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Release Notes

RingCentral Desktop and Web App | September 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Desktop and Web App.
Version 22.3.30
Release Date: 9/21/2022 to 9/26/2022
  • Mute conversations
    • Work distraction-free by turning off notifications for low-priority conversations. For any team, select Mute conversation from the More menu. You'll only get notified when you are @mentioned.
  • Pick your Enter key preference
    • Pressing your Enter key to send messages is the default, but you can now change it to add a new line instead. Go to your settings to change your preference anytime if you want to try it the other way.
  • Improved network quality indicator (NQI)
    • It's now simpler to understand your network connection performance while using the app.
  • On premises Exchange integration
    • Easily join and schedule meetings by connecting your on-premises Exchange calendar.
  • Automatically adjust mic volume
    • Set your microphone to adjust the volume to match others on the call automatically.
  • Select your country during sign up
    • We've added an easy way to select the country you live in when you're creating a new account.
  • Multi-location extension support
    • Now companies can use the same extension for multiple locations. Employees at any location can use the same short extension to reach colleagues even if they work in different stores or offices.
  • Reading transcripts clears new message indicators
    • Voicemail will no longer have a new message indicator if you read the transcript instead of listening to it.
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