Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
Click here if you only need to receive SMS messages.
Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Rooms.
RingCentral Rooms (Android/Windows)
VERSION 24.1.10
Release Date: 01/17/2024
What's New
Share your screen using Magewell USB Capture HDMI Plus: You can now connect your laptop to the Rooms system computer to share your screen using the Magewell USB Capture HDMI Plus device.
Remote deployment, auto launch, and auto update with WS1 supported for Windows Rooms: Use the WS1 MDM to mass deploy new Rooms builds for Windows applications. Remote deployment, auto launch, and auto updates are supported.