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Release Notes > MVP Core > November 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral MVP Core | November 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral MVP Core.

Version 23.4.2

Release Dates: November 30, 2023 to January 1, 2024

Introduced the following features:

  • Ability for customers to restrict the use of Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) for marketing purposes at an account level
  • Ability for an admin to provision multiple users into one device. For this phase, we are rolling out the latest large analog telephone adapters (ATAs) from Audiocodes.
  • BYOC licenses are available in Bermuda and Indonesia.
  • 8 devices certified for RC EU, RC AU, and some partners for BYOD with assisted provisioning (non-merchandisable): Poly Edge E500, Unify CP710, SNOM 715, D717, 725, D735, D765, D785 (SNOM phones available only in Germany)
  • Support for Multi-factor authenticator using TOTP apps (e.g. Google Authenticator) to allow users to secure access to their RingCentral account. Account super admins can enforce use of authenticator app as 2nd authentication factor.

Version 23.4.1

Release Dates: November 14 to December 12, 2023

  • Bug fixes

Version 23.4

Release Dates: November 1 to December 7, 2023


  • In the license export file, the email address of the user to whom the license is assigned has been added to the file.
  • CSR download button has been removed from the admin portal.
  • Support prepending an index number to the line label for appearances within the same Delegated Lines (Bridge Call Appearances) group when configured on a phone.

Hardware and Firmware

  • Enable your account to rent devices as a service.

Partner Specific

  • Frontier will have a new Office package that only supports voice applications – no messaging and video.
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