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Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Rooms.
RCV Rooms on mac
VERSION 21.4.20
Release Date: 11/19/2021
What's New
Dial into 3rd party meetings via Softphone: In rooms enabled with phone license, users can now dial into a scheduled Teams, Zoom, Webex, or GoToMeeting meeting with just one tap.
Audio and video settings on SW: IT admin can remotely manage the following audio and video settings of Room from ServiceWeb.
software audio processing
mic level and speaker volume
setting default microphone and speaker
Room settings are synced between Rooms controller and ServiceWeb.
Proximity sharing available for Telus & BT: Users of Telus & BT can now pair their desktop app with Room using bluetooth proximity and reliably share their screen to Rooms host without touching the Rooms controller.
Phone as controller available for partners: Users of Telus & BT can now use their mobile app to control the Rooms system.
RCV Rooms on Poly
VERSION 21.4.20
Release Date: 11/16/2021
What's New
Phone as controller available for all partners: Users of AT&T, Telus, BT, Atos, ALE, Verizon, Vodafone, ACO can now use their mobile app to control the Rooms system.
Handoff meeting from mobile to Rooms: RingCentral mobile app users can now hand off their on-going meeting to Rooms seamlessly. After handoff, mobile users can continue to manage the meeting in Room from their mobile.
Dial into 3rd party meetings via Softphone: In rooms with phone license enabled, users can now one tap to dial into a scheduled Teams, Zoom, Webex, or GoToMeeting meeting.
Proximity sharing available for Telus & BT: Users of Telus & BT can now pair their desktop app with Room using bluetooth proximity and reliably share their screen to Rooms host without touching the Rooms controller.
Audio and video settings on SW: IT admin can remotely manage the following audio and video settings of Room from ServiceWeb.
mic level and speaker volume
setting default microphone and speaker
automatic camera framing (if rooms support it)
Room settings are synced between Rooms controller and ServiceWeb.
Bug Fixes
Performance enhancements and bug fix
RingCentral Rooms for Windows
VERSION 21.4.20
Release Date: 11/16/2021
What's New
Personal phone as Rooms controller: To enable a touchless experience in conference rooms, users can now control the room using their mobile devices, including:
Start instant meeting in a room
Join meeting from a room
Control audio and video of meeting in the room
Leave meeting from the room
Swap Monitors: IT admin can swap the default content on primary & secondary monitor via controller.
Dynamic TV Background: Dynamic rotate the background image on host TV during different times of day - with San Francisco timelapse photo sets.
Dim Rooms app screen when idle: Rooms app screen will dim after 5 minutes of inactivity. Rooms will automatically be woken up 30 minutes before the next upcoming meeting or by manually tapping the controller.
Audio and video settings on SW: IT admin can remotely manage the following audio and video settings of Room from ServiceWeb: