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Release Notes

RingCentral Video Desktop & Web | April 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Video Desktop & Web.
VERSION 21.1.30
Release Date: 4/8/2021
What's New
  • Simultaneous speaking distortion fix (MacOS only)
  • RingCentral Video will automatically reduce your speaker volume when two or more people are speaking simultaneously to prevent voice distortion.
  • Participant count improvements
    • View the total number of devices connected to the meeting in your toolbar.
  • GIF Virtual background support
    • Replace your background with an animated GIF file of your choice.
  • NQI details for incoming video and audio streams
    • Your Network Quality Indicator (NQI) now shows incoming video and audio stats and an option for users to diagnose their connection issues. 
  • Closed captions (GA)
    • Improved caption quality.
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