3. Choose Configure Widget from the list of options to reveal the Type tab in the custom configuration window.
4. Click on the type of display you want for your custom widget.
5. Click on the Product tab to reveal the product settings.
6. Click on the Select Product field to reveal a dropdown menu and select a product (Note that if you choose Inbound or Outbound, additional fields will appear).
7. Click on the Data tab to reveal the data settings.
8. Click on Add Data Field and then use the field that appears above to choose a data field (Repeat this step to add as many data fields as you want).
9. Click on the Filter tab to reveal the filter settings.
10. Click on the Accounts field and select an account (Repeat this step if you have multiple accounts and want to include data from more than one).
11. Configure the additional fields that appeared below when you selected your account(s).
12. Click on the Layout tab to reveal the layout settings.
13. Complete the fields in the Layout tab as desired.
14. Click on the blue Apply button to apply your changes and exit the configuration window.