Feedback Management filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
These features will be available later in the release cycle, in January 2024.
Added Survey Substatuses
Two new substatuses help you monitor IVR engagement. They can help you determine why contacts didn't take a survey they agreed to take while waiting in a call queue.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Undo and Redo Buttons in Text Editors
In text editors throughout Feedback Management, undo and redo buttons are now available. These allow you to undo your most recent action in the text editor and to redo an action you just undid.
This feature isn't available on the Web Intercept page.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Speech-to-Text Language Improvements
For organizations using Elevate AI for Speech-to-Text (STT) transcriptions for survey comments, transcriptions are now available for Japanese.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Updated Academy Page
In the last release, the new VOC Basics course information was added to replace the Net Promoter Masterclass: Program Leadership Masterclass course. On 10 December, the Academy page will reflect this. Click the new container to navigate to the course in Dojo.
In addition, the following obsolete courses have been removed:
Customer Request | ✖ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Added DFO Chat Survey Variable
A new survey variable called locale code is available for DFO chat. It lets you display the survey in the contact's language.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Surveys Embedded in DFO Chat
Previously, contacts could click a link in DFO chat to take a survey in a new browser window. In this release, contacts can complete post-interaction web surveys in an iFrame in the DFO chat window. If the contact closes the survey without completing it, they return to the chat window. The chat window includes a link where they can return to the survey. Displaying the survey within the chat window makes the experience more seamless.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
New and Returning Visitors Rule Condition
Use the New and Returning Visitors condition when creating CXone Guide engagement rules. With this condition, you can display proactive offers or templates to visitors based on their visit history:
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Tenant Management
CXone Supervisor: New License
In this release, a new license option called CXone Supervisor CSAT is available for the CXone Supervisor license.
Organizations with the Enlighten AI CSAT package have the CXone Supervisor CSAT license and can access the Urgent Assist feature in the CXone Supervisor application.
For more details about this feature, select the CXone Supervisor filter on the top right.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Add Templates and Variables to Proactive WhatsApp
You can include templates and variables when sending messages to contacts on Proactive WhatsApp. This enhancement increases the business value for WhatsApp and allows organizations to push out personalized messages to their users.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Improved Security for Direct Data Access
Previously, you could only use a username and password to log in to Direct Data Access. In this release, Direct Data Access supports a new authentication method. You can use an access key and a secret key for your login credentials. Eventually, you will only use these keys instead of a username and password. This enhances security and helps protect your information.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On deploy |
These release notes are for a product that's part of an Out-of-Band Controlled Release (CR) program following a CI/CD methodology. The changes indicated in these release notes have already been made to the product.
Urgent Assist Alert
Supervisors can now configure the Urgent Assist alert.
This alert uses the AI-based Urgent Assist model. This model is meticulously trained on cross-industry patterns and trends. The model helps to predict the precise moment to alert supervisors when they should step in and support their agents.
This alert is available as a part of the Enlighten AI CSAT package with the CXone Supervisor CSAT license.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Agent Schedule
Supervisors can now see their agents' daily schedules to know their current and upcoming activities for the day.
The daily schedule will help supervisors to make better re-skill decisions when balancing queue load.
To see the agent schedule, you must enable the permission: WFM > Scheduling > Schedule Manager > View.
This feature is available to users with the Workforce Management license.
Customer Request | ✓ | UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On toggle |
Integrations Menu Item Renamed to Automation and AI
The Integrations menu item in Contact Center has been renamed to Automation and AI. This is where you can manage the Transcription Profiles for Contact Center transcription options. It's located in the Others section of the menu that appears when you click the app selector.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
All Transcription Options Available in Transcription Hub
A new hub has been added to the Automation and AI section of Contact Center. Transcription Hub houses all of the options for transcription supported in Contact Center. This makes it easier to manage transcription for all of your applications in Contact Center.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Cloud Transcription Service Renamed and Moved
Contact Center Cloud Transcription Service has been renamed to Turn-by-Turn Transcription. It has also been moved under the new Transcription Hub menu option in the Automation and AI section in Contact Center. The new name reflects the way this transcription service is used in Contact Center.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
Integrations Menu Item Renamed to Automation and AI
The Integrations menu item in Contact Center has been renamed to Automation and AI. This is where you can find Virtual Agent Hub. It's located in the Others section of the menu that appears when you click the app selector.
Customer Request | ✖ |
UI Change | ✓ | Availability | On deploy |
The Release Adjustments section describes the changes, removals, and additions made in the feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement for the December 2023 Minor release.
This section describes changes that have been made to feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement. Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page and an explanation of what changed.
Agent for Service Cloud Voice
Noise Cancellation
Currently, background noise lowers the call quality between agent and contact. In this release, a noise block library will be integrated. This will improve voice quality by eliminating environment noise from both agent and contact.
CXone Agent
CXone Agent Progressive Web App
This feature was previously announced as CXone Agent desktop and mobile apps. Instead, it is a progressive web app. It is still a browser-based app.
This section describes product changes that were included in the initial coming soon announcement and have since been removed from this release. These will not be part of the December 2023 Minor release but may be part of a future release.
Removed Applications and Features
Dashboard Application Replaced
The current Dashboard application will be removed from Contact Center. You will no longer be able to access or use it. Your system will migrate to the new CXone Dashboard application for a similar but improved experience. The new CXone Dashboard doesn't currently support FedRAMP. Until it does, FedRAMP-enabled systems will include the current Dashboard application but not the new CXone Dashboard.
New Applications
CXone Dashboard
This product was previously announced as available with the initial December 2023 Minor. Instead, the product's availability is postponed to a future release.
CXone Agent
CRM Workflow Errors in Studio Trace
Error messages from your CRM about the workflows you've created for your agents, such as Search, Create, and Data Memorialization, will appear in the Studio scripts you configured for those workflows. They will appear in the Studio trace window.
To see this feature, clear your cache in Studio.
CXone Agent Embedded
CRM Workflow Errors in Studio Trace
Error messages from your CRM about the workflows you've created for your agents, such as Search, Create, and Data Memorialization, will appear in the Studio scripts you configured for those workflows. They will appear in the Studio trace window.
To see this feature, clear your cache in Studio.
CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Outlook Calendar Integration
Commitments created in the Schedule space of CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams will appear in Microsoft Outlook. The agent's Outlook calendar will update each time a commitment is created, edited, or deleted. Outlook will notify agents of upcoming commitments.
Customer Request | ✓ |
UI Change | ✖ | Availability | On toggle |
CXone Agent Integrated
Microsoft Outlook Calendar Integration
Error messages from your CRM about the workflows you've created for your agents, such as Search, Create, and Data Memorialization, will appear in the Studio scripts you configured for those workflows. They will appear in the Studio trace window.
To see this feature, clear your cache in Studio.
This section notes product changes that have been added to this release since the initial coming soon announcement. To see the following features in detail, select the product in the filter on the right.
DEVone Integrations
Feedback Management
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.