Depending on your contact center, there may be times that you’d like the system to route certain types of calls to specific agents with special skills. If this is the case, you can assign these agents custom skills by creating skill profiles. Skill profiles are the custom skills that you can create for each agent to tell the system to route certain calls to the agents you’ve assigned these skills to.
You can create skill profiles by navigating to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar, selecting the agent you wish to assign that skill to, and then clicking on the Skill Profiles tab in the configuration panel at far left.
Skill profiles work in conjunction with Group Skills, which are created at the queue group level. Creating group skills is the first step in the process of assigning skills to your agents. After you create group skills, you’ll also need to add these skills (via Queue Events) to any queue that you assign these agents to. Once you have completed these two steps, you can assign these skills to the desired agents.
Let’s say, for example, you have Spanish-speaking customers calling into your contact center, and you’d like to designate certain agents to take these calls. You can create a group skill that you add to the queues of your choice, and then assign those skills to any bilingual or Spanish-speaking agents assigned to those queues.
In the sections below, we’ll review each step you should take to create a skill profile, which includes creating a group skill, adding it to a queue, and then finally assigning the skill to an agent.