Engage Voice | Creating an agent skill profile

Depending on your contact center, there may be times that you’d like the system to route certain types of calls to specific agents with special skills. If this is the case, you can assign these agents custom skills by creating skill profiles. Skill profiles are the custom skills that you can create for each agent to tell the system to route certain calls to the agents you’ve assigned these skills to.
You can create skill profiles by navigating to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar, selecting the agent you wish to assign that skill to, and then clicking on the Skill Profiles tab in the configuration panel at far left. 
Skill profiles work in conjunction with Group Skills, which are created at the queue group level. Creating group skills is the first step in the process of assigning skills to your agents. After you create group skills, you’ll also need to add these skills (via Queue Events) to any queue that you assign these agents to. Once you have completed these two steps, you can assign these skills to the desired agents. 
Let’s say, for example, you have Spanish-speaking customers calling into your contact center, and you’d like to designate certain agents to take these calls. You can create a group skill that you add to the queues of your choice, and then assign those skills to any bilingual or Spanish-speaking agents assigned to those queues.
In the sections below, we’ll review each step you should take to create a skill profile, which includes creating a group skill, adding it to a queue, and then finally assigning the skill to an agent. 

Creating a group skill

As we discussed above, before you can create a skill profile, you must first create a group skill. In the steps below, we’ll review the procedures for creating a group skill; however, if you’d like to learn more about group skills and the settings you’ll find in that part of the platform, visit Managing inbound queue group skills. 
To create a group skill, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Hover your mouse over the inbound queue group you wish to edit and select the Edit Group icon that appears at far right
3. Click the Skills tab in the queue group configuration panel
4. Click New skill to open the New skill modal window 
5. Configure the group skill settings as needed
6. Click Continue to exit the modal window
7. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes

Adding group skills to a queue event

Once you’ve created a group skill, you can assign that skill to a queue, so long as the queue has been created under the queue group in which the group skill was created. 
In the steps below, we’ll review how you can add this group skill to a queue via the Queue Events setting, but if you’d like to learn more about Queue Events, please visit Intro to inbound queue events
To add a group skill to a queue, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues via the left nav bar
2. Select the queue that you’d like to add the group skill to
3. Click on the Queue Events tab in the queue configuration panel
4. Scroll down to the Queue Event Configuration section and locate the queue event with the Route to Agent event type assigned to it. Please note: If you do not assign this skill to the Route to Agent event type, the system will be unable to successfully route the skill-specific calls
5. Click the Edit pencil and paper icon at far right of the queue event to open the Queue Event Configuration modal window
6. Under the Skilled Agent Routing section, click and drag the group skill from the Available Skills box into the Skills In Use box
7. Click Ok to close out of the modal window
8. Don’t forget to save your changes via the Save button at bottom right

Creating a skill profile

Now that you’ve created a group skill and added that skill to a queue, you can now assign the skill to an agent. 
Please note: The agent you choose in the steps below must also be assigned to the queue to which the group skill was added (via the steps in the previous section). Visit Assigning an agent to an inbound queue to learn more.
To create a skill profile, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Users > Agents via the left nav bar
2. Select the agent you’d like to assign the skill to
3. Click on the Skill Profiles tab in the agent configuration panel
4. Select the Add Profile button at far right to open the Skill Profile modal window
5. Provide a Name for the skill profile
6. Give the skill profile a Description
7. Check the Default Profile box
8. Under the section Queue Group Skills, check the box to the left of the queue group for which you created the group skill 
9. Click Ok to close the modal window
10. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right
And that’s it! The agents you’ve assigned these special skills to will now be able to receive those skill-specific calls. 
Configuring the skill profile settings
Now that we’ve reviewed how to create a skill profile, let’s review some of the settings you’ll find in the Skill Profile modal window below.
  • Name: Choose a name for your skill profile
  • Description: Use this field to save any additional identifying information for your skill profile
  • Default Profile: Check this box if you’d like to make this skill the default skill for your agent. If this skill is set to default, then the system will route calls specific to this skill to the agent before other calls 
Under the Queue Group Skills and Chat Group Skills sections, you’ll find a table containing info on the group skills created for your queue and chat groups. The table is arranged in columns containing information about each group skill, including the name of the queue or chat group the skill is created under, the skill name, and the description given to that skill. 
Managing your skill profiles
Once you’ve created a skill profile for your agent, it will appear in the Skill Profiles configuration page under the Skill Profile Assignments section in a table. The table is arranged in columns that contain information about each skill profile you’ve created.
For each skill profile, the table will display the name and description given to the skill profile, whether the skill has been set as the default for that agent, and the date the skill profile was created. 

At far right, you’ll find two icons. Select the Edit pencil and paper icon if you wish to make any changes to the skill profile. To delete the skill profile, you can select the Delete trash can icon.
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