The Data Builder tool can be used to retrieve data throughout a script via a
tag-based shortcut. It can be useful in situations where you want agents to have access to a certain data set — say, a list of United States state names — during a call.
You can enter all your state names into the Data Builder in table format by creating a ‘State Name’ column and adding a row for each state. Then use your new Data Builder (let’s call it ‘States’) as your data source wherever you wish to access that information later on in the script.
Please note that because you’re essentially creating a custom data set, the system will categorize it as a model object. This means that any data you enter into the table you build in this tool can be accessed with a {{model.model.NameOfYourDataBuilderTool}} function (you can also reference this same tag when using custom JavaScript at any point in your script).
Now you can use this data to populate fields like select menus, tables, text area fields — or any other compatible elements or tools within your script.
Say you want to create a dropdown menu that uses data from the Data Builder you just created. You can follow the directions below to create and save your Data Builder tool with all the data you need, then you can choose a Dropdown Multi-Select Page element and navigate to its Configuration tab.
There, you can find the Data Source field and click the {{add a tag}} button at far right. A modal window labeled Available Data - Tagging will appear. This is where you’ll choose the ‘States’ Data Builder as your source for the data that will populate information directly into the dropdown menu.
Since you’ve created a custom data point with your Data Builder, you’ll be able to select that custom tag under the Model tab. If you don’t see the tag, make sure all your tools are connected properly back on the main Script Studio canvas.