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Release Notes

RingCentral Video Desktop & Web | May 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Video Desktop & Web.
VERSION 21.2.10
Release Date: 5/13/2021
What's New
  • GIF as virtual background improvements
    • You can more easily select GIFs for your virtual background with the new GIF picker.
  • Allow disabling mic leveling
    • You can turn off automatic mic leveling and manually adjust your mic volume to avoid audio issues.
  • Settings design improvements
    • Our newly styled section headers make it easier to navigate through your settings. 
  • Extend meeting expiration date after each session
    • Your recurring meetings’ expiration dates will automatically extend for 6 months after each active session.
  • New Australian dial in numbers
    • We now support three new Australian dial in numbers for Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane.
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