Engage Voice | Managing inbound queue group skills

Once you’ve created your inbound queue groups, you may choose to configure some queue group skills. Group skills are created at the queue group level and then assigned at both the agent and queue level. 
As we discussed in Creating an inbound queue group, group skills allow administrators to identify agents possessing certain skills. Once your group skills have been created, you can add them to the queue of your choice via the Queue Events configuration page at the queue level. 
After that, you can assign those skills to the agents assigned to that queue via the Skill Profiles configuration page at the agent level. 

Helpful hint!

If you do not assign your group skills at both the agent and queue level, the designated agent will not receive any skill-based calls.

Creating group skills

In the steps below, you’ll learn how to add one or more agent skills to your inbound queue group.
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Hover your mouse over the inbound queue group you wish to edit and select the Edit Group pencil icon that appears at far right
3. Click the Skills tab in the queue group configuration panel
4. Click New skill to open the New skill modal window 
5. Enter a Name for the skill you wish to assign to this group
6. Enter an optional Description for the skill you wish to assign to this group
7. Ensure that the Active checkbox is selected if you wish to make this skill immediately available to queues in this group
8. Click the Continue button to exit the modal window
9. Repeat steps 4-8 to add more skills
10. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes
You will see a group skill counter If you hover your mouse over a queue group in the groups page. If the queue group has no group skills, it will display ‘0 group skills,’ otherwise it will display the number of group skills created in that queue group. The group skill counter is also a shortcut for the Skills tab in the queue group configuration panel.

Managing group skills

Once you’ve created new inbound group skills, you’ll see them appear in a table in the Group skills configuration page. The table will contain information on the skills you’ve created, including its name, description, the date it was created, and its status (in the Active column).

To edit a group skill, click in the skill’s row within the table. This will open the Edit skill modal window, where you can make changes to that skill. To delete a group skill, click the Delete trash can icon at bottom left in the modal window.

Adding group skills to a queue event

Once you’ve created your group skills, you’ll want to add them to an inbound queue via a queue event — that is, one event in a series that the customer will experience once they are routed to the queue. Adding your group skills to a queue event will ensure that the system designates the queue for these skill-based calls. 
To add one or more group skills to an inbound queue, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select the queue to which you’d like to assign a group skill
3. Click Queue Events in the queue configuration panel
4. Click the Add Queue Event button to open the Queue Event Configuration modal window
5. In the Skilled Agent Routing section, drag and drop one or more skills from Available Skills to Skills in Use 
6. Click the Ok button to exit the modal window
7. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes
If you’d like to learn more about configuring your queue events, visit Configuring inbound queue events.

Assigning group skills to an agent

As discussed, group skills allow administrators to identify agents possessing certain skills. All of your agents need to be assigned their appropriate skills by adding group skills to their skill profile.  However, please note: Before you can add a skill profile to an agent, that agent must be assigned to an inbound queue associated with the skill(s) you want to add to their profile. To learn how to do that, read Assigning an agent to an inbound queue.

Helpful hint!

To simplify the configuration of large numbers of agents, you can also set up default profiles or multiple profiles for agents such as an on-call profile, or a manager’s profile with different skill profiles.
To add one or more skills to an agent, follow these steps: 
1. Navigate to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select the agent to which you’d like to assign a group skill
3. Click the Skill Profiles tab in the agent configuration panel
4. Click the Add Profile button to create a new skill profile
5. Enter a Name and Description to identify the skill profile
6. In the Queue Group Skills section, check the skills to assign to the agent’s skill profile
7. Click the Ok button to exit the modal window
8. Repeat steps 4-7 to add more skill profiles if needed
9. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes
To learn more about agent skill profiles, visit Creating an agent skill profile.
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