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RingCentral app FAQs | RingCentral app 

The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the RingCentral app.

Are emergency calls allowed on the RingCentral app?

The RingCentral app supports automatic location detection of certain devices. This allows the most current location to be made available when a user dials 911. To learn more visit, Setting up Nomadic 911 on your company account.

Does the RingCentral app support other languages?

The RingCentral app supports several languages including Deutsch, English (US), English (UK), Spanish, and more. To learn more, visit RingCentral Supported Languages.

Can I use the RingCentral app for free?

You can use the RingCentral app for free with a RingCentral Video Pro account. To learn more about our plans, visit RingEX and Video plans.

How do I change my email address on the RingCentral app?

If you want to change your email domain, contact an administrator. For further assistance, contact RingCentral support.

How do I unlock my locked RingCentral app account?

Multiple unsuccessful login attempts will lock your account. To unlock your account, contact your company's RingCentral app administrator. You can also contact RingCentral support to have your account unlocked.
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