Verwenden Sie die neueste Version von RingCentral? Aktualisieren Sie jetzt Ihre App und freuen Sie sich auf vereinfachte Bedienung, verbesserte Sicherheit und eine hervorragende Anrufqualität.
Archive your RingCentral SMS data to Smarsh via RingCentral Archiver.
Adoption and Usage analytics
Added app version information to message and video pages.
Customize notifications
Add a logo and message to user service notifications.
Admin Portal enhancements
Copy existing settings onto a new user, bulk upload phone numbers, improved table search, home page shortcuts for multisite accounts, and a consolidated phone numbers tab.
Global Number Porting
Request porting of international numbers in the Admin Portal.
We've sent you a link, please check your phone!
Please allow a full minute between phone number submissions.
There was an issue with SMS sending. Please try again. If the issue persists, please contact support.