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Release Notes > MVP Admin
Release Notes

MVP Admin Release Notes

Admin Portal/My Extension
Release Date: 5/1/2020
What's New
  • Robocall blocking
    • In this release, updates will be made to the overall layout and navigation of the RingCentral Admin Portal. Updates include updated cascading menus, customizable tables, and more intuitive overall navigation.
  • Admin Portal Updates
    • In this release, updates will be made to the overall layout and navigation of the RingCentral Admin Portal. Updates include updated cascading menus, customizable tables, and more intuitive overall navigation.
  •  RingCentral Conference Reset
    • As an added security measure, admins will be able to reset and regenerate conference host and participant codes for RingCentral audio conferences.
  • Spoofed Caller-ID Detection
    • RingCentral will soon have the ability to verify the authenticity of the Caller ID on inbound calls in order to cut down on robocalls with spoofed numbers.
  • Call Queue Select Manager from User List
    • This enhancement will allow admins to assign multiple users as the managers of a call queue.
Phones and Devices
Release Date: 5/1/2020
What's New
  • New phones available
    • Avaya J139, J169, J179 phones are now available, with J159, J100 Expansion Module, and B199 being added late in Q2 2020.
  • Cisco CP6821 & CP8851 phones will be available for both domestic and international
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