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Engage Digital | Activity tracking reports

Activity tracking reports are a standardized way to get information on the message and agent activity in your contact center. There are a variety of reports that represent the most common data that you may want to analyze. You can find activity tracking reports by navigating to Analytics > Activity Tracking and selecting a specific report.

About Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) mode

Most of the time, your agents have actual working times in the interface that vary from one agent to another. This makes comparing performance between agents more complex because the volume of production depends on the time they spend in the tool. 
The full-time equivalent mode is available in certain reports, including the Messages activity, Conversations activity, and Interaction activity reports, to allow you to compare the performance of agents who work different amounts of time. You can turn this mode on or off by selecting On or Off from the FTE control. The default is Off. The system calculates the presence time of agents to extrapolate agent performance on the basis of an FTE. The calculation is based on presence time.
Enabling FTE in these reports allows you to see agent performance on an equal footing (by default, based on a seven-hour work day). For example, if an agent works for one hour during which they close 10 conversations, the extrapolation in FTE mode will be 70 closures. If their colleague closes 30 conversations in 3.5 hours, then the extrapolation in FTE mode will be 60 closures.
Let’s review the different Activity tracking reports that you can use.

Messages activity report

This report gives the absolute number of messages per action type per day over the selected period. 
The types of action are:
  • Categorizations
  • Ignores
  • Replies (private or public)
Per agent, the table presents the distribution of messages according to their processing over the selected period. The graph shows the number of cancellations, closures, openings, and reopenings of messages over the selected period. Note that just because an agent has a high number of responses does not mean that they solve as many customer inquiries.

The Conversations activity report better represents agent performance than the Messages activity report. This is because an agent may need to send more replies than another to solve a customer inquiry. For example, a technical problem will require more replies than a mere request for information.

Interpreting results: comparing agent performance in terms of replies

By enabling the FTE, you compare the performance of your agents on the same basis: for an equivalent presence time, you get the number of actions on messages that agents would perform theoretically.
Say, for example, Chris L is an agent. He logs in to the platform only occasionally to reply to messages that have been assigned to him. He does not categorize his own messages. He logs in only to reply, and then logs out. Suppose that given these facts, Chris L has no categorization or ignores, but has 9 replies over the selected period. Because of his short presence time, Chris L’s estimated number of replies/day is skewed data.
View of comparing agent performance in terms of replies
View of comparing agent performance in terms of replies

Conversations activity report

This report shows the absolute number of conversations per type of action over the selected period. The detail shows, by agent, the distribution of conversations by status, over the selected period. The possible statuses are:
  • Auto-Closed: A setting allows you to set a time period after which conversations are closed automatically. This statistic also includes chat automatically closed by the app when the user logs out
  • Canceled: A conversation is canceled when the agent clicks on Cancel conversation. An agent can only cancel a conversation if they have not yet started to reply to the customer. The number of cancellations should remain fairly low if the agents have understood how messages work. A cancellation can occur only once per conversation
  • Closed: A conversation is closed when the agent clicks on Solve
  • Opened: A conversation is opened when the agent clicks on Engage. An opening can only occur once per conversation
  • Reopened: A conversation is reopened if a new customer message is imported after the conversation was closed. The number of reopenings per conversation is not limited

Interpreting results: Comparing agent performance in terms of conversation openings

This report compares agent performance based on how many conversations are opened. For example, say we see that Jeff has opened the most conversations within the chosen period with 4 openings.

When you turn on FTE, Jeff’s performance is reduced. By reviewing an Agent activity report, you see that over the same period, Jeff is more present and active in the system. You can then infer that if Theresa worked the same amount of hours as Julie, she would theoretically open more conversations.
View of comparing agent performance in terms of intervention openings
View of comparing agent performance in terms of intervention openings

Ensuring that agents do not close conversations too early

Evaluating the number of closures per agent is not enough to assess an agent's performance. An agent may believe that he or she has solved the customer’s problem and therefore solved the conversation, but it may be different from the customer’s point of view, who may reopen the conversation. You should review the number of reopened conversations.

To allow you to take into account both the number of closures and reopenings, the system introduces the concept of consolidated closure. A consolidated closure corresponds to a closed conversation that has never been reopened or to a conversation that has already been reopened but which is closed at the time of the consultation (Consolidated closures = Closures - Reopenings). If sorting on the Consolidated closures column reveals agents with a number of reopenings equal to or close to the number of closures, this might be due to one or both of the following problems:
  • The agent clicks Solve believing that a customer’s request is solved when it is not
  • The agent may not know that they can delay a conversation
Ensuring that agents do not close interventions too early
For example, you examine the closures and reopenings for two agents. Agent Claire has 0 consolidated closures/day, which means that all the conversations she closed were reopened by a customer message. The reopening of so many conversations is not productive, and Claire should receive training on deferring conversations.
By contrast, another problem is when an agent Thomas has an average of 53.57 openings but no closures. Thomas may not know that a conversation must be closed once the customer inquiry is solved.
For a detailed view of closed conversations with or without reopenings, see the First contact resolution report.

Interaction activity (Routing mode only) report

Interaction activity report
This report shows, in absolute value, the interaction activity per agent. The activity includes these statuses:
  • Missed: Recorded when an interaction is presented to an agent for 30 seconds. If the agent does not accept it, the interaction is missed and the agent’s status is updated to Away
  • Accepted: Recorded when an agent accepts an interaction that is presented to them
  • Forced assigned: Recorded when transferring an interaction directly to an agent by skipping the queue
  • Revived: Recorded when an agent manually recalls an interaction from their history or  deferred interactions
  • Deferred: This activity is recorded when an agent defers an interaction
  • Closed: This activity is recorded when an agent closes an interaction
  • Transferred: This activity is recorded when an agent transfers an interaction
  • Expired from workbin: This activity is recorded when the agent is no longer logged in and has one or more interactions in their box. These interactions expire after one hour by default, and are re-routed

Interpreting results: Detecting unusual agent activity in Routing mode

When an agent misses an interaction, it means that they were not on the system when the interaction was assigned to them. The agent who misses an interaction changes to Away and no longer receives interactions until they manually change their status to Available. A significant number of missed interactions might reveal a misuse of the tool. 
If the agent is working on another tool at the end of their shift, they must change their status so that the system stops distributing interactions to them and statistics on their activity times are as accurate as possible. Also, if an agent misses an interaction, the (first) response time is impacted, especially on chat channels.
Agents can enable sound and visual notifications to avoid missing interactions.

Expired from workbin

If an agent logs out with active interactions in their ongoing interactions, their interactions will expire after one hour and will be rerouted. The interaction timeout is customizable in each channel and is set to one hour by default. That means that 1 hour of response time will be lost if the agent did not transfer or complete their task before logging out. If the agent has expired interactions from the workbin, they should be reminded of best practices.

Agent activity report

In absolute value, this report shows the agents’ total activity and presence times over the selected period. If agents are working in Routing mode, you can also refer to the Activity time per agent, Activity time per channel, and Activity time per channel per hour (Routing mode only) reports for a more detailed view of their activity. The report contains information about Presence time and Activity time.
Presence time is an estimation of the working hours of the agents, inferred from the agents’ activity peaks. Presence time is mainly used for the calculation of FTE and is not taken into account for calculation of simultaneous agents. The agent being connected or not in the product does not have any impact on the presence time

By default, the agent is considered absent after 45 minutes of inactivity. You can adjust this delay in Admin > Settings > Account Settings. The lower the absence detection threshold is, the more presence time is accurate
We recommend keeping a value for the absence detection threshold close to the usual agents’ breaks/meetings time. So the difference between presence time and activity time will be less important
Activity time is time during which the agent is actually active when logged in to the system. It is accurate down to the second. By default, the agent is considered absent after 5 minutes of inactivity.
Activity time is calculated from the time when the interface is displayed on screen, activity time on messages and conversations (categorizations, openings, etc.), mouse moves, or typing on keyboard. An agent is considered inactive as soon as they switch to another application and the interface no longer appears on their screen

Interpreting results: Measure the actual work time for agents

If there is a significant difference between activity and presence times and agents are supposed to reply to customers only during their presence hours, then the team may be overstaffed and agents may be working in other tools (such as a CRM) while keeping the interface open in another window or tab.
For example, your report may show that agents are more present than active. When you see that agents are more present than active, this can be symptomatic of an overstaffed team — particularly if agents are working in the Routing mode.
Interpreting results: Measure the actual work time for agents
For example, suppose that the presence time within the current period for all agents represented a total of 17h 55min. Over the current period, the total activity time of all agents represents a total of 6h 46min. Compared to the previous period, the activity and presence times have increased significantly: the total presence time for all agents increased by 346.72%, and the total activity time increased by 326.34%.
The workforce has had the platform open for a longer period of time (which can be explained by new hires or new work schedules), but has spent less time working actively in the platform (that is, handling and categorizing them).

Activity calendar report

This report shows the number of active agents over the selected period, per day and per 30-minute slot. It lets you trace agents’ activity. To learn more about the distinction between presence and activity, see the Agent activity report).
This report can be compared with the Messages by day and Messages by hour reports to ensure that the number of active agents is enough relative to the incoming message flow.

Interpreting results: View the number of simultaneously active agents

If no filter is enabled or no team is selected, the number of simultaneously active agents per slot is displayed.
Interpreting results: View the number of simultaneously active agents
In this example, 2 agents were active between 9h30 and 10h on November 30.

Interpreting results: view activity time per agent

When an agent is selected, the activity time (in minutes) per slot is displayed.
Interpreting results: view activity time per agent
For example, the selected agent spent 9 minutes on the platform between 9h and 10h30 on December 3.

Availability per agent (Routing mode only) report

This report shows the time spent per day and per agent for each presence status. The graph shows the total time for all agents and per status. The table shows the time per agent and per status.
The different statuses of presence are:
  • Unoccupied: The agent has no interaction
  • Available: The agent has not reached their normal capacity, they have at least one interaction open and can receive some more
  • Busy: The agent has reached their soft capacity, and cannot receive new interactions unless manually requested
  • Max capacity: The agent has reached their max capacity
  • Total active: Total of all active statuses (available + busy + max capacity)
  • Away: Default away status
  • Total: Total of all statuses
The absence statuses are customizable and may vary from one console to another.
The global agent status of presence is the status across all channels. It is calculated based on the presence status in each channel with the following logic:
Conditions Global status
An agent is away on all channels
An agent is available at least in one channel Available
An agent is unoccupied in one channel and max capacity or busy or away or unoccupied in others Available
An agent is max capacity in one channel and max capacity or away in others
Max capacity
An agent is busy in one channel and away or max capacity or busy in others Busy
An agent is unoccupied in one channel and unoccupied or away in others Unoccupied
All custom statuses are considered as Away.

Interpreting results: determining agents’ occupancy rate per channel

The occupancy rate is the time during which the agent is handling interactions over the total (Active + Unoccupied) time spent in Routing mode. The higher the occupancy rate, the more active the agent is when they are connected in Routing mode.
Please note, if the agents do not log out at the end of the day, their idle time (Unoccupied) will continue to be counted. For this report to be useful, you need to ensure that your agents log out daily.
Here is how you can determine the occupation rate:
(Total active x 100) / (Total active + Unoccupied) = occupation rate (%).
For example, suppose that your agent Alex was active for 4mn 21s and his total time (active + unoccupied) is 1h 40mn + 4mn 21s = 1h 44mn 21s. His occupation rate is (4mn 21s x100) / 1h 44mn 21s = 4%.
Say that another agent, Chris L, was active for a total of 3h44mn. His total time is 3h44mn + 5h12mn = 8h56mn. Chris L’s occupation rate is therefore (3h44mn x 100) / 8h12mn = 46%.
Interpreting results: determining agents’ occupancy rate per channel

Availability per channel group (Routing mode only) report

This report shows you the channel availability over a selected period. In contrast to the Availability per agent report, it is the channel’s availability as a whole that is shown here.
The statuses for channel availability are:
  • Unoccupied: This status indicates all agents are unoccupied (they have no interactions in their current interactions)
  • Available: This status indicates all agents have ongoing interactions but at least one agent has not reached his/her normal capacity
  • Busy: This status indicates all agents have reached their soft capacity but at least one agent has not reached his/her max capacity
  • Max capacity: This status indicates all agents have reached their max capacity
  • Away: This status indicates all connected agents are in Away status

Interpreting results: monitor staffing effectiveness

Overstaffed channel

With this report, you can see the general availability of your different channels. If the time spent in Unoccupied status is high, the channel may be overstaffed. Indeed, this indicates that there are periods during which no agent receives interactions. Another possible cause could be that the channel does not have a large volume of messages.

For example, when significant time is spent in Unoccupied status: the channel may be overstaffed.
View of additional info when you hover your mouse over a group component

Properly-staffed channel

On the contrary, if the channel is mainly in the ‘Available,’ ‘Busy,’ and ‘Max capacity’ statuses without being in the ‘Unoccupied’ status too much, this indicates that the channel is properly staffed. Agents are not unoccupied and the channel still has available slots for incoming messages.
If you have enabled message routing based on categories and one of the categories is not attracting much traffic, some agents may be unoccupied most of the time. In that case, we recommend that you consult the Availability per agent report to analyze the situation in more detail.

Suppose that as soon as agents are connected, they are assigned interactions and are not unoccupied throughout their working day. You will be able to determine that the channel is properly staffed because there remains periods of availability — which will be shown in green as an Available status
View of additional info when you hover your mouse over a group component

Understaffed channel

If the channel has no or very little availability and is mainly in ‘Busy’ and ‘Max capacity’ statuses, this indicates that the channel may be understaffed. Compare this data to the backlog of the supervision view. If your channel is predominantly busy and the backlog is important, the channel is necessarily understaffed.
On the contrary, if the backlog is low at the end of the day, this indicates that the messages have been engaged and that the number of agents satisfies your needs. However, note that in case of a traffic peak, there will not be enough resources to absorb the difference.

For example, suppose that your channel is mainly in the Occupied and Max capacity statuses. This indicates that your agents are constantly handling interactions.
View of additional info when you hover your mouse over a group component

Availability per channel group per hour (Routing mode only) report

This report shows the channel group availability per hour for the selected period. For example, if the selected period is greater than one day, the graph gives an average per hour.
View of additional info when you hover your mouse over a group component
View of additional info when you hover your mouse over a group component

Interpreting results: monitoring staffing effectiveness

Similar to the Availability per channel group report, this report shows the effectiveness of your staffing and allows you to manage your staff more finely, as the results are displayed per hour.

Concurrent interactions per channel group report

The Concurrent interactions per channel group report allows you to track the number of digital interactions that your agents process simultaneously on their production time. Concurrent interactions are calculated by summing the time spent on the interactions during the production time divided by the production time. The production time is the sum of the total active statuses (Available, Busy, Max Capacity) and the time spent in Unoccupied status.
For more information about these statuses, see Agent time per agent (Tasks view only).
The overall figure is the weighted average of the concurrent interactions per production time. If you have multiple channels, the production time may be different from one channel to another; for example, if you go away on the real-time channel for a number of hours. In this case, the production time corresponds to the time spent in the statutes mentioned above on at least one of the channel group.
Suppose that your agents spend a total of 4 hours on interactions during 3 hours of production time. You can calculate that the Sum of time spent per interaction during production time / production time = 4/3 or 1.33. On average, your agents have 1.33 interactions in progress, in all channels combined.
Concurrent tasks per channel report diagram

Interactions per routing strategy step report

The Interactions per routing strategy step report allows you to evaluate the efficiency of each routing strategy step. Routing strategy steps represent the specific stages of processing a message through the system. It shows how many interactions have been taken by the agent on each step of the active routing strategy. The table shows the number of interactions and the percentage of the number over the selected period.
Tasks per topology step report
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