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RingCentral for Salesforce

December 20, 2019

This article contains a historical record of new features, improvements and bug fixes for the RingCentral for Salesforce app.

What's New?

RingCentral for Salesforce Version 6.5
Release Date: 10/21/2019
  • Support Case entity in Salesforce for "Related to" field
  • More real estate for dialer while logging call
  • Contact & Related to field will be auto-populated instead of a user having to select even if there is a single match
  • Visual indication showing call states like ringing, on hold, disconnected, etc.
  • Easy access to all call controls
  • Search capability in “Name” and “Related To” field when there are multiple matches
  • Salesforce native icons indicating the type of matched entity (e.g. Contact, Lead, Opportunity, Account, etc.)
  • Ability to edit already logged call note from right within the integration
Bug Fixes
  • Saving logs some time meets "Illegal assignment from Decimal to Time" error, now fixed
RingCentral for Salesforce Version 6.4.5
Release Date: 09/17/2019
New Features
  • Salesforce Reporting (Beta) -  reporting capabilities allows tracking a user's or teams' data:
    • Summary of total calls
    • Average duration per call
    • Average calls per day
    • Call disposition
    • Call direction
  • Auto-select 'Name' and 'Related To' when there is only one contact match
  • Update domain name configuration for AT&T domain restriction
  • Allow user to type and search their Direct Line number(DL) in Salesforce app’s Setting
  • Add logout check mechanism of Auth-Token under multiple-tabs scenarios to avoid inconsistent data storage sync
Bug Fixes
  • Add caching mechanism for presence to avoid backend performance impact
  • Fix the duplicate records showed by contact match while doing call logging
  • Ignore delimiter and extension number in Call to dial function
  • Saving logs sometimes meet error: "Illegal assignment from Decimal to Time" now fixed.
RingCentral for Salesforce Version 6.0
Release Date: 01/15/2019
New Features
  • Call history and offline call logging
  • Active call controls - mute, end, transfer, hold call
  • View Contact details and create account, lead, contact and opportunity directly from call history
  • Multi-call log
  • Schedule Meetings
  • Set presence
  • Auto Log Notes
  • Auto-fill contact lookup (From dialer for calling, Texting)
  • View messages- voice, fax and text
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