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Release Notes > Events
Release Notes

RingCentral Events

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Events.

Release date: March 10, 2025

  • Studio enhancements: We’ve worked to refine & improve Studio, making it even easier to use to create high-production event experiences!
    • Speaker join link: these are new magic links that can be sent to speakers without needing to log-in and placed in the right role
    • Moderated sessions: moderators can choose to allow or not allow attendees to come on screen by showing/hiding the “Join Stage” CTA
    • Updates to “Join” CTAs: all buttons where attendees & moderators can click to come on stage will now say “Join Stage”
    • Video on-screen controls & music upload: organizers can more easily control video content played, and upload music files to play during the event.
    • Speaker links dashboard: organizers can quickly access speaker links from the Event dashboard
    • Accessible by mobile apps: attendees can now see the high-production Studio experience when joining from the mobile app.
    • Default production set to Studio: all future events will now default to using Studio for Stage production.
  • Marketo integration enhancements: Organizers using Marketo can now map a Marketo Program and export custom registration questions to Lead and Program members. The registration, attendance, and no-show status can also be synced to Program member status.
Marketo integration
  • Org level analytics enhancements: Organizers can now filter data with two new options: “All time” and “Custom date.” The registrants tab will also now sort by engagement score to show most engaged attendees.
Org level analytics enhancements
Org level analytics enhancements
Hide speakers from registration pages
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