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Release Notes

RingCentral Desktop and Web App | November 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Desktop and Web App.
VERSION 20.4.20
Release Date: 11/12/2020
What's New
  • React with emojis
    • Use funny emojis to comment on a post.
  • Text formatting toolbar
    • Edit and format your messages to look the way you prefer, using bold, bullets, and more.
  • Team events calendar
    • Organize and view your team events by day, week, or month.
  • Directed call pickup
    • Teammates can now answer the phone for coworkers that are unavailable if admins have setup the call pickup permissions.
  • Message data export
    • Admins can now export conversation data to preserve communications used for compliance in regulated industries, such as financial services."
  • Improved guest control
    • Admins can now restrict employees from adding guests to their internal conversations.
  • Modify team events
    • All users can now edit or delete team events.

  • Improved stability, video calls, and screen share quality.
Coming Soon
  • Edit and sync your user profile
    • Easily synchronize your updated profile between RingCentral apps. (Admins control user permission to update fields.)
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