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Engage Voice | Configuring requeue shortcuts

As we’ve discussed in Intro to requeue shortcuts, requeue shortcuts allow admins to configure the system to give agents the ability to requeue messages. Requeue shortcuts enable admins to configure the exact digital queues agents can requeue to, including queues the agent doesn’t have access to.
Now that we’ve discussed what a requeue shortcut is and what it’s used for, let’s talk about how to configure requeue shortcut groups and requeue shortcuts. You can create one or more requeue shortcuts via the Configure Requeue Shortcut and groups page. Please note that you must first create a requeue shortcut group before you can create requeue shortcuts.

Adding requeue shortcut groups

To create a requeue shortcut group, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Routing > Advanced settings > Requeue shortcuts via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Click the Add Requeue Shortcut Group button to open the Requeue Shortcut Group modal window
3. Provide a name for your requeue shortcut group via the Name field (required)
4. Click the Save button to save your changes

Managing requeue shortcut groups

Once you create a requeue shortcut group, it will appear in a table in the Configure Requeue Shortcuts and groups page. 
At the far right of the requeue shortcut group is the More menu, which you can select to reveal the following actions:
  • Add requeue shortcut: Adds a new requeue shortcut group
  • Edit Group: Opens the Requeue Shortcut Group modal window to make changes to the requeue shortcut group name
  • Delete Group: Deletes the requeue shortcut group. Please note that if you delete a requeue shortcut group, the requeue shortcut added in this group will also be deleted
When editing and deleting your requeue shortcut group, please note that you’re making changes at the group level.

Adding requeue shortcuts

Now that we’ve discussed how to configure requeue shortcut groups, let’s talk about how to add requeue shortcuts. 
In the steps below, you’ll learn how to add a requeue shortcut:
1. Navigate to Routing > Advanced settings > Requeue shortcuts via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Hover over the requeue shortcut group and click the More icon at the far right
3. Select Add Requeue Shortcut to open the Requeue Shortcut modal window
4. Provide or select a rank number from the Rank number field
5. Provide a name for your requeue shortcut via the Name field (required)
6. Select a queue from the Queue dropdown menu (required)
7. Select a skill from the Skill dropdown menu (optional)
8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 to add more requeue shortcuts
9. Click the Save button at the bottom right to save your changes
Let’s review the settings you’ll encounter in the Requeue shortcut modal window.
  • Rank: Order in which the requeue shortcut options will appear to agents. The rank number appears in ascending order from lowest to highest. Please note that the lowest number has the highest rank
  • Name: Name of the shortcut that agents will see to let them know where they are requeuing (required field)
  • Queue: Where the chat will be requeued (required field) 
  • Skill: If you wish to require that any agents accepting the requeued chat on the destination queue have a specific skill, you can select a skill from the dropdown. Please note that once you requeue and there are no available agents in that skill, it will still show up in the queue, but it won’t dequeue. If you would like to know more about configuring digital queues and skills, visit Managing digital queue group skills

Managing requeue shortcuts

When you create a requeue shortcut, you’ll see it appear in a table under the requeue shortcut group to which you’ve added it. The table contains information about each requeue shortcut, like its shortcut ID (unique ID for each shortcut), rank, requeue shortcut name, queue, and skill (if any) that the shortcut will lead to. 

You have an option to edit each shortcut you’ve created by clicking the Edit pencil and paper icon at the far right of your requeue shortcut. Similarly, you can click the Delete trash icon to remove a requeue shortcut.
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