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Release Notes

RingCentral Video Desktop & Web | July 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Video Desktop & Web.
VERSION 20.3.10
Release Date: 7/16/2020
What's New
  • Host and moderators can turn off video for all participants or request all to turn on video.
  • Show recommended ranges and warning when Network Quality Indicator values are out of range.
  • Setting to disable sending HD video to reduce CPU load
  • Invite options were moved from the toolbar to the participant panel to simplify the toolbar.
VERSION 20.2.3
Release Date: 7/2/2020
What's New
New features
  • Allow only authenticated users to join
  • Allow host/moderators to disable sending chat for regular participants
  • New “Help” and “Submit Feature” toolbar options
  • Prompt to assign moderator privileges when host leaves with > 1 other participant
  • AT&T Office@Hand browser support
Audio & Video Quality
  • Constrain video to 24 fps to limit CPU and bandwidth usage. 
  • Avoid converting audio sampling rate to lesson CPU load.
  • Improved network bandwidth detection to more reliably switch video to higher quality
  • When signing into the RCV browser app, "Stay signed in" is checked by default so the user won’t have to sign in later.
  • Default country for Dial in / Call me phone # is set to the user’s RingCentral extension country.
Bug Fixes
  • Audio will no longer pause when turning video on or off.
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