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Release Notes > RingCX > September 2024
Release Notes

RingCX | September 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCX.

Version 24.3.3

Release date: September 2024

What’s new

This is the September Release Note Summary.

RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues. 

September Release Notes summary


  • The RingCX agent interface can now be integrated with Freshdesk to effectively handle voice and digital interactions within the Freshdesk CRM while continuing to handle customer interactions via RingCX.
  • RingCX has expanded its integration APIs for third-party partners to include digital channels for Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) and reporting.
  • New voice channel PCI Pal integration enables secure, PCI DSS-compliant payment processing for contact center agents.
  • Ability to export workflows to a local file and quickly re-import to a different RingCX environment. This enables customer and professional services teams to efficiently reuse and transfer complex workflows across environments.
  • Supervisors can seamlessly manage and change the working state of individual agents directly from the supervisor view.
  • Supervisor capabilities have been added to all the CRM embedded integrations. This allows visibility into agent states and channel interactions, as well as the ability to start and stop coaching, monitoring, and barge-in for both voice and digital channels.
  • RingCX agents can now call or transfer a call to any type of RingEX extension from the corporate directory.



  • Agent Login Time Tracking Details: Shows agent first login time and last logout time per calendar day, along with durations of agent states.
  • Agent Speed of Answer: Shows the average speed of answer by agent and overall per contact center. 
  • DNIS Inbound Overview: Shows the number of inbound interactions per DNIS number. Interaction details include DNIS description and time averages.
  • Interactions Overview: Shows all incoming and outgoing interactions including their metrics and handling resources, for a holistic view and analysis of contact center activities.
  • The Last Load Time and Timezone elements have been added to every standard report to indicate the date, time, and timezone for when data in the report was last loaded.


  • To support the RingSense integration and track interactions with Auto Summary, Agent Summary and Transcript, RingCX analytics now has the following new metrics: Interactions with Auto Summary, Interactions with Agent Summary, Interactions with Transcript.
  • Agent SOA: Average time it takes agents to answer voice interactions.
  • A large set of trend and forecast related metrics have been introduced for inbound and outbound interactions.
  • New metrics have been added to track the numbers and durations of various base states for contact center agents.
  • A number of callback related metrics have been added to analyze callback interactions.


  • Agent Locale: Displays the locale setting of the agent interface showing the agent’s preferred language (reserved for internal use).
  • Brand ID: Partner’s brand ID used for billing and integration.
  • Brand Name: Partner’s brand name used for billing and integration.
  • Sub Brand ID: Partner’s brand division ID used for billing and integration.
  • Sub Brand Name: Partner’s brand division name used for billing and integration.
  • Connected Route Destination ID: Displays a phone number or SIP address of the agent’s login extension.
  • DNIS Description: Displays the DNIS description if defined in the phone number settings; helps to identify interactions with the same DNIS description and group them for reporting purposes.
  • Reverse Index: Number of the segment within an interaction counted in the reverse order.
  • A large set of attributes has been added to describe the outbound campaign leads.
  • The Segment Lead folder has been deleted, and the existing lead attributes have been moved into the Lead folder.
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