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Release Notes

RingCentral Desktop and Web App | May 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Desktop and Web App.
Version 23.2.20
Release Date: 5/25/2023 to 5/31/2023
  • Download meeting materials
    • Your meeting insights are now available to download. You can download summaries, transcripts, and chats, in addition to recordings of your past meetings.
  • Stress-free webinars
    • Meet RingCentral Webinar, a simplified way of hosting and attending online events. Now anyone can set up engaging, polished webinars in seconds--no technical experience required!
  • Deskphone Pairing (Open Beta)
    • By paring RingCentral app with a deskphone, users can combine high-quality audio of a desktop device with the app’s rich collaboration features.
  • Phone mic volume meter
    • Get the sound right: calibrate your voice by glancing at our new microphone volume meter during your call.
  • Canada Mandatory 10-digit dialing and 988 hotline
    • Canada users now can call or text 988 to access the Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS). Canada users now need to dial 10 digits (area code+7-digit) to connect a domestic call. 
  • Support German regulations on emergency calling
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