Engage Voice | Admin users overview

Users in the admin system will often have varying levels of permissions and capabilities. What a user can see, access, and edit as an admin user depends entirely upon their individual Roles. For an overview on how Roles and users interact, visit Intro to users.
To reach your admin user configuration settings, navigate to Users > Administrators via the left-hand navigation bar. 

Admin user hierarchy

The admin user hierarchy is pretty easy to understand (and configure). A platform employee (superuser) will give ‘root access’ to the person (or persons) on your team responsible for managing the platform and its users at the highest level. 
Generally, a root user will have full access to the system, along with the added benefit of being able to ‘see’ every other member in the hierarchy below them (meanwhile, everyone below does not necessarily ‘see’ the root user above them). ‘Seeing’ refers to the ability to view and/or configure other users in the system.
Root users can then create other ‘child’ users and assign Roles to them as they like. When creating a new user, be aware that they must have a Role assigned to them, no matter how basic — otherwise, when they log in, they won’t be able to navigate anywhere in the system because they haven’t yet been given permissions to do so. 

Admin user relationships

Now, let’s talk about user relationships. For the purpose of illustrating this structure, we’ll call the person creating the user the ‘parent,’ while the user being created is the ‘child.’ Parent users can view, edit, and delete child users, and they can also view (but not manage) the child user’s Roles, and permit or deny the child user access to view any ‘sibling’ information.
‘Siblings’ are any users who are at the same level in the user hierarchy. If you create three child users, they are all siblings to each other since they’ve been created by the same parent. The system allows you (as the parent) to choose which siblings can ‘see’ each other, their children, and all their corresponding rights and information. 
Because admin user permissions can vary greatly from company to company — and even within the same company and user hierarchy — it’s impossible to speak to any particular features and functionalities each user will have access to, so if there is an area of the platform, or a setting, feature, or functionality that you don’t have access to and feel you need, please contact your administrator. 
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