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Engage Voice | Intro to web services

The Dev Tools product menu option in the admin interface allows you to configure web services which you can invoke in your call center. Web services such as those based on the SOAP or HTTP protocols talk to each other or talk to client applications that invoke them. These web services are named collections of data elements that we collect in real time, ready to synchronously stream to an identified endpoint URL. When configuring a web service, you will define the data points to send, the place to send them to, and the name and operations of the web service.
After you configure a web service, you can set up your campaigns or queues to invoke web services at various points in a call’s lifecycle. The invocation of a web service is done through a webhook, which is a trigger. By doing so, you can stream real-time or near real-time data to other web-based computing systems while calls are in progress.

HTTP web services

An HTTP web service provides a way to access resources which exist in a particular environment. For example, you could have a server that could be hosting important documents, files, or server-side script output. All of these are an example of resources. If a client needs any of these resources, it has to send a request to the server to access these resources. Your web service defines how these resources can be accessed.
An HTTP web service is a web service that uses one of these standard HTTP operations:
  • HTTP GET: This operation requests data from a specified resource
  • HTTP PUT: This idempotent operation sends data to a server to create or update a resource
  • HTTP POST: This operation sends data to a server to create or update a resource
  • HTTP PATCH: This operation updates part of the data for a resource
  • HTTP DELETE: This operation deletes a specified resource

SOAP web services

A SOAP web service uses the Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is an XML-based protocol for accessing web services to exchange data over HTTP. The SOAP protocol makes use of a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file to describe a common set of rules to define the messages, bindings, operations, and location of the service. The WSDL defines the interface that the service offers.
Let’s review some examples of the kinds of things you can do with our web services.

Examples of using web services

You can use web services for many different reasons. For example, although our system includes extensive reporting options, you might want to use a web service to extend your existing call center reporting capabilities. You may decide to seamlessly include data from the system’s call center activities on your analyst’s existing reports. You accomplish this by configuring web services to stream the report data from our system to your existing reporting system.
Another example of using web services is that your marketing department might want you to gather information from some of your customers. To do so, you could create a script that your agents could use to gather the requested data from customers. Your IT department could then create a SOAP service that you could invoke to stream the script results to a URL endpoint each time an agent dispositions a call.
We can also use web services to access agent recording files. To learn more about this, head on to Setting up agent recording.
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