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Managing call recording delivery destinations

Now that you know the basics on call recording delivery, let’s talk about destinations. As you know, a destination simply refers to where you want your call recordings to go. After you’ve set up your destinations, we’ll talk about how you can create tasks to ensure those call recordings get to their appropriate destinations. 
You can set up as many destinations as you like via the Recordings Delivery tray setting under Settings. Let’s go over the steps you can take to create a destination below.
1. Navigate to Settings > Recordings Delivery via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select the Destinations tab under the Recordings delivery heading
3. Click the Add Destination button next to the search bar at far right to open the Add Destination modal window
4. Enter a Destination Name and select a Destination Type
5. Depending on the type of destination you selected, a number of new settings will appear for you to configure (we’ll go over each setting below)
6. Use the Destination Directory setting to add any file paths or tokens 
7. Click Save to save your destination and close out of the modal window

Call recording destination settings

Now that you know how to add a destination, let’s learn more about the configuration settings you encountered in the Add Destination modal window. 
The first two settings allow you to identify basic information about your destination.
  • Destination Name: The name you wish to give your destination (this is a required field)
  • Destination Type: A dropdown menu that allows you to choose the type of destination you wish to send your call recordings to. Options: SFTP Server and Amazon S3
Now, depending on the Destination Type you chose in the previous setting, you’ll see a number of different settings appear. Let’s look at the settings within each type below.
SFTP Server option: If you select this option from the Destination Type dropdown menu, you’ll see the following four settings, which are specific to your SFTP server:
  • SFTP Server: Enter a fully qualified domain name or the public IP address of your SFTP server
  • SFTP User ID: Enter the username you wish to use to connect to the SFTP server
  • SFTP Password: Enter the password associated with the above username to connect to the SFTP server
  • SFTP Root Directory: This setting refers to the SFTP user’s configured root directory, which is typically created upon SFTP server configuration. If you don’t know the name of your root folder, reach out to your SFTP server’s administrator
Amazon S3 option: If you select this option from the Destination Type dropdown menu, you’ll see the following four settings, which are specific to your Amazon S3 bucket:
  • API Token: Enter the access key used to connect to the Amazon S3 bucket (this is a required field)
  • API Secret: Enter the secret access key used to authenticate the Amazon S3 bucket connection (this is a required field)
  • S3 Region: Enter the AWS region the Amazon S3 bucket is located in, using the following format: US-East-1 (this is a required field)
  • S3 Bucket: Enter the name of the Amazon S3 bucket (this is a required field)
Please note: The authentication credentials provided in the settings above must have read and write permissions enabled in order to successfully deliver call recordings. If you need help configuring S3 bucket permissions, visit this site to learn more. 

Destination Directory setting

The last setting under the Add Destination configuration window is the Destination Directory, which can be configured for both an SFTP Server and an Amazon S3 Bucket. 
The Destination Directory setting indicates the specific location you would like each of your call recordings sent to. You can add file paths or dynamic tokens in this field to separate your call recordings into different destinations based on certain call data. 
To view a list of available tokens, you can type ‘#’ into the Destination Directory field. 
Let’s say, for example, that you would like to separate each of your call recordings by the year and month in which the call took place. To do so, you’ll want to add a #CALL_YEAR# token, a forward slash, and then the #CALL_MONTH# token. Your destination directory would then end up looking something like this: callrecordings/#CALL_YEAR#/#CALL_MONTH#
Please note: If you’re using multiple tokens and/or file paths, you’ll want to separate each one with a forward slash in order to give the system an accurate directory path to deliver your call recordings to.
Once your call recordings get delivered to the destination of your choice, they will first be routed to a folder labeled with the year in which the call took place Then, within that folder, they will be further segmented into a folder labeled with the month in which the call took place.

Managing your destinations

Once you’ve created a destination, it will appear in a table under the Configure Destinations section. The table will contain information about each destination, including the name and ID of the destination and the type of destination (SFTP Server or Amazon S3). 

If you’d like to filter through your list of destinations, you can do so via the search bar located next to the Add Destination button. If you’d like to edit your destination, you can click on the Edit pencil and paper icon located to the right of each destination to open its configuration settings. To delete a destination, click the Delete x icon.
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