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Upgrading your RingCentral experience

Upgrading to RingCentral Video? Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure your transition goes smoothly.

Top 5 things to do for a successful upgrade

1. Uninstall the RingCentral Meetings app.

The RingCentral app replaces the standalone RingCentral Meetings desktop and mobile apps. You’ll need to uninstall the RingCentral Meetings app to complete your upgrade.

Note: If you've already completed this step, proceed to the next one.

2. Install the RingCentral app for desktop and mobile.

The RingCentral app is available for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. If you’re an IT admin for your company, you can install the RingCentral app across all company computers at once by downloading the MSI file. (Windows only)

3. Download your recordings.

To make sure you save any recorded meetings you’d like to keep, sign in to the Admin Portal and download the desired recordings.

4. Change your default video service to RingCentral Video.

You’ll need to switch your video service from RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Video in the RingCentral app.

Note: If you don’t have the option to switch to RingCentral Video, reach out to an admin to make sure you’re using the correct video service.

If you’re an admin, you can easily assign RingCentral Video as your users’ video service in the Admin Portal.

5. Uninstall the RingCentral Meetings Outlook plug-in and install the RingCentral Scheduler add-in.

RingCentral Scheduler is an Outlook add-in that lets you schedule RingCentral Video meetings within Outlook. See RingCentral Scheduler system requirements for supported versions of Outlook.

If you're using Google Calendar, you can install the Google Workspace Add-on to easily add RingCentral video meetings and audio conferences.

Feature-based upgrades

For enterprise admins

This guide will help your company prepare for this critical transition and provide Enterprise admins with the necessary steps for upgrading quickly and successfully.

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