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Release Notes > Events
Release Notes

RingCentral Events

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Events.

Release date: January 27, 2025

  • Studio: Create high-production, branded experiences for all of your webinars and events with our native, in-platform production studio.


  • All-in-one speaker experience: No more switching between multiple browser tabs, with the event and production studio available on one screen.
  • Real-time streams: Host Sessions in real-time with no stream delay to audiences, unlike with integrations with 3rd party streaming platforms. Note: Stages will still have a delay due to RTMP.
  • Seamless event management: Keep events running smoothly behind the scenes with pre-uploaded content (videos, music, and images), private backstage chat, multi-select content/speakers to move on/off screen, and slide control for all speakers.
  • High-production, branded streams: Customize event sessions with advanced branding options and speaker layouts for a cohesive and impactful audience experience.
  • Enhanced audience engagement: Speakers can directly engage in attendee chat, highlight chat/Q&A, and showcase polls, emoji reactions, and CTA banners directly on screen. These engagement analytics are available through dashboards, integrations, .csv reports, and API for organizers to follow up post-event.

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