Switching a messaging conversation to a video call

Last updated on November 10, 2022

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Switch to Video allows agents to invite customers in a messaging conversation to join a RingCentral Video call. You can access this feature while engaged with a customer by clicking on the customer’s message, then clicking Switch to Video.

You can switch from a messaging conversation to a video call in a chat view (for chat channels such as Engage Messaging, or Facebook Messenger) or in a block view (for non-chat channels such as email or Twitter). You must have the Use Switch to Video permission.

Escalating to video in the Inbox or Routing mode

  1.  In the left navigation bar, go to the Inbox or to Routing mode.
  2. In a block (non-chat) view:
    1. Hover over the message you want to switch to video.
    2. Click on the More icon that appears. Click Switch to Video.
  3. In a chat view: 
    1. Open the message or interaction that you want to switch to video. 
    2. In the message editor, click the Switch to Video camera icon.
  4. In the Switch to Video window, click Send invitation.
View of the Escalate to Video window
  1. Select Open RingCentral or Join using your browser.
  2. Make sure that the customer joins by clicking the invitation link in the channel.
  3. If requested by the customer, you can click Record to create a recording of the video meeting.
  4. When you complete your video call, click Leave to end the call.
For more information on hosting video calls see the RingCentral Video documentation.
Once the call ends, you can return to Engage Digital to complete processing the message.

Accessing a recording of a RingCentral Video meeting

Recordings of RingCentral Video meetings are available one hour after the meeting ends. You can find the recording in the message thread’s audit log or in the Engage Digital audit log. The recording is available only to the agent who hosted the meeting.
  1.  To access the recording from the message thread, select View audit log from the message action items.
  2. To access the recording from the Engage Digital audit log:
    1. In the main menu, click Admin
    2. Go to Settings > Audit log in the left navigation bar.
  3. Locate an audit log entry similar to The recording on the thread [title] is received.
  4. Expand the log entry for the recording.
  5. Click on the recording URL to open the recording.
View of Audit log
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