Agents are a vital part of any contact center because they are the ones who take and make calls, answer chat messages, view their own call stats, and supervise and coach other agents on their team (if given supervisor permissions).
While agents spend the majority of their time in the agent interface, all agent accounts are created and managed by navigating to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar in the admin interface. Agent accounts are created and organized under agent groups, which can be helpful for situations in which you may want to separate your agents by, for example, the different teams within your contact center.
Once you’ve created a group and added some agents, you can begin configuring each agent account, from providing the username and password the agent will use to log into the agent interface to assigning them to queues and dial groups.
We’ll discuss all the ways you can configure each agent account, but for now let’s discuss some key features you can configure for your agents.
Please note: In the next few articles, we’ll discuss how you can create and manage agent accounts in Admin. To learn more about agents and how they interact within the agent interface, visit
Intro to Agent.