Engage Voice | Creating a new agent

Once you’ve created an agent group to house your agents, you can start creating your agent accounts. While your agents will interact primarily in the agent interface, their accounts are created and managed in Admin. 
You can create and configure your agents by navigating to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar. Here, you can configure everything from the username and password the agent will use to log into the agent interface to the types of permissions you can enable or disable for your agent. 

Agent configuration options

When you’re configuring an agent account, you’ll have access to a variety of configuration options, which can be found in the agent configuration panel. We’ll discuss how to create an agent user in the next section. Let’s review all configuration panel options available for your agent account below.
  • General: Configures all general settings for your agent, like the agent name, username and password, agent rank, and more.
  • Security: Use this option to set the permissions for this agent, such as allowing blended calls and viewing lead history.
  • Chat Access: Use this option to assign your agent to a chat queue.
  • Inbound Access: Use this option to assign your agent to an inbound queue.
  • Outbound Access: Use this option to assign your agent to an outbound dial group.
  • Supervisor Settings: Use this option to manage who your agent can supervise.
  • Skill Profiles: Use this option to assign skills to your agents.
  • Load Balancing: This is a deprecated feature used for legacy accounts. If applicable, please contact your CSM for more details.

Creating an agent user

To create a new agent account, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Hover over the agent group you’d like to add an agent to and select the New agent plus icon that appears at far right to navigate to the agent’s configuration settings.
3. Provide a first and last name for your agent (optional).
4. Ensure the Allow Login box is checked if you’d like to enable this agent to log into the agent interface.
5. Provide a Username and Password that your agent will use to log into the agent interface.
6. Configure any other desired settings in the General configuration page.
7. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right.

Configuring agent information

The first section you’ll find in the General configuration page is the Agent Information section. This section offers settings for configuring your agent’s basic info.
  • First Name: Agent’s first name.
  • Last Name: Agent’s last name.
  • Email: Agent’s email address.
  • External Agent ID: If you have external systems that reference agents by their own unique identifiers, enter that unique identifier in this field.
  • Location: Agent’s location.
  • Team: Agent’s team name.
  • RC RingEX extension: Click on this dropdown menu to select from a list of RingEX users to sync a RingEX user to the new agent user. This will link the agent’s basic information from RingEX to their information in Engage Voice, such as their first and last name, their email address, and username and password.
  • Sync with RingEX: If you select a user from the RC RingEX extension setting, you can check this box to sync the agent’s information in Admin to the RingEX admin portal. This will disable editing in Admin of the agent’s first and last name, email address, and their username and password. To make changes to these settings, you will need to return to the RingEX admin portal.

Configuring agent login settings

In this section of the General configuration page is the Login Settings section. Let’s review each of those settings below.
  • Allow Login: Allows the agent to log in with the specified username and password. To deactivate this agent account without deleting it, uncheck this box.
  • Username: Unique username the agent will use to log in to the agent interface
  • Password: Password the agent will use to log in to the agent interface
  • Agent Type: Select what type this agent is. Options include the following:
    • Agent: If you don’t want the agent to monitor other agents, select this option.
    • Supervisor: If you want the agent to listen in and monitor other agent calls, select this option.
    • Multi-Logon Agent: If you wish for multiple agents to log in to the same account, select this option. Multi-login agents can be used in situations like, say, for short term campaigns, when a team of agents are temporarily hired to make calls for politicians.
    • Multi-Logon Supervisor: If you wish to have multiple supervisors logging into this account, select this option. Multi-login supervisors will have all the same abilities as regular supervisors.

Helpful hint!

Please note: In order to use multi-login agents and supervisors, it must first be enabled at the account level. Contact your CSM to learn more.
  • Agent Rank: Choose your agent availability rank using this option. This setting is scaled from Low (Rank 0) to High (Rank 24). By setting a higher rank number, you will set a higher priority for that agent to receive more inbound calls than an agent with a lower rank who is logged into the same inbound queue.
  • Initial State: Choose the availability state the agent will be placed in upon login. The default agent state is Available (that is, ready to take or make a call or chat). Any other state will require the agent to manually set themselves to an Available base state after login in order to take calls.

    The options presented here will depend on the agent states created via the Agent States configuration panel option at the account level. Visit Configuring agent states on an account to learn more.
  • Ghost RNA Action: This is a deprecated feature. Contact your CSM if you believe this might be relevant to your business.
  • Default Dial Group: Select the dial group you wish to be preselected when the agent first logs in.
  • Manual Outbound Default Queue Assignment: Select a queue from this dropdown menu if you’d like for this queue to be selected by default when an agent makes any manual outbound calls.

    This agent will still be able to select another queue in Agent unless you uncheck the Allow Manual Outbound Queue Selection box in the Security configuration page.

Configuring Phone Settings

Here you’ll find the Phone Settings section of the General configuration page.
  • Enable Softphone: Allows the agent access to the integrated softphone if selected. The Default Route field will auto populate once the configuration with Enable Softphone checked is saved.
  • Default Route: Default destination the agent’s calls will be routed to. 
  • Alt. Default Route: Alternate route for the agent’s calls to be directed upon login. 
  • Phone Login PIN: Used for agents that will log in directly through a phone and use a computer. 
  • Direct Dial Extension: The agent’s extension. 
  • Manual Outbound Default Caller ID: The caller ID that will display when the agent makes a manual outbound call. 

Configuring Digital Settings

This section only has one setting, which is Max number of concurrent interactions. Set the number for the amount of interactions or chats an agent can have open at any given time. 

Changing an agent’s password

To change an agent’s password, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Select the agent whose password you’d like to change.
3. In the General configuration page, scroll down to the Login Settings section.
4. Enter the agent’s new password in the Password field.
5. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right.
And that’s it! Your agent can now log in using the new password you have provided.
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