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Release Notes > RingSense for RingCX
Release Notes

RingSense for RingCX

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingSense for RingCX.

Q4 2024

December 2024

Introduced the following feature:

  • Automated Scorecards - Summary: View concise explanations for why the AI answered Yes or No on scorecard questions, enabling faster review without call playback
Automated Scorecards - Summary
  • Multi-manager Support
    • Allow users to have more than one manager that can review calls, provide feedback, fill out scorecards, etc.
    • Show author of who performed a certain task
    • Fix the number roll ups under Coaching → Team performance grid
  • Custom Call Type Definition: Admins can now request to define custom call types for their organization, moving beyond the standard call type library to match their unique business needs.
Custom Call Type Definition
  • Support for calls in German: Calls in German are now fully processed with transcriptions and insights displayed in German, enabling native language analysis.
Support for calls in German
  • Integrations Setup Usability Improvements: Improved UI and user experience for admins to configure and setup integrations in RingSense.
Integrations Setup Usability Improvements
  • EU Data Residency: New RingSense environment deployed in Germany, enabling regional data processing and storage.
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