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Engage Voice | Managing call recording delivery tasks

Call recording delivery is a feature located under Settings that delivers copies of all your call recordings to the destination of your choice. You can configure tasks to specify the types of recordings you’d like to receive, and delivery destinations to set the locations to which the recordings will be delivered. 
In this article, we’ll discuss how to configure your recording delivery tasks. To learn more about configuring recording delivery destinations, visit Managing call recording delivery destinations
To create a task, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Settings > Recordings Delivery via the left nav bar
2. Under the Tasks tab, click the Add Task button located next to the search bar at upper right to open the Add Task modal window
3. Use the Task Name field to name your task
4. Use the Task Description setting to provide a description for the task
5. Select a destination from the Destination dropdown menu (if you have not created a destination yet, this dropdown menu will remain blank)
6. Check the box next to Active if you’d like this task to start retrieving and delivering call recordings immediately after creation
7. Select a Start Date
8. Click the plus icon at far right of the Add Filter Criteria setting to open a list of call recording categories 
9. Click on a specific product category to indicate the type of call recordings you’d like to have delivered. Each time you choose a product category, a new corresponding field will appear towards the bottom of the modal window 
10. Use the product category fields to further specify the groups for which you’d like to deliver call recordings
11. Add any words or tokens you’d like into the Destination File Name field
12. Click Save to save your task and close out of the window

Call recording task settings

Now that you know how to create a call recording delivery task, let’s go over the configuration settings you encountered in the Add Task modal window.
  • Task Name: Enter the name of the task
  • Task Description: Enter a description of the task
  • Destination: Use the dropdown menu in this field to select from a list of configured destinations for the current account 
  • Active: If checked, this task will begin retrieving and delivering recordings as soon as it’s created
  • Start Date: Select the date and time at which the system should begin delivering recordings

Helpful hint!

Your Data Retention (days) value (located under Settings > Accounts) must be equal or prior to your Start Date. If these do not properly intersect, you will not be able to find or receive any call recordings that existed prior to that Data Retention (days) value. Please contact your CSM if you are experiencing any issues with this setting.
  • Filter Criteria: Use this setting to filter which types of call recordings you’d like to have delivered. You can choose one or more call types. Filters are based on product categories and include the following: CampaignsQueuesVisual IVRs, Cloud ProfilesTrack Numbers, and Agent Dispositions

    Once you’ve selected a product category, a field will appear below for that product category. You can enter the name or ID of any groups under that product by which you’d like to filter your call recordings, or you can click into the field and select from a dropdown menu of options

Destination File Name setting

The last setting located in the Add Task configuration window is the Destination File Name. In the provided field, you can configure the call recording’s filename to ensure the recording gets delivered to the appropriate location. 
You can choose from a list of provided tokens or simply type in your own text to customize the filenames. To view all available tokens, type a ‘#’ in the field and click to select your preferred token(s). 
The Destination File Name field also allows you to separate each token with spaces, dashes, or underscores, if you prefer. Use this field to easily identify your call recordings by simply examining the filename you entered. 
Let’s say, for example, that you would like to identify each call recording by the name of the agent who took the call and the disposition the agent selected for that call. 

To do so, you could select the #AGENT_NAME# token and the #AGENT_DISPOSITION# token. The field might end up looking something like this: callrecordings/#AGENT_NAME#_#AGENT_DISPOSITION#.

Managing your tasks

Once you’ve created a task, it will appear in a table under the Configure Tasks section. Each task will display its name, ID, the description you gave the task when you created it, and the task’s status. 
You can edit tasks via the Edit pencil and paper icon, and you can delete them by clicking the Delete x icon at far right. To duplicate an existing task, click the Clone page icon to its right. Once the task is duplicated, you can simply enter the task’s configuration settings and make any necessary changes. 

Finally, you’ll have the option to filter the types of tasks you’d like to see. Use the search bar at upper right to find the task you’re looking for. You can also choose between viewing Active or Inactive tasks via the dropdown menu located beneath the Configure Tasks heading at far left.

Understanding the status of a task

If you’ve clicked on the Edit pencil and paper icon to open the Edit Task modal window, you’ll notice that all the same configuration settings are available, with one noticeable addition; the Status table provided at the bottom of the modal window. 
The Status table simply informs you if your task has completed successfully, from the retrieval stage to the delivery stage. 
Let’s review the information provided in this table. 
  • State: The state listed here indicates whether the task is ready to begin retrieving and delivering call recordings. To place a task in a READY state, ensure you’ve checked the Active setting checkbox in the task’s configuration settings
  • Last Query Time: The last time call recordings were requested and retrieved by the system
  • Next Query Time: The next scheduled time call recordings will be requested by the system 
  • Last Push Time: The last time call recordings were delivered
  • Next Push Time: The next scheduled time call recordings will be delivered 
  • Last Day Sync: The last date and time the system performed an end-of-day sync to ensure that all call recordings were retrieved and delivered to the appropriate destination
  • Query Status: The status of any pending query. This field provides information on any call recordings that might still need to be delivered, as well as information on any errors associated with recording retrieval 
  • Push Status: This setting indicates whether or not any pending call recordings were delivered successfully (see previous setting for pending recordings)
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