Engage Voice | Configuring alerts

Alerts can be used to monitor certain call events that you’d like to keep track of. You can assign these alerts to notification groups, which will specify the targets, or destinations, in which you’d like to receive these alerts. Alerts can either be sent to a specific user or by email or text message.
Let’s say, for example, you want the system to notify you anytime there are more than five missed calls in a 10 minute time frame. You can set up this notification by creating and configuring an alert.
Please note that you must assign alerts to a notification group in order to receive those alerts. It doesn’t matter which you create first, notification groups or alerts. Note, however, that if you have not created a notification group, you will be unable to assign the alert to a group. Similarly, if you are configuring a notification group and have not created an alert, you will be unable to link that group to an alert. 
To learn more about configuring a notification group, read Configuring notification groups
In this article, we’ll focus on how to add and configure an alert and assume that you’ve already created a notification group.

Adding an alert

Follow these steps to add an alert: 
1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications > Alerts via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Click Add Alert to reveal the Edit Alert modal window
3. Enter a name in the Alert Name field (required)
4. Enter a body text in the Message Subject field (required)
5. Enter a message in the Message Body field (required)
6. Enter a time (in minutes) in the Interval (min) field 
7. Select a product via the Product field
8. Select a product item in the next field. This will depend on which product you chose in the previous step)
9. Select one or more notification groups from the Notification Groups field
10. Enter values in the fields under the Alert When section (Note: You can click Add another comparison to add an additional alert parameter)
Select the Advanced mode checkbox to specify JavaScript values 
11. Click Save

Alert configuration settings

The settings you encounter when configuring an alert are listed below:
  • Alert Name: The name of the alert that will appear under your notification group
  • Message Subject: The first text recipients will see once a notification is received. If the alert is sent via email, this will take the subject of the email
  • Message Body: The content of the notification message
  • Interval: Time interval (in minutes) at which an alert will send if the conditions set in Alert When are met. For example, if you have set up your criteria to receive an alert every two minutes (the time interval) that there are 5 missed calls in a 10 minute time period, you would expect to get around five alerts (one alert every two minutes in a 10 minute time frame)
  • Product: The product associated with the alert. Options include the following:
    • Inbound: Notifications for incoming calls 
    • IVR Studio: Notifications for incoming calls to your IVRs
    • Agent: Notifications for calls that an agent receives/makes
    • Outbound: Notifications for outgoing calls  
  • Notification Groups: Notification groups available for selection
  • Alert When: The parameters in which you’d like to receive the alerts
    • Field: The category of data with which the alert is associated  
    • Comparator: Indicates the relationship between the value of a category of data and the values you want to trigger an alert. Options include Less ThanLess Than or Equal toEqual toNot Equal toGreater Than, and Greater Than or Equal To
    • Warn Value:  Applies only when your target (specified when you configure your notification group) is set to User. The value you specify here will trigger a warning alert via a yellow pop-up warning on the user’s screen when they are logged in and active
    • Critical Value: This is the value that must be met to trigger your alert. When your target is a User (specified when you configure your notification group), the value you specify here will trigger a red pop-up warning on the user’s screen when they are logged in and active
  • Advanced Mode: Allows you to configure advanced alert options by using JavaScript (developer option)
The easiest way to look at this is to pretend you’re creating a conditional command: This command​ (​Alert Name​) will convey ​this message​ (​Message Body​) with ​this subject line​ (​Message Subject​) to ​these people​ (​Notification Groups​) when ​this action​ (​Field​) within ​this product​ (​Product​) is more/less/etc.​ (​Comparator​) than ​this number​ (Warn Value​) ​at this [x]-minute period​ (​Interval​).

For example: The High abandon rates command will convey ‘This is a notification that abandon rates for the following campaigns have exceeded 12’ with the subject line ‘High abandon rates’ to Hank and Buck when the abandon call rate is greater than 12 calls in a five minute time period.
View of an configured alert

Managing alerts

Once you’ve created an alert, that alert will appear in a table on the Alert Configuration page. The table includes information about that alert, including the unique Alert Id, the Alert Name, the Product, and the Interval (min)
Additionally, you can see that the Next run time, which specifies when the system searches to see if the alert parameters have been met. 

Finally, you can either edit or delete your alert via the Edit pencil icon and the Delete trash can icon to the right of the alert.
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