Engage Voice | Reports reference

The sections below will help you read the individual reports and understand the data parameters being reported. Note that the account reports are reports that contain custom data that you define with your CSM. This category will appear if you have added custom reports with your CSM, but will not appear if you have not added any reports.

Agent reports

Agent Account Report

The Agent Account Report provides details for each agent account included based on the selected criteria. 
  • Username: Username of the agent.
  • Password: The agent’s password used to log in to the Agent UI.
  • Default Login Phone: Default phone number or SIP address that the agent will use to make or receive calls.
  • Last Login Date: The last date the agent logged in.
  • Agent Type: Displays whether agent is an Agent, Supervisor, Multi-User Agent, or Multi-User Supervisor.
  • External Agent ID: Information entered in the Ext. Agent ID field.
  • Active Account: Indicates whether Allow Login is enabled for the agent.
  • Allow Inbound: Indicates whether the agent can take inbound calls.
  • Allow Outbound: Indicates whether the agent can take outbound calls.
  • Allow Blended: Indicates whether the agent can log in to both inbound queue and outbound campaigns at the same time.
  • Allow Off-Hook: Indicates whether the agent can establish and open a connection to the platform (an offhook session).
  • Allow Call Control: Indicates whether the agent is allowed access to the Hold, Transfer, Hangup, and Requeue controls for calls in the agent interface.
  • Allow Login Control: Indicates whether the agent is allowed to modify login parameters, including their phone number or SIP address, or any queues, campaigns, or digital queues to which they are assigned.

Agent Activity Overview

The Agent Activity Overview report provides information on agent activity, including the various agent states and calls. The report provides an overview of statuses, followed by specific call types and sources. 
  • Agent ID: ID number of the agent information in this section.
  • Name: Name of the agent.
  • Team: Information entered in the Team field of the agent configuration.
  • Presented: Total number of calls presented to the agent.
  • RNA: Number of calls presented to the agent but not answered.
  • Talk Time: The total amount of time an agent spent on calls for the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Login Time: A calculation from the time the agent logged in to when they logged out of the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Login Utilization: The percentage of time during the agent’s login spent on the phone talking. For example, if an agent has been logged in for one hour (60 minutes) and spends 25 minutes talking, then the login utilization would be 42% (25/60 * 100 = 42%).
  • Off Hook Time: The total time the agent spent on an offhook session ready to receive calls. Offhook time doesn’t calculate until the active session is logged out. If you run this report while an agent is still logged in, the offhook time will be zero (0) until the agent logs out. This is calculated to the second. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Off Hook Utilization: Calculates the percentage of talk time the agent spent offhook (Talk Time/Off Hook Time * 100).
  • Work Time: Calculated based on the total time the agent was logged in to the session, minus any break time, away time, lunch time, and training. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Break Time: The total time the agent spent in the “On-Break” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Away Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Away” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Lunch Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Lunch” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Training Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Training” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • P.D. Time: “Pending Disposition Time” — How much time the agent spent after calls without submitting the disposition. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Ring Time: How long the call rings before being connected. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Engaged Time: How long the agent state is ENGAGED on a call. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • RNA Time: "Ring No Answer Time" — How long the call(s) rang the agent but the agent did not pick up the call. The agent state would have been AVAILABLE to take call. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Call Type: Each row will provide information on a specific type of call, Inbound, Manual-Outbound, or Outbound.
  • Source Name: For Inbound or Outbound, displays the name of the queue or campaign.
  • Calls: The number of calls originating from this type and source.
  • Minutes: Total number of minutes between the calls for this row.

Agent Activity Report

The Agent Activity Report provides information on calls for each agent with activity in the time period specified. 
  • Call Type: Each row will provide information on a specific type of call, inbound, manual-outbound, or outbound.
  • Source ID: For inbound or outbound, displays the ID number of the queue or campaign.
  • Source Name: For inbound or outbound, displays the name of the queue or campaign.
  • Calls: The number of calls which originated from this type and source.
  • Minutes: Total number of minutes between the calls for this row.

Agent Overview Report

The Agent Overview Report provides a summary of each agent’s activity, including time spent in various states, and a breakdown of call dispositions. 
  • Total Login Sessions: Total number of separate login sessions for the date range specified.
  • Presented: Total calls presented to the agent.
  • Accepted: Total calls answered by the agent.
  • RNA: Number of times calls were presented to the agent but not answered.
  • Total Login Time: Calculated based on the time the agent logged in to when they logged out of all sessions included in the report. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Offhook Time: The total time the agent spent on an offhook session ready to receive calls. Offhook time doesn’t calculate until the active session is logged out. If you run this report while an agent is still logged in, the offhook time will be zero (0) until the agent logs out. This is calculated to the second. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Talk Time: The total amount of time an agent spent on calls. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Avg Talk Time: The average time the agent spent on calls. This calculates within the database directly so there is no rounding (talk time/accepted). It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Work Time: Calculated based on the total time the agent was logged in to all sessions, minus any break time, away time, lunch time, and training. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Break Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “On-Break” User State during all sessions in the report. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Away Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Away” User State during the sessions. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Lunch Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Lunch” User State during the sessions. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Training Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Training” User State during the sessions. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Ring Time: How long the call rings before being connected. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total Engaged Time: How long the agent state is ENGAGED on a call. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Total RNA Time: "Ring No Answer Time" — How long the call(s) rang the agent but the agent did not pick up the call. The agent state would have been AVAILABLE to take call. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Login Utilization: The percentage of time during the agent’s login spent on the phone talking. For example, if an agent has been logged in for one hour (60 minutes) and spends 25 minutes talking then the login utilization would be 42% (25/60 * 100 = 42%).
  • Offhook Utilization: Calculates the percentage of offhook time the agent spent on active calls (Talk Time/Off Hook Time * 100).
  • Disposition Breakdown By Campaign: Lists all dispositions used by the agent, broken down by campaign, and will display the total number of calls for each disposition as well as a percentage of all outbound calls from that agent with that disposition.
  • Disposition Breakdown by Gate: Lists all dispositions used by the agent, broken down by queue, and will display the total number of calls for each disposition as well as a percentage of all inbound calls taken by the agent.

Agent State Change Report Raw

The Agent State Change Report Raw provides data for each new state an agent entered throughout the date range specified.
  • Agent ID: Identification number of the agent for this row.
  • Agent Login: Identification number for the agent login session.
  • External Agent ID: External ID (if any) set in the agent configuration.
  • Username: Agent username.
  • Last Name: Last name of the agent.
  • First Name: First name of the agent.
  • Team: Team entered in the agent configuration (if any).
  • State: New state the agent entered.
  • State DTS: Date/time the agent moved to the new state (Note: Because the field does not include seconds, there can be multiple states with the same DTS).
  • Duration: Time (in seconds) the agent was in this state.

Manual Outbound Dial Report

The Manual Outbound Dial Report displays the details for any manual outbound calls made by agents on the platform.
  • UII: Unique identification number for the call.
  • Caller-ID: Caller ID presented to the callee. Set in the agent configuration in the Manual Outbound Default Caller ID field.
  • Dialed Number: The number dialed by the agent.
  • Call Time: Date/time the call was placed.
  • Duration: Length (in seconds) of the call.
  • First Name: First name of the agent who placed the call.
  • Last Name: Last name of the agent who placed the call.
  • Username: Username of the agent who placed the call.
  • Team: Team (if any) of the agent who placed the call.
  • Recording: Link to the recording of the call.

Billing Reports

Agent Billing Report

This report details a breakdown of agent time for each agent in your account. 
  • Agent ID: Identification number of the agent.
  • Agent Name: Name of the agent.
  • Username: Username of the agent.
  • Team: Information (if any) entered in the Team field of the agent configuration.
  • Extern ID: External ID (if any) entered in the Ext. Agent ID field of the agent configuration.
  • Weekday Calls: Number of calls taken by the agent on weekdays not classified as short calls. This includes outbound calls and inbound calls with a duration longer than the Short Call Time set on the inbound queue.
  • Weekday Short Calls: Number of calls taken by the agent with duration less than Short Call Time set on the inbound queue Monday-Friday.
  • Weekday Talk Time: Total time the agent was engaged on calls during the weekday (Monday to Friday).
  • Weekday Login Time: Total time the agent was logged during the weekday (Monday to Friday).
  • Weekday Break Time: Total time the agent was in break status during the weekday (Monday to Friday).
  • Weekday Work Time: Total time the agent was logged in during the weekday (Monday to Friday), minus any break time, away time, lunch time, and training.
  • Weekend Calls: Number of calls taken by the agent on weekend days not classified as short calls. This includes outbound calls and inbound calls with a duration longer than the Short Call time set on the inbound queue.
  • Weekend Short Calls: Number of inbound calls taken by the agent on weekend days with duration less than the short call time set on the inbound queue.
  • Weekend Talk Time: Total time the agent was engaged on calls on weekend days.
  • Weekend Login Time: Total time the agent was logged in on weekend days.
  • Weekend Break Time: Total time the agent was in break status on weekend days.
  • Weekend Work Time: Total time the agent was logged in on weekend days, minus any break time, away time, lunch time, and training.

BDR Call Recordings Report

This report shows call recordings stored in a system for a given period of time associated with a call’s UII and the inbound call duration (to the nearest six-second increment for billing).
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identification number for the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue.
  • Type: The call made from ACD (inbound), Manual (manual outbound dialer), IVR Studio, etc.
  • Duration: The length of the call rounded to a six-second billing increment.
  • Recording URL: The link of the call recording.

BDR Cloud Out Report

This report shows calls that used the Cloud functionality. This helps provide more visibility for invoicing. All durations are rounded to the nearest six-second increment.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identification number for the call.
  • Call Date: The date when the call was made.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the profile.
  • Transfer Dest: The destination of the call. Cloud profiles take inbound calls and allocate them to be sent to an assigned destination. There can be more than one destination.
  • Source Type: The source of the call. This will show whether the call come from the IVR studio initially or come directly into the cloud.
  • ID: The profile ID.
  • Desc: The name of the inbound queue.
  • Duration: The length of the call rounded to a six-second billing increment.
  • Call Type: The type of call that was made. This can be a local call, SIP, or an international call.
  • Jurisdiction: INTER or INTRA. INTER meaning interstate, INTRA meaning intrastate.

BDR Current DNIS Assignment Report

This shows all DNIS on the account and type (local, pseudo-sip, TFN), as different monthly rates apply to each type.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue.
  • DNIS Type: The destination or endpoint type. This can be a local number, a pseudo-SIP number, or a TFN.

BDR Dialer Report

This report details a breakdown of billing records for outbound dialing in your account.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identification number for the call.
  • Call Date: The date of the outbound call.
  • ANI: The number being dialed.
  • DNIS: The number of the caller if an outbound call.
  • ID: The unique identifier of the outbound campaign.
  • Desc: The name of the outbound campaign.
  • Duration: The length of the call rounded to a six-second billing increment.
  • Jurisdiction: Indicates an interstate or intrastate call.
  • Billing Code: The billing code associated with the callee.

BDR Disconnect Scrub Report

This shows a breakdown of billing records for any client using the Disconnect Scrub feature.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • Date: A date within the report date range on which one or more users were logged in.
  • Campaign ID: Identifiers for the campaign in that section.
  • Campaign Name: Name of the campaign.
  • Leads Scrubbed: Comprising of two separate data points: Leads and Scrubbed. Leads are the leads that were run through the platform. Scrubbed are the leads that were removed in the scrub.

BDR DNC Scrub Report

This report details a breakdown of billing records for any client using an external DNC Scrub.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • Date: A date within the report date range on which one or more users were logged in.
  • Campaign ID: Identifiers for the campaign in that section.
  • Campaign Name: Name of the campaign.
  • Leads Scrubbed: Comprising two separate data points: Leads and Scrubbed. Leads are the leads that were run through the platform. Scrubbed are the leads that were removed in the scrub.

BDR Inbound Report

This report details a breakdown of billing records for inbound calls in your account. 
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identification number for the call.
  • Call Date: The date of the inbound call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue.
  • ID: The unique identifier of the inbound queue.
  • Desc: The name of the inbound queue.
  • Duration: The length of the call rounded to a six-second billing increment.
  • AppType: The application that presented the inbound call, such as ACD or IVR Studio.
  • CallType: Indicates whether the call is a local or toll-free call.
  • Jurisdiction: Indicates whether the call is an interstate or intrastate call.
  • Country Code: The country where the call originated.
  • Billing Code: The billing code associated with the caller.

BDR International Report

This report details a breakdown of billing records for international calls.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • Call Date: The date of the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number of the caller if it’s an outbound call, or call receiver it’s an inbound call.
  • Destination: The destination of the call.
  • Prefix: The international prefix (numerical code) identifying the country.
  • Rate: The charge rate per six seconds to dial the country.
  • Duration: Total length of the call.

BDR Max Concurrent Users Report

This report details a record of the maximum number of concurrent logged-in users in your account, by date. 
  • Date: A date within the report date range on which one or more users were logged in.
  • Max Concurrent Users: The maximum number of users who were logged in on a date.

BDR Reverse Match Report

This details a breakdown of billing records for any client using the Reverse Match feature.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.

BDR Transfer Report

This report shows a breakdown of billing records for transferred calls.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • Call Date: The date of the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number of the caller if it’s an outbound call, or call receiver it’s an inbound call.
  • Transfer Dest: The destination of the transfer.
  • ID: The number of the transfer where the call was taken.
  • Desc: The name of the transfer.
  • Type: The type of transfer that occurred.
  • Duration: The length of the call.
  • Call Type: Inbound or outbound, depending on the source of the call.
  • Jurisdiction: Indicates whether the call is an interstate or intrastate call.

Billing Usage Report

This report details a breakdown of billing categories by product for the date range selected. The report is broken down further into individual configurations, such as queue, agent, IVR, etc., and then it displays the count and sum of each metric. 
  • Description: Phone number and location of each charge.
  • Count: Count of each metric.
  • Sum: Sum of each metric.

Digital Reports

This category will be available only if enabled for your account.

Digital Detail Report

The Digital Detail Report provides information on each digital interaction covered by the selected search criteria, and includes the following data for each unique session of a digital interaction: the digital queue, the digital queue group, the total number of interactions, queue duration, and a transcription of the interaction.
  • ANI: The number of the client, if any.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the digital interaction.
  • Session ID: An identifier for a set of client or agent messages from a digital interaction.
  • Session Type: Indicates a portion of the digital interaction associated with client or agent messages.
  • IP: IP address of the client initiating the digital interaction.
  • Enqueue Timestamp: The date/time stamp when the call was presented to the queue.
  • Dequeue Timestamp: The date/time stamp when the call left the queue for the queue for final routing to agent/other.
  • Queue Time: Time (in seconds) the interaction was in queue.
  • Agent Name: Name of the agent in the digital interaction, or blank if no agent accepted the interaction.
  • Agent Disposition: Disposition selected by the agent after the digital interaction.
  • Term Reason: Reason the client digital interaction was disconnected, either Disconnect if the client exits the digital interaction window, or Agent-disposition if the digital interaction is ended by the agent dispositioning (thereby ending) the digital interaction.
  • Interaction Type: Indicates whether the interaction is inbound or outbound.
  • Transcript: Provides a transcript of the digital interaction.
  • Pre-Form: An automatic message sent when the agent accepts an interaction.

Digital Overview Report

The Digital Overview Report provides an overview of all digital queues, followed by a separate section for each digital queue within your account.
  • Total Presented: Total number of digital interactions presented to a digital queue.
  • Total Accepted: Total number of digital interactions accepted by agents.
  • Total Abandoned: Total number of digital interactions disconnected by the client before reaching an agent.
  • Total Deflected: Total number of digital interactions in which the system designated another routing option prior to being connected to an agent. Examples of this include requests triggered by queue events.
  • Total Successful: Total number of digital interactions that were solved successfully.
  • Total Short Interactions: This is a custom metric designated per queue. When configuring a queue, the length of what is considered short interaction duration is set. This is the total number of interactions that equal or falls below that time per day.
  • Total Long Interactions: This is a custom metric designated per queue. When configuring a queue, the length of what is considered long interaction duration is set. This is the total number of interactions that equal or exceed that time per day.
  • Total Time Spent on Digital Interactions: Total amount of seconds spent in active digital interactions.
  • Avg SOA (Seconds): Average speed of answer, or time taken between a digital interaction being presented to a digital queue, and an agent accepting the interaction.
  • Avg Abandon (Seconds): Average amount of time abandoned digital interactions were in queue before being disconnected by a client.
  • Avg Interaction (Seconds): Average time spent in active digital interactions.
  • Avg Queue Time (Seconds): Average amount of time a digital interaction spent in queue.
  • Breakdown By Agent Disposition: Provides the number and percent of dispositions which are set as either complete or incomplete and each disposition, or No Agent Disposition, used.

Cloud reports

Call Detail Download

The Call Detail Download report provides details for every cloud routing call based on the selections made prior to running the report. 
  • Cloud_profile_id: The number of the cloud profile where the call was taken.
  • Profile_name: The name of the cloud profile where the call was taken.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue.
  • Outbound_externid: The caller ID used to send a call to an external call center.
  • Media_isci: Custom field for transfering DNIS data.
  • Media_network: Custom field for transfering DNIS data.
  • Media_market: Custom field for transfering DNIS data.
  • Media_code: Custom field for transfering DNIS data.
  • Media_format: Custom field for transfering DNIS data.
  • Media_version: Custom field for transfering DNIS data.
  • Media_length: Custom field for transfering DNIS data.
  • Enqueue_time: The date/time stamp when the call was presented to the queue.
  • Dequeue_time: The date/time stamp when the call left the queue for the queue for final routing to agent/other.
  • Queue_time: Time in seconds that the call was in queue before routing to the destination.
  • Call_state: State of the call at the time the report was run.
  • Dequeue_attempts: Number of times the call attempted to dequeue before succeeding to final destination.
  • Call_result: The final result of the call.
  • Inbound_duration: The total length of the call.
  • Recording_URL: Address to access the recording of the call.
  • Connected_id: The ID of the cloud destination where the call was routed.
  • Connected_name: The name of the cloud destination where the call was routed.
  • Connected_route: The phone number or address of the cloud destination where the call was routed.
  • Connected_duration: The total length of the call minus queue time.

Cloud DNIS to DID Routing Report

This report details the possible DIDs a single DNIS may be routed to, taking into consideration overrides. Additional column headers may be included in this report depending on the profiles specified when the report was run, and will delineate the routing rules for this DNIS, considering DNIS overrides and Cloud configuration.
When you run this report on a single profile, the column headers will reflect the name of the destinations. When you run this report for all profiles, the column headers will reflect generic destination headers (such as Dest 1 DID, Dest 2 DID, and so on). 
  • DNIS: The DNIS for the routing in this row.
  • Cloud Profile ID: The ID number of the Cloud Profile where this DNIS is assigned.
  • Cloud Profile Name: The name of the Cloud Profile where this DNIS is assigned.

Cloud Profile Metrics By Day Report

The Cloud Profile Metrics By Day Report produces an overview of metrics for selected cloud profiles broken down by specific time span.
  • Date: Date for metrics in the row.
  • Day: Day for metrics in the row.
  • DNIS: Phone number that received the call.
  • Description: Description of the DNIS that received the call.
  • Presented: Number of calls presented to the DNIS for the applicable day.
  • Accepted: Number of calls answered.
  • Abandoned: Number of calls disconnected by the caller before being answered.
  • Short Calls: Number of calls less than the duration defined in the Cloud Profile.
  • Long Calls: Number of calls greater than the duration defined in the Cloud Profile.
  • SLA: The percentage of number of calls accepted, calculated as total number of calls Accepted divided by total number of calls Presented.
  • % Abandon: Percentage of presented calls that were abandoned.
  • Avg Q: Average length of time calls spent in queue.
  • Total Q: Total time all calls spent in queue.
  • Avg TT: Average talk time for connected calls.
  • Total TT: Total talk time of all connected calls.
  • Avg Handle Time: The amount of time that the call was with the destination, calculated as total call handle time divided by total number of calls accepted.
  • Avg Aba: Average length of abandoned calls.
  • Longest Aba: Duration of longest abandoned call.

Cloud Profile Metrics By Half Hour Report

The Cloud Profile Metrics By Half Hour Report produces an overview of metrics for selected cloud profiles broken down by specific time span.
  • DNIS: Phone number that received the call.
  • Description: Description of the DNIS that received the call.
  • Profile: Cloud Profile that received the call.
  • Time Block: Timespan for the given row beginning at time shown and extending for the following half hour.
  • Presented: Number of calls presented to the DNIS for the applicable day.
  • Accepted: Number of calls answered.
  • Abandoned: Number of calls disconnected by the caller before being answered.
  • Short Calls: Number of calls less than the duration defined in the Cloud Profile.
  • SLA: The percentage of number of calls accepted, calculated as total number of calls Accepted divided by total number of calls Presented.
  • % Abandon: Percent of presented calls that were abandoned.
  • Avg Queue: Average length of time calls spent in queue.
  • Total Queue: Total time all calls spent in queue.

Rollup: Calls by Hour

The Rollup: Calls by Hour report provides numerical counts of different call types, grouped by the Group By settings chosen when running the report. 
  • Profile/Destination: Displays the Profile or Destination ID number and name, depending on Group By setting chosen when running the report.
  • Type
    • Presented: The number of calls that were sent to the queue.
    • Accepted: The number of calls that were answered.
    • Abandoned: The number of calls where the caller hung up while waiting in queue.
    • Deflected: The number of calls disconnected before beginning to route to an agent.

General Reports

Global Call Recording Report

The Global Call Recording Report lists all calls with recordings for the search criteria specified. This report allows you to specify filtering by Queue Groups (and Queues) to see inbound call activity, or Dial Groups (and Campaigns) to see outbound call activity. A single report cannot provide both the inbound and outbound call activity. To produce reports that contain both the inbound and outbound call activity, run the report twice, once with inbound filtering options and once with outbound filtering options. 
  • ANI: The number of the caller if an inbound call, callee if an outbound call.
  • Call DTS: The date/time stamp of the call.
  • Call_Type: Source of the call.
  • DNIS: The number of the caller if an outbound call, callee if an inbound call.
  • Duration: Length of the call in seconds.
  • Recording_URL: Address to access the recording of the call.

Global Call Transfer Detail

The Global Call Transfer Detail report displays all transferred calls that meet the search criteria.
  • ID: The number of the queue, track, or cloud profile where the call was taken.
  • Name: The name of the queue, track, or cloud profile where the call was taken.
  • Type: The type of transfer (such as warm or cold) that occurred.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number of the location that the call was delivered to.
  • Enqueue_time: The date/time stamp when the call was presented to the system.
  • Dequeue_time: The date/time stamp when the call left the queue for final routing.
  • Call_state: State of the call at the time the report was run.
  • Dequeue_attempts: Number of times the call attempted to dequeue before succeeding to final destination.
  • Call_result: The final result of the call.
  • Agent_disposition: Disposition assigned by the agent after the call.
  • Inbound_duration: The total length of the call.
  • Inbound_term_party: Which side disconnected the caller’s leg of the call.
  • Inbound_term_reason: The reason the caller’s leg of the call was disconnected.
  • Transfer_dest: Destination the call was transferred to.
  • Transfer_duration: Time (in seconds) the call was connected to the transfer destination.
  • Transfer_term_party: Which side disconnected the caller’s leg of the call.
  • Transfer_term_reason: The reason the caller’s leg of the call was disconnected.
  • Agent_duration: The duration of the call for the agent.
  • Agent_term_party: Which side disconnected the agent’s leg of the call.
  • Agent_term_reason: The reason the agent’s leg of the call was disconnected.
  • Agent_id: ID number of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_fname: First name of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_lname: Last name of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_username: Username of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_externid: External ID of the agent who took the call (if assigned).
  • Recording_URL: Address to access the recording of the call.

Global Inbound Call Detail

The Global Inbound Call Detail report provides all calls for all inbound routes in the account, including track numbers, cloud profiles, and inbound queues. 
  • Inbound: The type of inbound call (Track, Gate, or Cloud).
  • ID: The number of the queue, track, or cloud where the call was taken.
  • Name: The name of the queue, track, or cloud where the call was taken.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • State: US state of the originating number (based on the area code).
  • Cell?: Whether the originating number is a cell phone.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue.
  • Enqueue_time: The date/time stamp when the call was presented to the queue.
  • Dequeue_time: The date/time stamp when the call left the queue for the queue for final routing to agent/other.
  • Queue_time: Time in seconds that the call was in queue before routing to the destination.
  • Call_state: State of the call at the time the report was run.
  • Dequeue_attempts: Number of times the call attempted to dequeue before succeeding to final destination.
  • Call_result: The final result of the call.
  • Connected_type: End result where the call was connected.
  • Connected_id: ID number of the connected destination.
  • Connected_name: Name of the connected destination.
  • Connected_username: Username of the connected destination, if an agent.
  • Connected_route: Route to the connected destination (phone number or sip address).
  • Connected_duration: Time (in seconds) the call was connected to the destination.
  • Recording_URL: Address to access the recording of the call.
  • Agent_notes: Any notes entered for the call by the agent.

Inbound reports

ACD Track Call Summary Report

The ACD Track Call Summary Report provides a summary of data for each queue in the account. The report will also show the totals for each column across all queues.
  • Gate: The number and name of the queue displayed in that row.
  • Calls: The total number of calls in to this queue for the time period selected.
  • Conns: The number of calls that were successfully connected to agents.
  • After Hrs: The number of calls sent to the after hours queue event.
  • No Ans: The number of calls sent to this queue which were not answered.
  • Abandon: The number of calls that were abandoned by the caller while attempting to route to an agent.
  • Minutes: The number of minutes used by calls to this queue.
  • % of Total: The percent of calls in the account for each queue.

ACD Tracking Unique Callers Report

The ACD Tracking Unique Callers Report is similar to ACD Tracking Call Detail Report but in this report, calls from the same ANI are grouped into one row. 
  • Start Date: Enter specific start date to report.
  • End Date: Enter specific end date to report.
  • Gate: Select a specific inbound queue.
  • […] button with ellipses: Click this to select multiple inbound queues to display on report.
  • Group By: Inbound queue or DNIS.
  • Caller: Phone number of the caller.
  • Cell: Indicates whether or not the call came from a cell phone.
  • Location: The location of the phone number, based on the area code NPA-NXX (area code) data.
  • Total Calls: Number of calls received from this caller.
  • Dur(m): Duration of calls from this caller in minutes.
  • Xfer(m): Duration of time that the calls from this caller were transferred to another destination, in minutes.

Gate Statistic Report

The Gate Statistic Report report provides a summary of information for all inbound queues you selected to report on. The report also provides details for each specific inbound queue. This report details by date and then summarizes totals for each grouping.
  • Date: Date reporting.
  • Presented: Count of calls sent to an inbound queue.
  • Accepted: Count of calls answered.
  • Abandoned: Count of calls where the caller hung up while waiting in queue.
  • Short Abandons: Count of calls where the caller hung up while waiting in queue and before the “Short Abandon Time” set on the queue.
  • Deflected: Number of calls disconnected by the system before reaching an agent.
  • Avg Queue: Average time callers spend in queue.
  • Total Queue: Total time callers spent in queue.
  • Avg Abandon: Average time that callers are hanging up while waiting in queue.
  • Avg Answer: Average time calls are being answered when the call hits queue.
  • Avg Talk: Average time agents are on calls.
  • Total Talk: Total time agents are on calls.
  • Service Level: The percent of calls that are within the service level agreement (SLA).

Hourly Inbound Statistics

The Hourly Inbound Statistics report provides an overview of all inbound queues included in the report, with each individual inbound queue broken down in subsequent sections.
  • Time Block: The time span this row applies to.
  • Pres.: The number of presented calls.
  • Accept: The number of calls accepted.
  • Short Aban.: The number of calls abandoned in less than the short abandon time set in the queue settings.
  • Long Aban.: The number of calls abandoned in more than the long abandon time set in the queue settings.
  • Avg Aban.: Average time of all abandoned calls.
  • Aban. Rate: Percentage of calls which were abandoned before reaching an agent.
  • Deflected: Number of calls disconnected by the system before reaching an agent.
  • Longest In Q: Duration in seconds of the longest time a call spent in queue.
  • Avg Q Time: Average time spent in queue across all calls.
  • Avg Talk Time: Average time spent connected to an agent across all calls.
  • Avg Call Time: Average time of the total call (queue and talk time) across all calls.

Inbound Abandon Report

The Inbound Abandon Report includes data on inbound abandoned calls for all queues selected, as well as a breakdown by individual queues and data for each date included in the report.
  • Date: Date for the data in the row.
  • Presented: Total calls presented to this queue for the given date.
  • Accepted: Number of calls successfully accepted for the given date.
  • Abandoned: Number of calls abandoned for the given date.
  • <x: Number of calls abandoned in seconds (where x is the number of seconds for the column. Each column is a ten second span, thus calls abandoned in the <40 column will be calls abandoned after more than 30, but less than 40 seconds.
  • AVG SOA: Average speed of answer.
  • Agent Disconnects: Total number of caller hang ups and system drops.

Inbound Call Detail Download

The Inbound Call Detail Download report provides data for each call taken for the dates and queues specified, as well as more detailed columnar information for each.
  • Gate_id: The number of the queue where the call was taken.
  • Gate_name: The name of the queue where the call was taken.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue.
  • DNIS Description: Description (if provided) of the DNIS.
  • DNIS Media Code: Media code assigned to this DNIS (if provided).
  • Originating DNIS: Original number dialed by the caller if the call has been transferred to another DNIS.
  • Enqueue_time: The date/time stamp when the call was presented to the inbound queue.
  • Dequeue_time: The date/time stamp when the call left the queue for final routing to agent/other.
  • Queue_time: Time in seconds that the call was in queue before routing to the destination. Please note Inbound callbacks may have a long queue time since this parameter measures the whole time duration between initial request and returned call.
  • Call_state: State of the call at the time the report was run.
  • Dequeue_attempts: Number of times the call attempted to dequeue before succeeding to final destination.
  • Call_result: The final result of the call.
  • Agent_disposition: Disposition assigned by the agent after the call.
  • Inbound_duration: The total length of the call.
  • Inbound_term_party: Which side disconnected the caller’s leg of the call.
  • Inbound_term_reason: The reason the caller’s leg of the call was disconnected.
  • Agent_duration: The duration of the call for the agent.
  • Agent_term_party: Which side disconnected the agent’s leg of the call.
  • Agent_term_reason: The reason the agent’s leg of the call was disconnected.
  • Agent_id: The ID number of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_fname: First name of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_lname: Last name of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_username: Username of the agent who took the call.
  • Agent_externid: External ID of the agent who took the call (if assigned).
  • Agent_phone: Phone number, SIP address, or UII (for offhook sessions) of the agent who took the call.
  • Recording_URL: Address to access the recording of the call.
  • Agent_notes: Any notes entered for the call by the agent.
  • Callback_requested: ‘Yes’ or ‘no’ if the original inbound call requested a callback via the ACD Queue Callback feature.
  • Is_callback: Indicates whether this call originated as a callback from the ACD Queue Callback feature.
  • Callback_UII: The UII of original call, if this is a callback from the ACD Queue Callback feature.
  • Callback_result: Result of the outbound call made to return a callback from the ACD Queue Callback feature.
  • Dial_type: Originating dial type of the call.
  • Sec_on_hold: The amount of time (in seconds) the call was placed on hold by the agent.
  • Agent_wrap_time: The amount of time the agent spends pending disposition after a call.
  • Agent_wait_time: The amount of time the agent spent waiting to be connected to the call.
  • Billing_code: The billing code associated with the agent.
  • Agent_group_id: The ID for the agent group.
  • Agent_group_name: The name of the agent group.

Inbound Overview Report

The Inbound Overview Report provides an overview of inbound calls for the account, as well as a breakdown for any selected queues. 
  • Total Presented: Total number of inbound calls.
  • Total Accepted: Number of calls accepted.
  • Total Abandoned: Number of calls in which the caller hung up before routing to an agent.
  • Total Deflected: Number of calls disconnected by the system before reaching an agent.
  • Total Short Abandons: Number of calls abandoned before the Short Abandon Time set in the queue settings.
  • Total Long Abandons: Number of calls abandoned after the Long Abandon Time set in the queue settings.
  • Total Talk Time: Seconds of talk time for all calls.
  • Total Wrap Time: Amount of time spent pending disposition after calls.
  • Avg SOA: Average speed of answer for connected calls.
  • Avg ABA: Average time abandoned calls spent in queue before abandoning.
  • Avg Talk: Average talk time for connected calls.
  • Avg Queue Time: Average time calls spent in queue.
  • Avg Wrap Time: Average time per call agents spent pending disposition.
  • SLA: Percentage of calls answered within the bounds of the SLA set in the queue.
  • Breakdown By Agent Disposition: Breaks down the number and percentage of calls for each agent disposition on the inbound queue.

Outbound Reports

Global Dials report

The Global Dials report provides dial information across all available accounts, with each account broken down in individual sections. The report presents each of the possible Dial Results, followed by the Dial Count for that result, and the percentage of all calls this represents. The bottom row of each section lists the total for that section. 
  • No Answer: Number of calls not answered.
  • Congestion: Number of calls unable to reach the intended destination.
  • Machine: Number of calls detected as voicemail or answering machines by the system.
  • Inbound-Callback: Number of calls returned to inbound callers using the ACD Callback option.
  • APP-DNC/APP-Queue: The called party on the outbound abandoned call asked the automated app to place them in the DNC or Queue status respectively.
  • Answer: Number of calls answered by a live person.
  • Inbound-Abandon: Inbound calls that matched a lead on the campaign and that were sent to an abandoned queue.
  • Abandon: Number of calls answered but disconnected before reaching an agent.
  • Intercept: Number of calls reported to our system as invalid numbers.
  • Busy: Number of calls returned as busy.
  • Manual-Pass: Number of calls entered as a manual pass by the agent.
  • Inbound: Inbound calls that matched a lead on the campaign and that were sent to an agent.

Agent Campaign Disposition

The Agent Campaign Disposition report provides agent dispositions for campaigns and may be formatted differently depending on the Group By setting you select. When grouped by Agent Account, the report will also indicate the agent for each section, and when grouped by Agent Login, will display the login time and agent’s phone number or SIP address.
  • Campaign ID and Name: Identifiers for the campaign in that section.
  • Agent Disposition: Name of the disposition for that row.
  • Complete: Indicates if this disposition marked the lead as complete.
  • Calls: The number of calls set with this disposition.
  • %: Percent of total calls in this section set with this disposition.

Dialer Result Download

The Dialer Result Download report provides data on all calls matching the selected search criteria.
  • CallID: The unique identifier for this call.
  • ID: External ID field from the lead.
  • Campaign _ID: Identification number of the campaign placing the call.
  • Campaign_name: Name of the campaign placing the call.
  • Country_name: Country of the phone number being called.
  • Lead_phone: Phone number of the lead being called.
  • Lead_state: Current state of the lead when the report was run.
  • Timezone: The timezone for the lead, based on the area code.
  • Title: Title for the lead.
  • First_name - Zip: Name and address information for the lead (if available).
  • Lead_passes: Total number of passes (calls) to the lead.
  • Pass_disposition: System disposition for this call.
  • Agent_disposition: Disposition entered by the agent for the call.
  • Call_start: Date/time stamp for the beginning of the outbound call.
  • Duration: Length (in seconds) of the call.
  • Agent_notes: Notes entered by the agent for the call.
  • Agent_id: Identification number of the agent who took the call.
  • External_agent_id: External ID number for the agent as configured in the agent configuration.
  • Username: Username of the agent.
  • Agent_first_name: First name of the agent.
  • Agent_last_name: Last name of the agent.
  • Loaded_caller_id: Caller ID assigned for the outbound call to this lead (if entered).
  • On_hold: Duration (in seconds) the call was placed on hold by the agent.
  • Dial_type: Originating dial type of the call.
  • Billing_code: Billing code from the lead.
  • Aux_data1 through Aux_data5: Auxiliary data from the lead.
  • Upload_date: Upload date for a lead list. Note: If leads are added to an existing list, later on the upload date will still reflect the original upload date for the list, not the date the new leads were added.
  • List_state: The state for the lead list.
  • List_desc: A description of the lead list.
  • Term_session: Attempts to determine which party ended the call.
  • Recording_URL: Address to access the recording of the call.
  • Email: Email address for the lead.
  • Live_answer_message: Field from the lead, an audio file to be played on live answer of power dial.
  • Mach_answer_message: Field from the lead, an audio file to be played if machine answer is detected.
  • Int_prefix: The international prefix that was prepended to a lead number for international dialing.
  • Int_dest: Country destination for an international call.
  • Int_cost: Cost calculated for international call.
  • Transfer_phone: The phone number the call was transferred to.
  • Transfer_disp: The disposition of the transferred call.
  • Transfer_duration: The amount of time (in seconds) the call was connected to the transfer destination.
  • Transfer_type: The type of transfer (such as warm or cold) that occurred when the system transferred a connected lead.
  • Speed_to_lead_first_pass: The amount of time that passed between a lead first being loaded into the system and when the first attempt was made to dial the lead.
  • Speed_to_lead_agent_conn: The amount of time that passed between a lead first being loaded into the system and when the lead was connected to an agent.
  • Dial_duration: The amount of time the call spent dialing the destination (in seconds).
  • Agent_wait_time: The amount of time the agent spent waiting to be connected to the call.
  • Agent_wrap_time: The amount of time the agent spends pending disposition after a call.
  • Transfer_dial_duration: Time (in seconds) the call was dialing to the transfer destination.
  • Dial_group_id: The unique identifier for the dial group.
  • Dial_group_name: The name of the dial group.

Hourly Agent Disposition by Campaign Report

This report shows the hourly agent dispositions per campaign. This report is broken with a section for each campaign, followed by a row for each disposition used and columns for each hour of the day, containing the number of calls for the given disposition, and the percent of total calls for that hour. The bottom line of each row will display the total number of calls for that hour.  
  • Start Date: Enter specific start date to report.
  • End Date: Enter specific end date to report.
  • Dial Group: Select a specific dial group to narrow the report.
  • Campaign: Select a specific Campaign, or --ALL--.
  • […] button with ellipses: Click this to select multiple campaigns.

Hourly Dialer Disposition

The Hourly Dialer Disposition report summarizes the dialing results for all campaigns included in the report, broken down by hour. Later sections of the report provide the same data for each individual campaign for each hour dials were made. Possible dialer dispositions are broken out in individual columns followed by the percent of the total dials represented by this disposition. 
  • Hour: Lists the hour for the information contained in the row.
  • Total Passes: Total dial attempts for this row.
  • Answer: Number of calls answered by a live person and connected to an agent.
  • No Answer: Number of calls not answered by a person or machine.
  • Busy: Number of calls reported as busy at the destination.
  • Machine: Number of calls answered and determined to be an answering machine or voicemail by the system.
  • Intercept: Number of calls reported as intercept by the destination. Generally indicates disconnected or otherwise bad number.
  • Abandon: Number of calls answered by a live person and disconnected before reaching an agent.
  • Other: Number of calls reporting results not applicable to the other categories.

Outbound Overview 

The Outbound Overview report provides data on all campaigns or lists, with each campaign or list broken down into sections below. Each section identifies the Total Dials, Talk Time, and “Connected” Abandon rate for that campaign or list. The calls will then be broken down by Dialer Disposition, Answer/Manual-Pass broken down further by Agent Disposition, with each reporting the total number and percent of calls in that category. 
  • Abandon: Number of calls answered but disconnected before reaching an agent.
  • Busy: Number of calls returned as busy.
  • Congestion: Number of calls unable to reach the intended destination.
  • Inbound-Callback: Number of calls returned to inbound callers using the ACD Callback option.
  • Intercept: Number of calls reported to our system as invalid numbers.
  • Machine: Number of calls detected as voicemail or answering machines by the system.
  • No Answer: Number of calls not answered.
  • Answer/Manual-Pass: Number of calls answered by a live person or entered as a manual pass by the agent.

Outbound Performance 

The Outbound Performance report provides an overview of outbound performance and contains subsequent sections broken down according to the selections you made for the Group By and Sub Group inputs. 

All campaigns

  • Total Success: Number of calls dispositioned as success.
  • Avg Success Per Hour: Average number of success calls per hour of agent login time.
  • Total Completes: Number of calls dispositioned as complete via agent disposition.
  • Avg Completes per Hour: Average number of complete calls per hour of agent login time.
  • Total Contacts: Number of calls successfully connected to the lead.
  • Avg Contacts per Hour: Average number of connected calls per hour of agent login time.
  • Total Dials: Total number of dials made.
  • Avg Dials Per Hour: Average number of dials made per hour of agent login time.
  • Total Login Hours: Total number of hours agents were logged in.

Individual campaign sections

  • Login Hours: Total number of agent login hours for this section.
  • Talk Time: Total time (in minutes) agents were connected to leads.
  • Success: Number of leads dispositioned as success.
  • Success/hr: Average number of success calls per hour of agent login time.
  • Completes: Number of calls dispositioned as complete.
  • Completes/hr: Average number of complete calls per hour of agent login time.
  • Contacts: Number of calls successfully connected to the lead.
  • Contacts/hr: Average number of connected calls per hour of agent login time.
  • Dials: Total number of dials made for this row.
  • Dials/hr: Average number of dials made per hour of agent login time.
  • Dials%: Percent of dials for this campaign compared to the entire dial group.

Realtime Reports

Agent Queue Login History Report Raw

The Agent Queue Login History Report Raw provides data on all agent logins to the inbound queues. 
  • Agent Login Id: The unique agent ID in the system for the agent.
  • Login DTS: The date/time stamp when the agent logged in to this session.
  • Logout DTS: The date/time stamp when the agent logged out of this session.
  • Agent ID: The ID of the agent.
  • First Name: The first name of the agent.
  • Last Name: The last name of the agent.
  • Username: The username of the agent.
  • External Agent ID: The external ID number for the agent.
  • Team: The name of the team that the agent belongs to.
  • Queue ID: The ID of the queue the agents logged in to.
  • Queue Name: The name of the queue the agent logged in to.
  • Billing Code: The billing code associated with the agent.

Agent Session Report Raw

The Agent Session Report Raw provides an overview of agent activity for each agent logged in during the date range selected. Each section will report on an individual agent, beginning with the agent’s ID, name, and any team information entered in the agent configuration. Each section will include a total across all login sessions for each column.
  • Account ID: ID number for the account the agent is connected to.
  • Account Name: Name of the account the agent is connected to.
  • Agent ID: ID number of the agent for the row.
  • Username: Username of the agent.
  • First Name: First Name of the agent.
  • Last Name: Last name of the agent.
  • Team: Team entered in the agent configuration (if any).
  • Agent Login ID: ID number for the agent login session.
  • Phone: Phone number or SIP address where the agent was registered to receive calls.
  • Login DTS: Date/time stamp of the agent login.
  • Logout DTS: Date/time stamp of the agent logout.
  • Presented: Number of calls presented to the agent during the session.
  • Accepted: Number of calls connected to the agent during the session.
  • RNA: Number of calls which were presented to the agent but not answered.
  • Disp Xfers: How many times the agent transferred a call using a disposition for the session.
  • % Calls Xfered: A calculation of the percentage of calls accepted that the agent transferred using a disposition for the session (Disp Xfers/Accepted * 100).
  • Talk Time: The total amount of time an agent spent on calls for the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Avg Talk Time: The average time the agent spent on calls. This calculates within the database directly so there is no rounding (talk time/accepted). It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Login Time: A calculation from the time the agent logged in to when they logged out of the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Login Utilization: The percentage of time during the agent’s login spent on the phone talking. For example, if an agent has been logged in for one hour (60 minutes) and spends 25 minutes talking then the login utilization would be 42% (25/60 * 100 = 42%).
  • Off Hook Time: The total time the agent spent on an offhook session ready to receive calls. Offhook time doesn’t calculate until the active session is logged out. If you run this report while an agent is still logged in, the offhook time will be zero (0) until the agent logs out. This is calculated to the second. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Off Hook Utilization: Calculates the percentage of offhook time the agent spent on active calls (Talk Time/Off Hook Time * 100).
  • Off Hook to Login %: Calculates the percentage of login time the agent spent offhook (Off Hook Time/Login Time * 100).
  • Pending Disp Time: “Pending Disposition Time” — How much time the agent spent after calls without submitting the disposition. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Avg Disp Time: “Average Pending Disposition Time” — The average time the agent spent in pending disposition for all calls accepted (Pending Disp Time/Accepted). It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Work Time: Calculated based on the total time the agent was logged into the session, minus any break time, away time, lunch time, and training. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Break Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “On-Break” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Away Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Away” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Lunch Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Lunch” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Training Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Training” User State during the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Ring Time: How long the call rings before being connected. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Engaged Time: How long the agent state is ENGAGED on a call. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • RNA Time: "Ring No Answer Time" — How long the call(s) rang the agent but the agent did not pick up the call. The agent state would have been AVAILABLE to take call. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

Dialer Penetration report

The Dialer Penetration report provides an overview of leads for each campaign in the account. 
  • Campaign: Lists the ID number and name of the campaign for that row.
  • Ready to Dial: Number of leads in the campaign ready to dial.
  • Pass #: The number of passes performed on lead reported in this row.
  • Lead Count: Number of leads with this number of passes in this lead state in this campaign.
  • Finished Leads: Number of leads in the campaign marked as complete and will not be dialed again.
  • Totals: The total number of leads in the campaign.

Dialer Result Download

The Dialer Result Download Report includes data on all calls matching the search criteria. 
  • CallID: The unique identifier for this call.
  • Campaign _ID: Identification number of the campaign placing the call.
  • Campaign_name: Name of the campaign placing the call.
  • Country_name: Country of the phone number being called.
  • Lead_phone: Phone number of the lead being called.
  • Lead_state: Current state of the lead when the report was run.
  • Timezone: The timezone for the lead, based on the area code.
  • Title: Title for the lead.
  • First_name – Zip: Name and address information for the lead (if available).
  • Lead_passes: Total number of passes (calls) to the lead.
  • Pass_disposition: System disposition for this call.
  • Agent_disposition: Disposition entered by the agent for the call.
  • Call_start: Date/time stamp for the beginning of the outbound call.
  • Duration: Length (in seconds) of the call.
  • Agent_notes: Notes entered by the agent for the call.
  • Agent_id: Identification number of the agent who took the call.
  • External_agent_id: External ID number for the agent (if entered in agent configuration).
  • Username: Username of the agent.
  • Agent_first_name: First name of the agent.
  • Agent_last_name: Last name of the agent.
  • Loaded_caller_id: Caller ID assigned for the outbound call to this lead (if entered).
  • On_hold: Duration (in seconds) the call was placed on hold by the agent.
  • Dial_type: Originating dial type of the call.

Global Call Type Detail report

The Global Call Type Detail report provides complete real-time data for all calls in the platform. 
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • Source_type: Displays the specific type of call: ACD inbound, IVR Studio inbound, manual outbound, or outbound.
  • Source_group_id: Displays the ID number of the inbound queue group or campaign.
  • Source_group_name: Displays the name of the inbound queue group or campaign.
  • Source_id: Displays the ID number of the queue or campaign.
  • Source_name: Displays the name of the queue or campaign.
  • Source_description: Displays the description of the queue or campaign.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number of the caller if an outbound call, callee if an inbound call.
  • Call_status: Status of the call at the time the report was run.
  • Call_result: The final result of the call.
  • Call_start_dts: The date/time stamp when the call started.
  • Call_end_dts: The date/time stamp when the call ended.
  • Queue_time: Time in seconds that the call was in queue before routing to the destination. Please note Inbound callbacks may have a long queue time since it measures the whole time duration between initial request and returned call.
  • Call_duration: The total length of the call in seconds.
  • Call_term_party: Which side disconnected the caller’s leg of the call.
  • Call_term_reason: The reason the caller’s leg of the call was disconnected.
  • Billing_code: Billing code from the lead.
  • Call_notes: Any notes entered for the call.
  • Connect_id: ID number of the connected destination.
  • Connected_name: Name of the connected destination.
  • Connected_route: Route to the connected destination (phone number or SIP address).
  • Connected_dts: The date/time stamp when the call was connected to the destination.
  • Connected_duration: Time (in seconds) the call was connected to the destination.
  • Connected_disposition: The call disposition.
  • Connected_term_party: Which side disconnected the caller’s leg of the call.
  • Connected_term_reason: The reason the caller’s leg of the call was disconnected.
  • Connected_extern_id: The external ID number for the connected agent.
  • Recording_url: Address to access the recording of the call.
  • Dial_type: Originating dial type of the call.

Global Inbound TFN/DID List Report

The Global Inbound TFN/DID List Report displays the detailed information for each inbound phone number currently available to the account, including Pseudo DNIS numbers. Date range will have no effect on the output.
The report will be downloaded in Excel format, grouped by Dnis Category set in the TFN/DID manager (if any). 
  • TFN/DID: The assigned number.
  • End-Point Type: The currently assigned end-point type for the number (ACD for queue, Track, Cloud, or Unassigned).
  • End-Point ID: The ID number of the currently assigned end-point, or N/A if unassigned.
  • End Point Name: The name of the currently assigned end-point, or N/A if unassigned.
  • Notes: Any notes associated with the number.
  • ISCI: *
  • Network:*
  • Market:*
  • Media Code:*
  • Spot Format:*
  • Version: *
  • Length: *
  • Web URL:*
  • Last Modified: Date/time stamp of the last time this number was modified.
  • Last Modified By: Name of the user who last modified the number.
Please take note that fields marked with an asterisk (*) are optional and only used if the number is associated with specific media in the TFN/DID manager.

Inbound Agent Segment Metadata Report

The Inbound Agent Segment Metadata Report provides data on your inbound agent recordings — specifically those whose trigger is assigned to queues — including links to access your audio recording. 
  • Account ID: ID number for the sub-account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • Session ID: ID number for the session. Every leg of the call has a session ID.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue.
  • Call Type: Inbound or outbound, depending on the source of the call.
  • Agent ID: Unique number of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Login ID: The unique agent ID in the system for the agent.
  • Agent First Name: First name of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Last Name: Last name of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Username: Username of the agent on the call.
  • Product Type: Displays products by type. Inbound calls are QUEUE while outbound calls are CAMPAIGN.
  • Product ID: The unique identifier of the product queue or campaign.
  • Product Name: Displays the name of the queue or campaign.
  • Enqueue Dts: The date/time stamp when the call was presented to the queue.
  • Dequeue Dts: The date/time stamp when the call was removed from the queue.
  • Queue Duration: Time that the call was in the queue.
  • Start Dts: The date/time stamp of the call after it is answered.
  • End Dts: The date/time stamp for the end of the call.
  • Duration: Length of the call in seconds.
  • Wrap Time: Amount of time spent pending disposition after calls.
  • Dial Dts: The date/time stamp when the call was dialed.
  • Dial Duration: The amount of time the call spent ringing before the agent answered.
  • Hold Duration: Duration the call was on hold.
  • Agent Wait Duration: Also known as ring time, this is the time in seconds the agent waits for a call to be picked up.
  • Term Party: Which side disconnected the leg of the call.
  • Term Reason: The reason the leg of the call was disconnected: End of the call (EOC), call dropped (DROP), or the caller hung up (HANGUP).
  • Agent Disposition: Disposition selected or made by the agent.
  • Segment Recording File Name: Filename of the agent recording.
  • Segment Recording URL: Link URL for the agent recording.

Inbound Call Breakdown by Agent report

The Inbound Call Breakdown by Agent report provides a breakdown of inbound calls by agent. 
  • Queue: The inbound call being reported.
  • Agent Name: The name of the agent.
  • Calls: The number of inbound calls for that agent.

IVR Detail report

The IVR Detail report provides detailed data on IVR activity. 
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • Start_time: Date/time stamp the IVR session began.
  • End_time: Date/time stamp the IVR session ended.
  • DNIS: The number of the caller to the IVR.
  • Visual_ivr_id: The unique identifier for the IVR session.
  • Visual_ivr_name: The name for the IVR session.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • Recording_url: Address to access the recording of the call.

List Overview report

The List Overview report provides details on lead lists and lead list penetration and success. 
  • ID: The identification number for the lead list.
  • List Description: The description (if any) for the lead list.
  • Upload Date: The date the lead list was uploaded.
  • Supplied: The total numbers of supplied leads.
  • Loaded: The number of leads loaded.
  • 0%-Greater than 10%: Each column will display the number of leads with this number of passes, and the percent of loaded leads this represents.
  • Leads (Max Passes): The number and percent of leads that have reached the number of max passes set on the campaign.
  • Leads (DNC Dispo): The number and percent of leads marked as DNC by agent disposition.
  • Leads (Callback): The number and percent of leads marked for callback by agent disposition.
  • Leads (Other): The number and percent of leads in a state other other than Complete, Max Passes, Callback, DNC, or Available.
  • Leads Available: The number and percent of leads ready to dial.
  • Penetration: The percent of total leads marked as success by agent disposition.
  • Success: The number of leads marked as success by agent disposition.
  • Conversion: The percent of leads marked as complete that were also marked as success by agent disposition.
  • Leads Used Conversion: The percent of leads no longer eligible to be dialed that were marked as success by agent disposition.

Outbound Agent Segment Metadata Report

The Outbound Agent Segment Metadata Report provides data on your outbound agent recordings — specifically those whose trigger is assigned to campaigns — including links to access your audio recording. 
  • Account ID: ID number for the sub-account the agent is connected to.
  • UII: The unique identifier for the call.
  • Session ID: ID number for the session. Every leg of the call has a session ID.
  • ANI: The number of the caller.
  • DNIS: The number the caller dialed to reach the queue. This field is empty for outbound calls.
  • Call Type: Inbound or outbound, depending on the source of the call.
  • Agent ID: Unique number of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Login ID: The unique agent ID in the system for the agent.
  • Agent First Name: First name of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Last Name: Last name of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Username: Username of the agent on the call.
  • Product Type: Displays products by type. Inbound calls are QUEUE while outbound calls are CAMPAIGN.
  • Product ID: The unique identifier of the product queue or campaign.
  • Product Name: Displays the name of the queue or campaign.
  • Enqueue Dts: The date/time stamp when the call was presented to the queue.
  • Dequeue Dts: The date/time stamp when the call was removed from the queue.
  • Queue Duration: Time that the call was in the queue.
  • Start Dts: The date/time stamp of the call after it is answered.
  • End Dts: The date/time stamp for the end of the call.
  • Duration: Length of the call in seconds.
  • Wrap Time: Amount of time spent pending disposition after calls.
  • Dial Dts: The date/time stamp when the call was dialed.
  • Dial Duration: The amount of time the call spent ringing before the agent answered.
  • Hold Duration: Duration the call was on hold.
  • Agent Wait Duration: Also known as ring time, this is the time in seconds the agent waits for a call to be picked up.
  • Term Party: Which side disconnected the leg of the call.
  • Term Reason: The reason the leg of the call was disconnected: End of the call (EOC), call dropped (DROP), or the caller hung up (HANGUP).
  • Agent Disposition: Disposition selected or made by the agent.
  • Segment Recording File Name: Filename of the agent recording.
  • Segment Recording URL: Link URL for the agent recording.

Realtime Agent Session Report

The Realtime Agent Session Report provides real-time data on agent sessions including time and utilization.
  • Agent Login ID: The unique ID in the system for the agent.
  • Phone: The phone number that the agent used for the particular session they were logged in to.
  • Login DTS: Date/time stamp when the agent logged in to this particular session.
  • Logout DTS: Date/time stamp when the agent logged out of this particular session.
  • Dial Group: The dial group that the agent first logged in to for the session. If the agent updates the dial group within a session or if they are moved during a login session, this will only reflect the first dial group they logged into.
  • Presented: The number of calls equal to the sum of the inbound calls sent to the agent, answered preview-dial calls, and manual outbound calls.
  • Accepted: The number of presented calls that were answered by the agent.
  • RNA: The number of calls that were ring no-answer calls.
  • Manual Outbound: The number of manual outbound dialed calls.
  • Manual No Connect: The number of manual outbound dialed calls that did not connect.
  • Preview Dial: The number of calls made using the preview dial window.
  • Disp Xfer: “Disposition Transfers” — How many times the agent transferred a call using a disposition for the session.
  • %Calls Xfered: “Percentage Calls Transferred” — A calculation of the percentage of calls accepted that the agent transferred using a disposition for the session (Disp Xfers/Accepted * 100).
  • Talk Time: The total time spent engaged on active calls.
  • Avg Talk Time: The average time spent engaged on a call.
  • Login Time: This is a calculation from the time the agent logged in to when they logged out of the session. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Login Utilization: The percentage of time during the agent’s login spent on the phone talking. For example, if an agent has been logged in for one hour (60 minutes) and spends 25 minutes talking, then the login utilization would be 42% (25/60 * 100 = 42%).
  • Off Hook Time: The total time the agent spent on an offhook session ready to receive calls. Offhook time doesn’t calculate until the active session is logged out. If you run this report while an agent is still logged in, the offhook time will be zero (0) until the agent logs out. This is calculated to the second. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Rounded OH Time: “Rounded Off Hook Time” — The total time the agent spent on an offhook session ready to receive calls. It is rounded to match billing. It doesn’t calculate until the active session is logged out. If you run this report while an agent is still logged in, the offhook time will be zero (0) until the agent logs out. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Off Hook Utilization: Calculates the percentage of offhook time the agent spent on active calls (Talk Time/Off Hook Time * 100).
  • Off Hook to Login %: Calculates the percentage of login time the agent spent offhook (Off Hook Time/Login Time * 100).
  • Work Time: Calculated based on the total time the agent was logged in to the session, minus any break time, away time, lunch time, and training. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Break Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “On-Break” User State during the session. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Away Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Away” User State during the session. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Lunch Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Lunch” User State during the session. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Training Time: Calculated by summing up the total time the agent spent in the “Training” User State during the session. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Ring Time: How long the call rings before being connected. It is displayed HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Engaged Time: How long the agent state is ENGAGED on a call and does not include ring time if the agent is working in Preview mode. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • RNA Time: "Ring No Answer Time" — How long the call(s) rang the agent but the agent did not pick up the call. The agent state would have been AVAILABLE to take call. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Pending Disp Time: “Pending Disposition Time” — How long the agent spent after calls without submitting the disposition. It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Avg Pending Time: “Average Pending Disposition Time” — The average time the agent spent in pending disposition for all calls accepted (Pending Disp Time/Accepted). It is displayed as HH:MI:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Calls Placed on Hold: The number of calls placed on hold.
  • Available Time: The total time the agent was in the AVAILABLE state within the login session, including time spent in Pending Disposition.

Real Time Outbound Overview

The Real Time Outbound Overview provides real-time data on all outbound campaigns or lists, with each campaign or list broken down into sections. This report has the same parameters as the scheduled Outbound Overview and data is updated every five minutes. You can refer to the Outbound Overview report for the parameters.

Realtime Outbound Performance Report

The Realtime Outbound Performance Report provides real-time overview of outbound performance and contains subsequent sections broken down according to the grouping selections you make. This report has the same parameters as the scheduled Outbound Performance report and the data is updated every five minutes. You can refer to the Outbound Performance report for the parameters.

Track Configuration Download Report

In Track Configuration Download Report, no options will be selectable. The report will be downloaded in Excel format and display the configuration for each track in the account. These settings can also be viewed in the Track Number Config window of the Admin UI.
  • DNIS: The phone number assigned to the track.
  • Description: Description (if any) entered for the track.
  • Start Date: Assigned start date for the track to take effect.
  • End Date: Date the track is scheduled to end. If no date is selected, the track will be active indefinitely.
  • Front-End: Any front end IVR that is configured on the track.
  • Recording: Is the track configured to record received calls?
  • Reverse Match: Is the track configured to retrieve reverse match information to provide additional data about the caller? Note: additional charges apply for using reverse match.
  • Voice Mail: Data shown when the voicemail is enabled on the track. If the voicemail is enabled on the track, the system will prompt the caller to leave a message if there is no answer at any of the configured destinations after the predetermined ring time.
  • Outbound Caller-ID: The phone number that will be displayed to the destination as the call is ringing through.This can be the inbound caller ID, the DNIS (track number the caller dialed), Originating DNIS (the original number the caller dialed before being sent to the track), or a Dynamic Unique ID (a unique number that will be assigned by the system for the call.
  • Caller Intro: The audio file(s) configured to play to the caller when reaching the track before the call is routed to the destination.
  • Whisper: The audio file(s) configured to play to the destination when the call is answered, before the parties are connected.
  • End Call: The audio file(s) configured to play to the caller if the call is terminated without reaching a destination. This message will play either before recording a voicemail (if enabled) or prior to terminating the call.
  • Sun Sched-Sat Sched: Each field will display the schedule for the track on the given day as a string of numbers. Each hour will contain four digits. For example, 00002359 would be a 24 hour a day schedule, with the track opening at 0000 (midnight) and closing at 2359 (11:59pm). If the track has multiple blocks of open time, these will each be displayed as an additional 8 digits. Thus 0000130016002000 would be open at 0000 (midnight) until 1300 (1pm) then closed until 1600 (4pm) and open from then until 2000 (8pm).
The fields highlighted in orange will display the settings for each destination configured on this track:
  • Open/Closed: Will display open if the destination is configured as a During Hours Routing Rule, closed if it is an After Hours Routing Rule. The same destination could show as both Open and Closed if it is configured for both.
  • Rule Type: The type of destination, can be Standard DID (normal telephone number),  SIP or Encrypted SIP, Gate Transfer, Trac Transfer, or In Network Transfer.
  • Description: Description of the destination (if any).
  • Destination: The actual destination calls will be delivered to.
  • Ring Duration: Length of time (in seconds) the trac will attempt to ring this destination.
  • TT Accept: Does the destination require a button to be pressed on the dial pad to accept the call?

Track Reports

Call Summary Report

The Call Summary Report provides data for each track number that received calls for the time period specified. 
  • Phone Number: Provides the phone number and associated name of the track for the row.
  • Calls: Total calls to this number.
  • Conns: Number of calls to this number resulting in a successful connection.
  • After Hrs: Number of calls to this number outside of the schedule specified in the configuration.
  • No Ans: Number of calls to this number that reached the destination but were not answered.
  • Abandon: Number of calls to this number disconnected by the caller before reaching the destination.
  • Minutes: Total number of minutes used for all calls to this number.
  • % of Total: Percent of all calls to track numbers on the account represented by this track.

Deprecated Reports

CCI Survey Result Download

The CCI Survey Result Download report provides legacy data for surveys in the platform’s old agent interface. The report displays the call details and survey responses for every instance this survey was completed within the date range selected.
  • UII: The unique identification number for the call.
  • Call Type: Inbound or outbound, depending on the source of the call.
  • Source Type: Source of the call that triggered the survey, either a queue or outbound campaign.
  • Source ID: The unique number of the queue or campaign that triggered the survey.
  • Source Name: The name of the queue or campaign that triggered the survey.
  • ANI: Phone number of the survey respondent (caller for inbound, callee for outbound).
  • DNIS: Phone number related to the campaign or inbound queue (the number called for inbound calls, or the caller ID reported for outbound calls).
  • Call DTS: Date/time stamp for the call.
  • Duration: Total length of the call.
  • Survey Start Time: Date/time stamp the survey was started.
  • Recording: Link to the recording of the call.
  • Agent ID: Unique number of the agent on the call.
  • Agent First Name: First name of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Last Name: Last name of the agent on the call.
  • Agent Username: Username of the agent on the call.
The rest of the columns relate to specific fields on the survey, including the name of the survey element and the response for each survey completed.
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